Chapter 35: Mission Progress

Chapter 35: Mission Progress

"Why?!," Serah asked.

"Can't you see? Just after the bathroom and library incident, he sent out such an amount of money, saying it's the advance of our salary for a full year.

Like who does that? Who pays their workers a year of their salary in advance? This makes it all the more suspicious, Serah," Emma said, as she pointed to her phone.

"Emma, don't you think it's a little too late for this? Come on, look around you. If it's actually something dangerous, then we're already in too deep.

How do you suggest we leave without bringing trouble to ourselves? We can't run from him. He has the money and very possibly so, the connections," Serah replied.

She felt that Emma was being paranoid about the whole situation. Yes, the bathroom and library incidents were very bizarre, but she felt that there should be a possible explanation for it.

"What do you suggest we do then?," Emma asked.

"We have two options. We can confront him about the two incidents-"

"What do you mean by confronting him? Do you want us to die?," Emma asked in fear.

"Or we can just keep quiet and continue working like nothing happened," Serah said with a shrug.

Emma was silent for some time after hearing before letting out a sigh.

She knew that Serah was right. There's actually nothing they can do about the situation they are in now, and she felt bad because she was the one who forced them to take the job all because of her greed.

Who could blame her though? A job of $5000 a week isn't something that anyone could turn a blind eye to, especially to a young lady like her in this current time.

'I just hope my instincts are wrong.'


Meanwhile, in Silas room.

After sending the money to the girls, Silas immediately called up his status screen in excitement.

He couldn't hold himself back as he finally got some lottery tickets.

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Intelligence: 11]

[Charisma: 10]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F).] Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om


[Lottery Ticket(s): 51]

[System Point(s): 0(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 0% (Evaluation: $0)]

[Time Limit: 363 Days 6 Hour.]

"51 lottery tickets. Nice! Lottery Function, here I come."

"System, how do I activate the lottery function?"

[You can activate the lottery function by clicking on the lottery tickets or you can tell me to activate it. When activate, all you need to do is just say the amount of ticket you want to draw.]

"Ok then, System, activate the lottery function."

[Lottery function activated.]

"System, draw one lottery ticket," Silas said to the system, and rubbed his hands in anticipation.

[1 lottery ticket drawn.]

"I wonder what changes happened with the increase in charisma?," Silas asked himself and touched his face but he did not feel anything different.

"I'm getting sweaty... Need to take a shower," Silas said, as he stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking his shower, Silas walked towards the mirror to check if there's any changes to his appearance.

Looking at his appearance in the mirror, Silas saw that his face and skin has become fairer than before and he can now be called handsome.

Silas took a few minutes to admire his new appearance, before going back to his room.

"System, status."

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 10?20]

[Agility: 10?15]

[Stamina: 10?15]

[Intelligence: 11?25]

[Charisma: 10?13]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F).]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 0]

[System Point(s): 0(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 0% (Evaluation: $0)]

[Time Limit: 363 Days 5 Hour.]

"Nice. Now, my stats are way higher than that of an average human."

Silas was happy when he saw the increase in his stats. He has come a long way from someone with each of his stats below 5 points, to where he is now.

"It's quite late, time to eat dinner and sleep."

When Silas got downstairs, he saw that the girls had already clocked out.

Silas didn't know that when he was taking his bath, Serah came upstairs to call him down for dinner, but she got no response and decided to leave his dinner on the dining table.

Seeing the food on the table, Silas took his seat and started eating. After he was done eating, he went back to his room.

He had a pretty long day and he just wants to sleep.

Before Silas slept, he got a call from Mr Brandon telling him that some new buildings are now available, but the only problem is that they were more expensive.

Silas smiled when he heard this.

"Don't worry Mr Brandon. The more expensive they are, the better for me. I only want them to be worth it after getting evaluated."

Mr Brandon laughed and assured Silas that the value of the building definitely won't be less than their purchase price.

The call ended after Silas told Mr Brandon that he might be coming with his lawyer tomorrow to purchase the first batch of buildings.


The next day, Silas woke up to an email from Mr Williams.

The content of the email was the list of services they provided and the specialization of their lawyers, which includes real estate attorney, criminal defense attorney, family law attorney, tax attorney, intellectual property attorney, corporate attorney, employment attorney.

The schedule time for the virtual consultation was also stated in the email, with the time set at 10 AM, Google Meet.

"Good... If I'm able to successfully retain them, then I would be able to purchase the buildings today," Silas said after reading the email.

After that, Silas freshened up before going downstairs for breakfast.

When he got to the dining, he noticed that Emma was looking at him strangely but he paid no attention to her.

After finishing his breakfast, Silas went back to his bedroom to prepare himself for his meeting with Mr Williams.