Chapter 40: Putting Plans Into Action

Chapter 40: Putting Plans Into Action

"No! I have to start making my moves now," Silas said with urgency in his voice.

Silas didn't know if he was overreacting or just being paranoid, or even overreaching by thinking of entities from outer space, he still wants to make use of the knowledge and items he gets from the system.

Immediately, he picked up his phone and texted the meeting details to Mr Williams, and set the meeting time to ASAP.

He wants them to quickly get the investigation underway, so that things can proceed faster.

After he was done with that, Silas' mind went back to what he wanted to do. At the moment, he wants to buy every item and knowledge in the store, but there's a problem, he lacks enough system points.

But there's no need to worry as he already has an idea on how to continuously get system points.

Buy items from the system stores and sell to the public, but there's a problem. The items can only be bought once without the free pass before they turn gray in the system store.

Which means I need to get the free pass of that particular item before I can start thinking of buying it multiple times.

In fact, it's not just a problem but two. All the items in the system store are high-tech and beyond humanity's current progress by a lot of years. Putting them out into the market suddenly will definitely attract attention from the big boys and possibly the government."

"I can't go with something sophisticated. I have to go with something simple...."

"The stuff I got from the system store as rewards or bought are two quantum smartwatches, a bottle of Gene Enhancement Serum that I drank, Hologram knowledge, AR and VR knowledge, Artificial General Intelligence knowledge, Quantum Computing knowledge and a programming language."

"I actually have everything I need right now. Since the system said that I can earn system points when someone uses anything that was created with a connection to it, then I can use all of these knowledge to create something.

Yes! I finally know what to do," Silas said and stood up from the bed.

He already has a plan in mind on what to do. He plans to create an AI for personal use using the Artificial General Intelligence knowledge, then he would create a lesser version of it that he would use for commercial purposes.

Since AI is all the craze now, Silas feels that it would be easier for him to break in and assimilate into the market.

But there's still a problem, after going through the AGI knowledge and information, he found out that the AI would need a quantum computer to host it and run it, or it might not just work.

That brings him to another issue. Since he plans to start up an AI company, he would need a physical location for his business and also, the issue of the greedy big boys coming after his company is something that worries him.

Actually, there's nothing much he can do for now. He can only just go with the flow but he won't allow himself to be pushed around by anybody or organization.

"First, to create the AI, I have a quantum smartwatch. It should be enough to host it temporarily until the quantum computer is created.

While that is ongoing, buy a private island that I can use as a hidden place for my business main headquarter and also where I would be able to absorb dark energy without any issues," Silas said to himself.

With that thought in mind, Silas picked up his phone to call Mr Brandon.

"Hello Mr Brandon."

"Hello, Mr Silas. It's a surprise getting your call, how may I be of help?," Mr Brandon answered enthusiastically.

He was happy when he got Silas' call. Since Silas came to the branch office, his standing in the company has skyrocketed.

He can confidently carry his shoulders high whenever he pays a visit to the company's headquarter.

"Mr Brandon, I need your assistance with something," Silas said, and Mr Brandon's eyes lit up at the other end of the phone.

"Mr Silas, what do you need assistance with?"

"I want to buy an island... A big island. How do I get one?"

"An island?," Mr Brandon asked in confirmation.

"You mean Lucas Anderson, the CEO of Castor Limited?," the private investigator, James, asked


"Yes, him. I want every single information on him, down to even the

irrelevant details."

"Mr Silas, you can trust me with this. Give me a month, I should have some news by then."

"Good," Silas nodded and turned to Mr Williams, "Mr Williams, please start preparing the lawsuit."

"Mr Silas, I will need to prepare evidence."

"Don't worry, I have someone who will testify against him and you will get enough evidence when the private investigator is done with his investigation."

"Alright," Mr Williams nodded in response.

They continued their discussion with Silas giving them as much information as he has.

Silas also signed the buildings' documents and transferred the money for the purchase.

It was after a few hours that they finished their meeting, and Mr Williams, Mr Randall and the private investigator stood up and left.

After they left, Silas saw that it was already late. He decided to eat his dinner before going back to the library to continue what he was doing.


A week passed in the blink of an eye and Silas spent the whole week stuck in the library, typing codes.

He only came out or paused what he was doing when he had something important to do.

Even after a week, Silas was still not done with writing the codes but he was already at the finishing stages. He only needs a few more days and it will be completed.


Three days later, Silas typed in the last code and pressed enter.

Immediately after pressing enter, his laptop lagged for a second, before the screen glitched and went blank before for a moment returning to normal and the program started running.

[/Initiating debugging session.../]

[/Loading program.../]

'What the f*ck? Did my laptop almost crash or something?' Silas was shocked and confused by what he saw.

"Sigh.. This is going to take some time. It's late already, I better get something to eat and a good rest," Silas said and left the library.


The next morning, Silas came to the library to see a blinking notification on the screen of his laptop.

{AGI Online.}

"AGI? Is that what it's called?," Silas asked in surprise when he saw the notification.

{My name is not AGI, sir, it's LUNAR.}