Chapter 13 

Hunting Legally 

The Escape 13

“Shen Shuiyan!”

Seeing this, Xin Lan rushed to pull the female ghost lying on top of Shen Shuiyan.

Shen Shuiyan was struck by a pain in the back, her head was knocked somewhat dizzy, what was more unpleasant was the female ghost on top of her body, the ghastly face and the sharp teeth, the nauseating smell of blood came to her nose.

She put her hands against it, her palms sweaty.

Xin Lan yanked the female ghost’s clothes and pulled her off Shen Shuiyan’s body hard.

Shen Shuiyan’s clothes were tugged and the pressure on her body disappeared, she let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly sat up.

Xin Lan slammed the female ghost against the wall, her movements were a little fierce, her eyes were cold and harsh.

The ghost let out a sharp wail and her head twisted into a contorted arc, but Xin Lan was not deterred and continued to slam her head into the wall.

The dark blood stained the grey wall and Xin Lan let go.

The instant she let go, Zhou Li Min pushed closer again with a somewhat dented head.

Xin Lan was getting a little impatient.

Since she had died once, she didn’t mind letting her die again.

She grabbed the female ghost by the hair with one hand and threw her out again, the air resounding with the teeth-chattering sound of bones cracking.

The female ghost’s head hung limply, but her arms and legs were still struggling.

“What do we do now? Go in or?” Shen Shuiyan frowned, now they couldn’t find where the stairs were, other than going in they would have to freeze here.

“Go in, I’d like to see what she keeps forcing us to go in for.” Xin Lan sneered and stepped into the light encapsulation.

Shen Shuiyan followed behind her and surveyed the environment inside.

The toilets in here were one booth, ten in total, and the doors were all closed.

The ghosts outside had disappeared at some point and the air was dead silent.

Xin Lan tied up her hair, which had just been messed up, and looked at Shen Shuiyan, who was still looking around.

“Why did you just push me out of the way?”

“Just …… the subconscious ah.” Shen Shuiyan froze at her question and replied with some puzzlement.

“You knew that if I couldn’t pull her in time, you would die you know?”

“But you did pull in ah.” Shen Shuiyan blinked her eyes and curved out a crescent moon shape.

“I can manage, I don’t have to do that next time.” Xin Lan finished feeling that her words were not very good, but after opening her mouth, she still didn’t add anything.

She clearly wanted to express that she was physically better than Shen Shuiyan, and even if the ghost pounced down she could immediately fight back and kill it, while Shen Shuiyan could only wait to die, but saying it like that made people feel too cold and hard, as if she was being ungrateful.

“What if you can’t handle it? I think what I did was fine, and if there’s a next time, I’ll do it again.” Shen Shuiyan didn’t understand why Xin Lan said that, it made her a little angry that that kind of good intention had resulted in such a result.

“Xin Lan, are you omnipotent?”

Looking into Shen Shuiyan’s serious eyes, Xin Lan frowned.

Obviously, she was not.

“Then are you incapable of dying?”

Xin Lan continued to be silent.

“People can get hurt and get sick and die, look, you’re not made of steel either, don’t be so brave.”

“I’m not trying to be brave.” Xin Lan shot back, but saw Shen Shuiyan’s smiling face.

She just smiled like that and looked at her quietly, Xin Lan tilted her head, but the corner of her mouth rose gently.

Xin Lan was previously omnipotent and then waited to be defeated, being the villain of a harmonious society? It was destined to meet a tragic end.

Sometimes Xin Lan gives up on herself, can’t she choose how she dies if she has to watch herself die?

Xin Lan had tried many ways to die, and although those memories had faded, she had done so many missions that she had become indifferent to the idea of death.

It was true that she was not omnipotent, but some days she thought she was.

The moment Shen Shuiyan told her not to be brave, she suddenly thought of the past.

In her original world, as a good ALPHA, she was expected to do her best in everything, but her mother would always look at her worriedly when she came out of the repair bay, telling her not to be too brave about it.

–Don’t worry, Mum, the wounds will be gone when you are in the repair bay.

–But you were in pain.

Xin Lan hid the look in her eyes and pretended to observe elsewhere.

Zero Nine was silent, it was a tasty sisterly affair.

“Want to push open these cubicles and take a look? There doesn’t seem to be anything there.” Shen Shuiyan pointed to the red door, she always thought the red on the toilet door looked weird.

“Let’s open it and see, anyway the exit is definitely not in this place.”

It would be unspeakable to say that the exit was really in the toilet.

Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan pulled the toilet cubicles apart one by one, and it was good to see that there were no stomach-churning images inside.

The lack of anomalies was in fact the biggest anomaly. The female ghost had to force them to come in here, and it couldn’t be for no reason.

The sound of flushing suddenly sounded in the toilet and Xin Lan saw the scarlet water tumbling inside, like the colour of blood.

The red on the door panel also seemed to be dripping downwards, like flowing blood.

Shen Shuiyan felt some discomfort in her stomach and the smell of blood seemed to be strong at the end of her nostrils.

Suddenly, all the doors were slammed shut with a ‘bang’ sound.

From under the door came a large mass of hair-like material that grew and converged rapidly on the floor.

