Chapter 5: Spending To Receive Rebate

Chapter 5: Spending To Receive Rebate


[New Mission Is Available!]

[Mission: Learn three new skills]

[Reward: $100]

"Nice! New mission and its reward is $100!," Silas said after reading the notification.

"The thing is how to complete it.. Learning three new skills... I wonder if it's normal skills or something else?," He said as he thought of the new mission he got from the system.

Silas decided to put the new mission on hold for the moment, and focus on his plan for the day. He did not feel any rush to complete it as there was no time limit on it.

"Time to go shopping," Silas said and walked out of his room. Before leaving, he decided to check on his brother, Alex.

When he got to Alex's room, he saw that he was still sleeping. Silas saw this and smiled, and decided not to wake him up since it was the weekend.

"Sleep tight champ," Silas said and closed the door.


Before going shopping for clothes, Silas decided to get himself something to eat, as he had no idea if he would have time to eat with how he planned the day for himself.

He found a random restaurant and ordered a simple breakfast. After making his order, Silas selected a table and took his seat, as he waited for his order to arrive.

Twenty minutes later, the waitress brought his order and placed it on his table. Silas saw and thanked her and turned to look at the plate in front of him.

After eating his breakfast of egg, bacon and cheese, Silas walked towards the counter to pay his bills.

"How much is my bill?," He asked the waitress at the counter.

"$13 sir," she replied.

"Ok, add $20 to it. That's your tip," Silas said as he gave her his bank card.

The waitress was very happy when she heard this. Though $20 might sound small, but considering that the standard guideline is to donate between 15-20% of the total bill, then you will know that Silas is actually being overly generous.

She actually would have never believed that someone as shabbily dressed as Silas would be so generous. It's true when they say that one shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Happily, the waitress made the transaction and gave him back his bank card

"Thank you, please come again," She said as Silas walked out of the restaurant.

Silas heard this and smiled happily as he waved his hand at her in acknowledgement. Normally, he would have never thought of eating out because of how broke he was, but now, he's not only eating out but also giving out tips.

The reason why Silas is actually smiling isn't because of what the waitress said, but because of this:



[You spent $500. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $5000. The money has been sent to your bank account]

Silas nodded in satisfaction when he saw this.

"Do you do home delivery?," he asked the female salesperson.

"Yes, but that will cost you more," She replied.

"That's fine. I want to buy more clothes for myself and a ten year old boy. Do you have kids' clothes," He asked.

"Yes, we do."

"Okay, let me see what you have."

The female salesperson nodded and immediately went to bring out the kids' clothes available, and more of the clothes that she felt Silas would like.


Few minutes later, Silas walked out of the store after paying for the clothes and dropping his address for the home delivery.

The second set of clothes he bought cost him $3000, and this was including the cost of home delivery and the tip for the female salesperson.

Walking out of the store, Silas made his way to his next destination, the office of a real estate company.

On the way, Silas saw an Apple store and walked in. Though as a person, he's not a fan of Apple and their shenanigans but who says he can't buy their product.

Also, he needs to spend to receive rebates, which means the more expensive things are, the better the rebate he receives.

Silas walked into the store and went to a stand that has an iPhone 15 pro on it. He picked up the phone and gave the lady standing behind the stand his bank card, indicating that he wants to pay for it.

Silas also decided to buy a MacBook Pro 14. After Silas was done picking what he wanted, the lady swiped the card and gave it back to him, before she started packaging the items for him.

While the lady was busy with what she was doing, Silas was smiling from ear to ear. The reason?



[You spent $1199. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $11,990. The money has been sent to your bank account]

[You spent $3499. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $34,990. The money has been sent to your bank account]

Who said that money doesn't give happiness? Silas would love to see that person right now and give him/her a very good beating.

"Here you go, sir," The lady said after she was done with the packaging.

"Thank you," Silas said as he collected it and left the store.

Silas' plan was to go to the real estate company and buy an apartment or a house, but he decided to put it on hold, as he decided to go to a car dealership shop and get himself a car as a means of transportation, since the office of the real estate company is still a very long distance.