Chapter 45 Novel Rebate Reward

45 Novel Rebate Reward

The next day, Silas was woken up by a vibration from the smartwatch.

"Mmhmm... A brand new day," Silas said as he stood up from the bed. He did a light stretch before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

After he was done with that, he went downstairs to eat breakfast. When he got downstairs, he saw that the girls had prepared his food and left it on the table for him.

He also noticed that after the library incident, the girls have been avoiding him and only interacting with him only when necessary.

Silas understood the reason behind their recent behavior but he wasn't affected by it. In fact he was happy and prefers the way things are now.

Silas sat down at the dining table and started eating. While eating, he licked his lips as he relished the deliciousness of the food.

He had spent almost two months in that lab and during that time, all he ate was the little food he was able to pack from home and some snacks, nothing more. So one could understand how he feels eating good food again after such a long time.

He had put off checking the reason for the smartwatch vibration this morning as he was very hungry, so the first thing he did after he was done eating was to go to his room and check it up.

"LUNAR?," Silas called out, as he tapped the watch lightly.


"What's the progress on the task I assigned to you?"

{They have been completed.} Rêạd new chapters at

'So fast?'

"Thank you."

{You're welcome sir.}

"Transfer the AI to the smartwatch and give me every single detail on the information that you were able to get."

{The AI has already been transferred to the smartwatch.}

"Ok. Now, let me hear it."

{Information related to people with superpowers. The total number of known people with superpower is 1,553.

Countries and number of people with superpower in their rank, USA (246), Australia (240), UK (236), China (94), UAE (83), Russia (72), Japan (70), Germany (70), Italy (68), Canada (64), South Korea (61), France (58), Israel (55), Poland (50), Turkey (39), North Korea (12), India (12) Egypt (10) Morocco (8), Iran (5)}

Silas was stupefied by the information he got. For many reasons actually, first being the massive disparity in population of people with superpowers and the ordinary population.

Though it was something that he had expected, he just didn't expect the gap to be like a huge chasm.

He knew that if there are actually other people with superpowers, their number would be very small compared to the general population, but he didn't expect the number to be so few.

In comparison, Earth's population is more than 8.1 billion, going with that number, what is the ratio of people with superpowers to those without it?

That would be one to more than five hundred thousand!

That's a very massive gap!

Due to the sparse amount of dark energy currently available on Earth and the planet's current level of technology, it can be said that for people with superpower to actually exist is a miracle.

Going further, Silas wasn't actually surprised that the USA has the highest number of people with superpowers but what was surprising was Australia's figure.

How did they have such a high number?

" LUNAR, continue."

{Yes sir.}

{If you're wondering why Australia has such a high number of Phenomenals; as to what they are called. This is because they were the first country to find out that people like these exists, and this was accidental

After they found out, the government started recruiting them from other countries by giving them lucrative offers like paying them a certain amount of money every month, granting them immediate citizenship and many other mouth-watering offers.

They recruited from majorly from very impoverished regions like African and Asian countries. Other countries caught wind of the activities of the Australian government, did their investigation and also started the same thing.

There is also a department that was set up by the UN to register these people and the department also acts as a watchdog on countries that have Phenomenals in their ranks. The department also offers special privileges to these countries.

The list of Phenomenals that I gathered are those that have been registered and documented. It's possible that there are other Phenomenals out there that are still unknown.

Also, almost all the big pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the world are researching the genes of Phenomenals, aiming to artificially create more Phenomenals.}

"Is that all?," Silas asked when LUNAR stopped talking.

{Yes. I have also sent a detailed list of Phenomenals, their documented superpower and their known affiliations.}

"Sure, have a nice day."

"Thanks, you too," Mr Rendall said, and left.

Silas looked at the disappearing back view of Mr Rendall for some seconds before going back upstairs.

"The building is ready, the island is almost ready, what else is remaining?"

"Before that, let's check what I got after buying the building.

I wonder if I will get more shares or some other things?"

"System, notifications and status."


[You spent $186,000,000. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $85,000,000. The money has been sent to your bank account]

You received 0.54% shares of Lockheed Martins Corporation.

You received 0.302% shares of ComCast shares.

You received 0.087% shares of Eli Lilly shares.

You received a fully customized Gulfstream G650ER.]

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 80]

[Agility: 35]

[Stamina: 35]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Charisma: 18]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F)]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 20,037⇒38,637]

[System Point(s): 59,109,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 60.9% (Evaluation: $609 million)]

[Time Limit: 338 Days 13 Hour.]

"Huh?! A fully customized private jet?!..."


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