Chapter 6: Buying A Car

Chapter 6: Buying A Car

Inside a car dealership shop, Silas was being taken around by the female salesperson, as she introduced the cars in the shop to him.

"This is the latest product we just got yesterday. The 2024 Chevrolet Camaro, a rear-wheel drive, offered with two body styles: coupe and softtop convertible. Powertrains include a 335-hp V-6, and a heart-pounding 455-hp V-8.

The high-performance 650-hp Camaro ZL1 is a blend of speed and luxury, ensuring you get your money's worth. It is priced at $42,495," The female salesperson said as she pointed to black car.

One could see how experienced and knowledgeable she is with how she introduced the car and its specs.

After she was introducing the Camaro, she moved on and walked towards another car, and started introducing it.

The next few minutes followed with them walking around the shop and the lady introducing each car in the shop, and explaining their specifications to Silas.

While she was still at it, Silas decided to check his account balance. He immediately brought out his phone from his pocket and opened his bank app.


Seeing his account balance, Silas felt it so surreal as he could not believe that such an amount of money would ever belong to him, and also considering that he didn't work for it. After he bought the iPhone and MacBook, he also bought the necessary accessories which made his account balance to skyrocket to its current amount.

'$74k in my account?! All I had yesterday was $235 and now, it's $70k. Is this a dream?'

If he was to be told by someone that such an amount of money would be his, he would scoff at the person, because he knew how bad his previous financial situation was. However, everything has changed in less than twenty-four hours.

While Silas was still in his own world, the lady was already done with her explanation and was now looking at him.

Silas was finally brought out of his reverie when he heard her calling him.

"Sir?," She called as she looked at Silas who had a lost expression on his face. She did not know what he was thinking about, but she knew that it was definitely something good due to the smile on his face.

Coming out of his reverie, Silas saw the female salesperson looking at him intently, and he smiled to cover his embarrassment before taking a quick glance at the cars around.

"Sir, which one is to your liking?," The female salesperson asked Silas when she saw Silas looking at the cars.

The truth is that Silas didn't even pay attention to the lady when she was doing the introduction and explanation, as he was occupied with the joy of seeing his account balance so inflated.

Actually, Silas doesn't care about the cars and their specifications. All he wants at the moment is a means of transportation, not something to show off.

After taking a quick glance at the cars around, he made his choice as he pointed to a black car.

"There. Give me that one," He said to the lady.

The lady saw the car he pointed to and nodded, "Excellent choice sir. This is the 2024 Corvette, a car priced at $69,995," She said.

Silas only nodded and gave her his bank card.

After she was given the bank card, the lady started walking to the counter to swipe it.

"Please help me get the legal documents, and all necessary things done. You can add the expenses to the money," Silas said.

Though Silas has this thought, he couldn't help but worry about his little brother, Alex. He doesn't know if he can trust his well-being to Kim after moving out.

Alex has always been a very quiet boy, never interacting and only staying in his room watching cartoons, or reading comic books. The only time Silas knows that Alex comes out of his room is when someone calls him out, or it's time to eat.

"I just have to take things slowly," Silas said and stepped on the gas.


An hour later, Silas stopped and parked in front of a building, before coming down from the car and walked into the building.

The building is an office building used by different businesses organizations, and as such, an elevator is needed.

Walking into the building's lobby, Silas walked towards the lady who sat at the reception desk, to ask for directions.

"Hello. Please, which floor is LightHome Properties on?," Silas asked her.

"Tenth floor."

"Okay, thank you," Silas said and made his way to the elevator.

As Silas walked toward the elevator, the lady lowered her head as she bit her lips.

'Fuck.. I have been getting turned on so much today just by hearing men's voices. This is all Dave's fault, he doesn't care for me like before' She thought to herself as her hand slowly found it way to the hem of her skirt.

'Should I go and relief myself in the toilet?.. No, I-I can't do that at work...' She thought and shook her head internally, as she squeezed the hem of her skirt tightly. 'And besides, doing it myself doesn't work anymore. Ahh.. I need someone to satisfy me!'

Who would have thought that the receptionist who was always calm and quiet will have such obscene thoughts running through her head? The quiet ones are really the craziest.


The elevator stopped on the tenth floor and Silas walked out of it, and made his way to an office that had a sign saying 'LightHome Properties' at the top of its door.

Inside the office, Silas was greeted by a middle-aged man.

"Welcome. Please do have your seat. What can I help you with, sir?," The man asked as he shook Silas' hand.

"Thank you," Silas said as he took his seat, "I'm looking to buy a house," He said stating his reason for coming.

"Buying a house.... Can I have your specifications, preference and budget? I will check if we have anything available," The man said.

"A good house with at least three rooms, two bathrooms and a budget of $700,000. It should also be in Oakland and it will be better if it's close to Stanford University," Silas said.

The man was taken aback when he heard what Silas said. He could already guess that Silas was naive and inexperienced when he walked in, but hearing this confirmed it.

'A house with at least three bedrooms and two bathrooms for $700,000?! And it should be close to Stanford University?! Where in the world would you see such a thing?'

Not to mention a house close to Stanford University, even small apartments in and around school areas, and Central Business Districts are very expensive, with the majority of them surpassing the cost of houses in other areas.

Even though the man had these thoughts, he didn't voice them out. Instead, he smiled and tried to explain to his potential customer that such a thing he's asking for is impossible.