The white floor, which had been slightly dirty, was suddenly taken over by the writhing black hair.

Xin Lan immediately pulled Shen Shuiyan’s hand and ran outside. The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, the female ghost with her head hanging down appeared on the periphery of the wall again.

Shen Shuiyan looked inwards and inside were writhing strands of black hair all over the place.

Xin Lan knew the reason why the ghost had to let them in, it was to put them in a dilemma.

Compared to the pile of hair inside the toilet with no idea of the danger, Xin Lan was inclined to stand outside and deal with this female ghost.

“What’s the point of this game anyway, isn’t it for us to find the exit, but now it’s forcing us towards death.” With this situation, even Shen Shuiyan couldn’t help but want to curse.

If the ones who came in were just ordinary students, then they would have been bitten to death by the female ghosts long ago, or else they would have been killed by the things inside.

Xin Lan remembered what Teng Lin, who had gone somewhere, had said.

–This was a punishment, it would be nice to survive.

Xin Lan cursed in her heart, if she could get out of here, she would definitely go and beat Zou Yun Fei up again.

It was clearly Zou Yun Fei who had hit her with the chair first, it was really a day.

Zero Nine could only do nothing in the system space, this kind of psychic-oriented stuff was something they didn’t know how to provide help with, inside her structure analysis diagram, this space dimension was clear at a glance, it didn’t show where the stairs were at all.

“You should stand back a bit.” Xin Lan inclined her head and whispered, and Shen Shuiyan nodded, her back pressed against the wall.

Xin Lan moved her arm and tangled with the female ghost.

Her head hung helplessly in a twisted arc around her neck, her mouth still moving, and because her vision was restricted, the left side became her blind spot, and Xin Lan went straight for it.

“Tell me where the exit is from here.”

The female ghost mumbled something out of her mouth, not knowing if she understood it or not.

Xin Lan stomped the female ghost to the ground, grabbing her hair in her hand.

Half of the female ghost’s face had been smashed flat during the struggle, and the blood and the cratered face, the dented head that hung helplessly, made her look distinctly miserable.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll just rip your head off and break your limbs a little bit, so you’ll be a ghost that can only crawl on the ground forever!” Xin Lan’s patience had reached its limit.

Shen Shuiyan swallowed silently at her words and quietly looked at the figure of a person and a ghost not far away.

She was now very convinced that Xin Lan had cleaned up Zou Yun Fei’s mess.

The female ghost’s body stiffened for a moment and let out a looming sound.

“Looks like you understand, nod your head if you do, if you don’t ……… what will that pile of hair do to you if I throw you inside the toilet?” Xin Lan’s eyes saw a black mass at the end of her eyes and narrowed her eyes inquiringly.

The female ghost nodded her crooked head quickly.

Xin Lan sneered and released her grip, and the female ghost immediately disappeared in front of Xin Lan. At the same time, the lights in the corridor began to flicker on and off, illuminating the staircase.

The ghost was lying on the ceiling, pointing Xin Lan in the right direction.

As mentioned earlier, this was the 2nd floor, so since there were stairs going up as well as down.

“Let’s go down first and see if there is an exit, maybe the exit will be the front door too?” Xin Lan made a conventional speculation, although in this strange place, the most usual could be the least likely, but it was always a good idea to try.

“Good.” Shen Shuiyan nodded her head, she had no opinion.

Xin Lan once again held Shen Shuiyan’s hand tightly.

“I will take you out.”

If it wasn’t very much a matter of opinion before, Xin Lan was now just determined in her thoughts.

She would take Shen Shuiyan out, whether it was this strange game of punishment or that game of clues outside.

“I trust you, to avoid the situation before, you hold it like this.” Shen Shuiyan stretched the long-sleeved jumper inside her dress, allowing Xin Lan to pull her hand through the layer of jumper.

There was no guarantee that the same trick wouldn’t happen twice in this game either.

If she had been the one replaced, Xin Lan could have quickly sensed that the touch in her hand was wrong.

“And what if it’s me who’s been replaced?” Xin Lan gripped it and pulled Shen Shuiyan downwards.

“I remember the temperature of your palm.”

A living person’s hand was different from a dead person’s hand, and Shen Shuiyan thought it might be because Xin Lan was in very good health, her palm was always warm when she took her hand all the time, making one feel very at ease.

When the two of them reached the ground floor, Xin Lan saw the door, she did not rush forward, but stared not far away.

Shen Shuiyan followed her gaze and stared over, her eyes also widened.

The teenager with a broken skull and twisted body was dripping his brains and grinned at them.

What the author has to say.

Schoolboy: You think you can do anything! Can you give yourself a mouth!

Xin Lan: ????

Zero Nine: It’s a tough guy!

↑ The above is either (or not) a real school bully

This world is just mixed with some spiritual elements, not every replica, each replica will be labeled in time, after that may also open spiritual / suspense / escape / survival / secret room plots.

The timid don’t be afraid not to go (hold your legs not to go), you guys look during the day, the virility is sufficient, and the next few copies are not scary, I will not write intensively, don’t abandon me!

The next few pieces are not scary.