Chapter 34: Progress

Chapter 34: Progress


A short gust of wind blew in the bathroom and Silas glanced at his outstretched hand in surprise.

"Wow... Did I just do that?!," He asked himself in surprise, "I improved so much with just my superpower breaking through to rank F..."

"This is amazing... Now, I want to know how strong other people with superpowers are."

"But even though I don't know how strong others are, I'm confident that I will be able to protect myself and others around me."

"Also, according to what the system said, one can only increase the rank of their superpower by absorbing dark energy, but it's impossible to do so without going through the gene enhancement."

"So, if my guess is correct, judging from humanity's current progress in both medicine, technology and space exploration, it's possible that I'm the only one who can increase my superpower rank through dark energy absorption"

"While this might be true, I still have to be cautious. Just as the world government has kept the existence of people like me away from the public, they might as well have other things that they are hiding."

"Sigh... Thinking and speculating won't solve anything. It's better to get the correct information and also start increasing my strength as fast as possible so that I can be able to protect myself and my family whenever trouble comes knocking," Silas said to himself, as he left the bathroom for his bedroom.

Silas has spent almost an hour in the bathroom checking his progress and he's very happy from what he saw.

His superpower increase in rank now allows him better control over two states of matter, being liquid and gas.

Before he could only control a tennis-size ball of water if he pushed him too hard, but now, he can control two standard size soccer balls of water with ease, and if he pushes himself, he would be able to control three.

And that's not all, he can now shape the water to almost any shape he wants. He can stretch it as long as he wants and turn it into a whip.

To him, this was simply amazing!

As for air, he can control it to create a short gust of wind. He can also control it to create a small whirlwind but he can't control it for too long before it disperses.

The situation is also the same when he's controlling water. He can't control them for too long, at most 2-5 minutes max if he's pushing it, but he can control them for 10 minutes if he's not under any pressure.

Silas asked the system the reason for it and he was told that it's because his Intelligence stat is too low.

Hearing what the system said confirmed Silas' guess. He knew that his low Intelligence stat is also the reason he's currently unable to control or manipulate matter in its solid state.

Even though he's still unable to manipulate matter in its solid state, he was happy with his current progress.


When Silas got to his room, the first thing he noticed was his ringing phone on the bed.

He immediately picked it up to the caller ID but it was an unknown number. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

"Who might be calling me? Is it Chloe's sister?," Silas asked himself, as he picked the call.

"Hello. Please who's this?"

"Hello. This is Sophia Williams, am I speaking to Mr Silas?."

Silas heard a beautiful voice from other end of the phone. Hearing the voice, Silas felt that his guess should be correct.

"How may I be of help?," He asked.

"I was told by my sister that you're looking for a lawyer. May I know what you need legal assistance with?"

"Tomorrow is fine. Please go ahead and let me know the details."

"Perfect. Please drop your email so that we can send you an email shortly with the meeting details and a brief overview of our services. If you have any additional documents related to your real estate ventures or your future business plans, please gather those as well."

"Alright, Mr. Williams. I appreciate your prompt response. I'll be on the lookout for your email."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Silas. We look forward to assisting you. Have a great day."

The call concluded, leaving Silas very happy. He didn't expect that Chloe's sister was working in one of Oakland city's biggest law firms.

Vanguard Legal Services, one of the top law firms in Oakland. They have a rating of 4.5 star review for their services, one of the reasons why he agreed to set up the meeting.

Silas also noticed something, Sophia's last name is Williams and the senior partner of the law firm is also Williams. Is it a coincidence or does the firm belong to Chloe's father?

"I currently have more than $17 million in my account, will it be enough?," Silas asked himself in preparation for his meeting with Mr Williams tomorrow.

"It's better I increase it so that I won't find myself in an awkward situation tomorrow. Now, what should I spend it on?..." Silas asked himself, as he caressed his chin.

"Why don't I pay Serah and Emma a year worth of their salary in advance? Since the rebate works on it, it's better than going out and spending money on insignificant things."

Silas made the decision and immediately went to his bank app to make the transaction.

"$5,000 a week. A year has 52 weeks and I have paid them for one week, leaving me with 51 weeks.

51 weeks multiplied by 5000 is 255,000. That's $255,000."

After he was done with his calculations, Silas transferred the money to the girls, $255,000 to each of their accounts, and he also sent them a message, telling them what the money's for.


[You spent $255,000. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $2,550,000. The money has been sent to your bank account]

[You spent $255,000. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $2,550,000. The money has been sent to your bank account]

Silas was happy when he saw this, "Now I have $22.6 million in my account.. This should be enough..."


Meanwhile downstairs in the kitchen, both girls heard a notification from their phone and they curiously brought it out to check.

"At the same time?," Emma said in surprise.

When they saw the content of the message from Silas, they looked at each other simultaneously and looked back at their phone when they heard another notification sound.

"Serah, is he trying to buy our silence?," Emma asked with suspicion written all over her face.

"Is it better if he silent you completely?," Serah asked as she went through the message on her phone.

She found it strange that Silas would send them a year worth of their salary in advance just after they witnessed what happened in the library.

She also has the same thought as Emma but she felt maybe it really has nothing to do with the library incident.

"Serah, I suddenly feel like quitting. Why don't I transfer the money back and quit?"

Serah looked at her friend like she was looking at a fool.

'I guess your brain was swapped for your beauty and body figure.'