Chapter 44 Crazy Things Are Happening(II), Going Back Home

44 Crazy Things Are Happening(II), Going Back Home

'What a family! Can't believe they are doing that type of shit but who am I to judge?'

'Layla was the girl I was simping for when I was in high school but who would have believed that she's wasn't just a b*tch but also a h*e.'

"Crazy things are happening!"

Silas decided to force the matter of the extremely dysfunctional Anderson family out of his head and focus on other things.

Silas looked at the time on his phone and saw that it was almost time for the movers to arrive.

He didn't have to wait long before he heard the blaring horn of the truck right outside the building.

He opened the door that he hasn't opened in more than a month. When he stepped outside, the cool night breeze on his skin blew gently against his skin, giving him a feeling of ecstasy.

While enjoying the night breeze, Silas walked towards the truck to meet the driver.

"Hello, Gerrim Movers, right?," He asked with an outstretched hand to the middle aged man, standing beside the driver's side.

The man accepted the handshake and replied, "At your service, sir."

"Good, they are inside. Your men should handle them with care, it's very fragile."

"You don't need to worry sir, my boys are very professional."

"Good then, load them up and follow me," Silas said, and walked back into the lab.

He looked around the lab to make sure that he wasn't forgetting anything. When he was sure that everything was fine, he erased any evidence of what he did in the lab by 'decommissioning' the equipments he used.

Silas didn't feel anything wrong with what he did as the equipments were those that could be replaced.

When the movers were still transferring the quantum computer and its components into the truck, Silas called President Odetta to notify her that he was already done with using the lab, and to also let her know that some of the equipments would be needing replacements as they are now 'out-of-service'.

President Odetta told him not to worry about it and that she would call him later to give him the cost of replacing the equipments.

Silas could sense that President Odetta was happy when she heard that some of the equipments needed replacement, and he smiled.

'You were hoping for this all along.'

Silas put his phone back in his pocket and saw that the movers were already done with their work. He walked towards his car and got in, before driving out of the campus grounds of Stanford University.

Before Silas left, he dropped the key to the lab with the security guard, just as he was told by President Odetta.

The drive to Newport took them hours and it was close to midnight when they got to the villa.

When they got to the villa, Silas told the movers to unload the quantum computer into the living room.

After they were done, Silas paid them and they left, before he started carrying the quantum computer to his desired location in the villa.

It took Silas some minutes before he was finally done with moving the quantum computer.

Where did he move it to? Don't ask, it's a secret.

Silas started setting it up. After he was done setting it up, it came online.

"LUNAR, how is it?"

[Reward for creating an item using the knowledge bought from the system: 56,000 system points.]

[Reward for creating an item using the knowledge bought from the system: 87,000 system points.]

"I paid the moving company $379,000 for their work. I guess the 56,000 system points is for creating LUNAR and the 87,000 is for the quantum computer," Silas said as he read the notifications.

"System, status."

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 80]

[Agility: 35]

[Stamina: 35]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Charisma: 18]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F)]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 20,000⇒20,037]

[System Point(s): 59,109,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 60.9% (Evaluation: $609 million)]

[Time Limit: 338 Days 24 Hours.]

Silas looked at his status information and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the high stats he has in each attribute, gave Silas confidence. He felt that with his current strength, protecting himself will be easy.

He felt this way because he knew from the system that the highest points a regular human, that is someone without superpower can attain is 100 points in each attribute, and this is only possible after a lifetime of intensive training of the body.

Unlike them, Silas has the ability to instantly increase his stats by adding stat points to his attributes, something ordinary humans and even those with superpower can't achieve.

"Sigh... Enough thinking. Time to get some good night sleep, I still have tomorrow to look forward to."