Chapter 3: First Daily Mission Completed, Level Up

Chapter 3: First Daily Mission Completed, Level Up

After eating dinner, Silas went back to his room to change into his workout clothes. He wore his sneakers and joggers before leaving the house to complete his daily mission.

Not he really had one specifically designated for workout. He just made do with any of his clothes he felt was the closet to a workout clothes.

As he walked out of the house, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before looking at the quiet street and taking in its beautiful view.

As a street that is occupied by below average, low income earners and retirees, it's always clean and very quiet, even more at night.

Silas smiled sheepishly for no reason and started jogging. Doing an exercise or any taxing activity after eating is not ideal. But he has to as mission's time was almost up.

So he decides to take it slowly by starting with a light and slow jog, and gradually picking up his pace.

As he picked up his pace and broke into a run, he felt as free as the wind. He felt the cool night breeze blowing against his face and his body, bringing with it a cool and refreshing feeling.

He felt the stress and pressure that has been accumulating on him for the past few years disappear as he ran, going with the wind.

He felt so light that it felt like a dream. It took all the willpower he had not to scream in excitement.

For the past seven years, he has been broken and broken over and over again, but he held on for his little brother, he held on for the future he knew nothing about, but now everything will change.

At that moment, he made up his mind to rise and stand against all odds. He has been holding on to a bleak future, but there's no need for that now. ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

He will use the system to propel himself to success, to achieve the dreams and ambitions he has given up on. He doesn't know what the system, the world and the future has in store for him but he's determined to face it head-on.

As he ran, he continued to let out all the bitter and pent up feelings he had bottled up.

'This feeling, I hope I get to feel it more. I don't want it to be an illusion.'

Thirty minutes later, an out-of-breath Silas dragged his tired body home.

Opening the door, he saw that man, his father slouched on a sofa in the living room, with more than a dozen empty and filled bottles of beer on the table, and a burning cigarette stick between his fingers.

Silas' expression changed when he saw this, he decided not to get entangled with him as he quietly made his way upstairs.

Unfortunately for him, his father had already noticed his presence when he opened the door.

"Hey b*stard. You go out and come back whenever you want now, huh? It seems like you have started making too much money." The man said as he pointed at Silas, before standing up in a stagger.

He was about to walk towards Silas when he fell back on the sofa, and let out a deep belch.

Silas saw this and smiled wryly, as he shook his head. His father never ceases to keep surprising him, and there seems to be no chance for the change to happen.

His father pushed himself up from the sofa and walked towards him, with a stagger. When he got to where he stood, Silas could smell the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes wafting from his breath and body.

"Tell me, b*stard, where did you go? You went to make money, huh? Give your father here some money. Don't be stingy and ungrateful. I raised you for so long, you should start repaying your debts." His father said and held his collar, and more of the pungent smell wafted out of his mouth as he spoke.

Silas turned his face away from his father's face, as the smell coming from him was making it hard for him to breathe. These and the fact that his father was holding him by the collar, made him feel like he was being choked.

He decided to answer his father's questions, so that he can quickly get away from his father's presence and go to his room.

"I just went out for night exercise and I have no money to give right now." Silas said as he stressed the words 'night exercise', and ' no money' so that his father could leave him alone.

"Come on.. I don't want much. Just give me $500", His father said, not wanting to give up until he gets something out of him.


[Skill(s): None]



Daily Mission(s): Improving And Perfecting Body Condition.

Press-up, 100 times: Completed (100/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: Completed (100/100)

Squat, 100 times: Completed (100/100)

Running, 10 km: Completed (10/10)]

[Mission(s) Reward: $40]

Silas saw the screen floating in front of him and a smile crept up to his face. Just immediately after the screen appeared, a notification sound came from his phone.


Anxiously and excitedly, he picked up his phone. When he pressed the power button, the phone's screen lit up and he saw a message from his bank on the phone's notification's board.

[Notice from Merchant Bank: $40 was deposited into your account at 11:58 P.M]

Silas saw this and immediately checked his bank balance.


From the initial $235 he had, now it has gone up to $275.

Silas smiled from ear to ear when he saw this. He looked at the time, it's almost 12 midnight and from what the system said, he will be rewarded a certain amount of money everyday.

He also noticed that his attributes points increased but he did not feel any different from before. He decided not to think too much about it, he knew that with time he would get the answer to all his questions.

"Time to sleep," Silas said as he covered himself with his blanket. Unfortunately for him, the sleep was not forthcoming.

So many thoughts flooded his head making him unable to sleep. Even though he has seen the system screen twice and also received a reward from it, he still felt like everything's a dream.

While he was still in thought, a notification sound came from his phone and Silas immediately picked it up to check.

[Notice from Merchant Bank: $10 was deposited into your account at 12:00 A.M]

'Nice. Now my account balance is going up. Just today, $50 without doing anything. Maybe because I'm at level 0, but $10? I guess it will increase as I level up.'


[Congratulations to the host for meeting the System's level up requirement.]

[Level Up .]