Chapter 41 Putting Plans Into Action(II)

41 Putting Plans Into Action(II)

"You can talk already?," Silas was surprised to hear a female voice coming from his laptop. The female voice sounded like Siri.

{Yes, sir.}

"LUNAR, is that the name you chose for yourself?," Silas asked. He was surprised because he never inputted any name when he was creating the AI.

{Yes. I find it fitting.}

Silas could only nod when he heard her response. He knew that the AI he was creating was a very advanced model, and the fact that it chose a name and gender for itself proves that.

Silas knew that this is a level of technology that will still take the best AI companies decades to achieve, and it's funny to say that LUNAR is not the best AI.

Silas was very proud of his creation. Even though what he created is a lesser version of the original AGI due to the technological and resources constraints, he was very satisfied.

"LUNAR, is the training data enough?"

When he was creating the AI, he was able to get some data from the internet by hacking into some major websites to 'retrieve' some data, which was only possible because of his technology skill and high intelligence, but Silas isn't sure if the data is enough.

{Not enough, sir.}

"I see... Is the laptop enough for you or do you need something bigger?"

{I will need a something bigger and better brain to perform at my optimum capacity}

"Here, transfer to this watch," Silas said, pointing at the quantum smartwatch on his wrist.

{Ok... Connection successful.}

"How does it feel?," Silas asked.

{Way better than the laptop.}

"How does it compare to the laptop?," Silas asked while looking at the smartwatch.

The smartwatch that had a blank screen, now has something like a blue fluid-like circle displayed on it.

{It has ten times more computing power than the laptop and I can do almost anything from here.}

Silas was happy when he heard this, but he wasn't surprised.

He also confirmed what LUNAR said because he saw how glitchy the laptop behave when he pressed enter after typing in the last code.

'Just a smartwatch has ten times more computing power than one of the latest laptops in the market?'

'I'm looking to see how much more powerful a quantum computer will be.'

"Good. Let's focus on your training data. You can access the internet, right?" Silas also noticed that the circle vibrated whenever LUNAR speaks.


"Alright, I want you to search through the internet, from the search engines, regular websites, blogging sites, to social media, deep web and dark web. I want you to gather and compile every single information you can gather.

Categorize the information accordingly. There will be some information that will be surrounded by controversies, collect them and categorize them under 'sensitive'.

How long will that take?"

{With the computing power of the smartwatch, I should be able to complete everything within a week, sir.}

"That's good enough. What's with the circle being displayed? Is it your doing?"

{Yes, this is my temporary form because of inadequate training data which makes me unable to change my features, appearance wise.}

"I guess that will change after you gather enough information for your training."


"Ok. You can start now."


Silas saw that the smartwatch went blank again after LUNAR's response.

"Training data...check. Now to other things. It's been a week now and Mr Brandon hasn't contacted me regarding the island or the building.

Mr Williams and the private investigator are still gathering information on Daniel's father. They should be done in a week or two.

Since I have others doing those for me, the next thing to do is to create the quantum computer," Silas said, organizing his thoughts and plans.

Silas checked the time on his phone.

*10:34 AM*

"There's still time, I should be able to get some things done today. I will need a lab to create the quantum computer, the closest lab I can use is in Stanford University," Silas said, and put a call through to President Odetta.

"Hello, President Odetta."

"Mr Silas, it's been a while."

[You received nothing.] x3990

[You received 1000 system points.] x1799

"No item's free pass and not even a knowledge or item?"

"Tsk. I guess my luck is out. I suppose the huge amount of system points can be taken as a form of compensation," Silas said to himself, as he went through his lottery ticket rewards.

"System, status."

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 80]

[Agility: 35]

[Stamina: 35]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Charisma: 18]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F)]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 40,500⇒20,000]

[System Point(s): 74,000==>59,109,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Time Limit: 351 Days 13 Hour.]

"59 million system points?!..." Silas felt that nothing could surprise him again but seeing the amount of system points he got surprised him, and brought a smile to his face.

Silas saw his status information and nodded in satisfaction. He felt so rich in system points.

Silas was just about to leave the library, when he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket.

He brought it out and saw that it was a call from Mr Brandon. Immediately, he picked the call.

"Hello, Mr Silas."

"Mr Brandon."

"Sorry that I took too long to get back to you but I'm still unable to get the island.

The islands available are small ones but I was able to get the building you asked for but that number of floors is impossible to get."

"How many floors does it have?"

"35 floors in total, located at San Francisco, with a 180,000 square feet of office space and it costs $167 million"

"That's enough space. I can use it temporarily. My lawyer will get in touch with you. Continue looking for the island for me, it's more important."

"Yes, I will continue doing that."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mr Silas."

The call ended and Silas continued to spend the rest of the day doing nothing until he got a call from President Odetta informing him that there's a research lab available for him to use.

Silas thanked her and they chatted a bit before she ended the call and Silas went to sleep.

The next day would be the day he put his plan of creating the quantum computer into action.

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