Chapter 4: New System Missions

Chapter 4: New System Missions


[Congratulations to the host for meeting the level up requirement.]

[System has level up to level 1.]

[Note: Host can increase physical attributes, i.e Strength, Agility, Stamina by improving your body condition, pushing it to its current limits and creating new limits for it.

Host can increase Intelligence by learning new things, i.e skill, new knowledge.

Host can increase Charisma by improving body condition, improving personal image...]

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[System Level: 1]

[Level Daily Reward And Perk: Daily reward of amount between $10 to $100. 10x rebate on all expenses made by host. $10 to $100 reward for every mission completed when the host is at said level.]

[Level Up Requirement(s): $100,000 bank account balance.]


[Strength: 4.0]

[Agility: 2.5] Findd new stories at novelhall.comina: 3]

[Intelligence: 3]

[Charisma: 1]


[Skill(s): None]



Daily Mission(s): Improving And Perfecting Body Condition.

Press-up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Squat, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Running, 10 km: Incomplete (0/10)]

[Mission(s) Reward: $40]

Silas was silent for a moment after reading the message that popped up, taking his time to digest what he read.

Few seconds later, a smile appeared on his face as he closed the system screen. He was happy that he met the level up requirement and leveled up, even though he did not know what it actually was.

He noticed some differences between his previous status information and the new one.

Apart from his increased attributes, he saw that the range of amount that he can receive as reward has been increased to $100. Which to him is a very good thing.

Silas actually does not feel much about the mission rewards, what he actually cares about is the 10x rebate.

Running, 10 km: Incomplete (0/10)]

[Mission(s) Reward: $40]


"Hahaha... It's real," Silas said as he pumped his fist up in happiness.

"Fuu... I really don't know how I would have reacted if it was all just a dream," Silas said to himself after calming down, "Time to complete today's daily mission," He added as he stood up from the bed.

"Before that, I should call that man and tell him that I'm quitting," Silas said and picked up his phone to call his boss.

He dialed the number and the call went through, and it was picked after the third ring.

"Silas, what is it boy? Be fast with whatever it is because I'm quite busy at the moment," His boss's thick and gruff voice came from the other end of the phone.

Silas heard this and understood that his boss was already angry at him for calling him so early in the morning, but at the moment, he couldn't help but care less about how his boss feels. Maybe he would have before, but times changed.

"I'm calling to tell you that I quit," Silas said, immediately stating his reason for calling.

"You want to quit? Fine by me then, you're fired!," His boss said and hung up immediately.

Silas saw this and smiled. He knew that his boss was very pissed at the moment. One of the reasons is because Silas called him when he was having his 'sweet escape' with his wife, and the second was because he lost one of his sources of cheap labor.

Yes, his boss was going at it with his wife. How did Silas know? Because he could hear the moaning in the background, when they were talking. Maybe it's not his wife, but that was never any of Silas' problems.

For the cheap labor as Silas likes to call it, the reason is because the pay he gets was never enough to compensate for the amount of work he puts in.

Silas did not pay much attention to the small interlude that happened between him and his boss, as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth, before coming out to put on clothes for working out.

After he was done with that, he picked up his phone and his earphones before leaving his room, and made his way downstairs.

When he got downstairs to the living room, he saw it empty except for his father who was sprawled on the sofa, with alcohol bottles scattered around him and some burnt cigarettes.

Silas saw this and shook his head. His disappointment level can't help but level up every time he sees his father's current lifestyle.

'Like, what is wrong with this man?," Silas asked himself as he walked towards the entrance door. He was about to open the door but changed his mind and walked towards the kitchen, to get cleaning materials.

Silas decided to clean up after his dad because he does not want Alex to come downstairs and see the things on the floor. After he was cleaning and taking out the empty alcohol bottles, he went upstairs to take a blanket to cover his dad.

After he was done, he left the house. When he got outside, he plugged in his earphones and pressed on his playlist, before he started his morning exercise.

An hour later, Silas was back from completing his daily mission. Unlike yesterday, Silas noticed that he did not get tired easily as he did yesterday.

He felt that it was somewhat related to his increased attributes but he was not certain, but he expects that he would get answers to his questions later in the future.


In his room, Silas was about to take his bath when he heard his phone's notification sound but he decided to ignore it as he could already guess the reason for the notification.

After taking his bath, Silas went to his closet to choose the clothes he would wear for his shopping, but he was unable to find anything good as all of his clothes were faded, or had more than a hole or two poking through them.

"My situation was very bad, it seems... I can't even find anything to wear," Silas said to himself, as he went through his closet.

After a few minutes of searching and finding nothing, he decided to make do with one of the faded clothes. He immediately puts it on and was about to leave when he heard the system notification in his head, and a screen appeared in his retina.


[New Mission Is Available!]

[Mission: Learn three new skills]

[Reward: $100]