Chapter 50 AR And VR Gear

50 AR And VR Gear

<Initiating Device One-Time Set Up Process.>

<Searching for Main Server...Main Server Found.>

<Connecting to the Main Server.... Connection Completed.>

<Complete Booting Device.... Booting Completed.>

<Device Online.>

<Registering New User... Initiating User Retina Scan for User Identification, Registration and Verification..... Completed.>

<Performing User Neural Interface Scan for User Identification, Registration and Verification..... Completed.>

<User Registered Successfully.>

The end of the message was followed by something that looks like the device's home screen, but it was blank.

Silas wasn't disheartened by the blank home screen as it was something he expected but instead, he was still mesmerizing himself in how the Gear works.

"This looks so amazing. I wonder how playing a game on something like this would feel like, especially FPS games."

After he was done admiring the Gear UI, Silas was about to take it off when he heard LUNAR's voice in his head.


"LUNAR? How?," Silas asked in utter surprise.

{I felt something connecting to the server and when I tapped into the connection, I saw myself here.}

"How is it possible that I'm able to directly hear your voice in my head?," Silas asked curiously.

{It's thanks to the device's advance neural interface technology.}

"Wow, this Gear is really over the top. What sort of engineering is this," Silas asked himself aloud as he was completely mesmerized by the Gear's ability.

"What other information did you get from the device," Silas asked.

{Let me do a scan of the device,} LUNAR said, and started scanning the Gear.

After a short moment of a few seconds, she was done with the scanning.

{Sir, I found some information after scanning the device.}

"Ohh.. Tell me, what did you find?," Silas asked curiously.

Silas couldn't help but be amazed. He knew that if a device like this, is to be released into the market, it would definitely create a storm.

Lots of people would want to buy it, gamers especially. To gamers, this is a device that was made just for them.

"The information I have on the Gear is enough. Let's check the Pod," Silas said as he took off the Gear.

He knew that there was no way he would be able to actually see the Gear in action without using it, so he decided to put it aside until he finds some use for it.

'I will have LUNAR create the VR version of those popular PC and Console games,' Silas thought to himself, as he took off the Gear and placed it on the bed.

Silas looked at the Gear for a moment in contemplation. He was still amazed with the functions of the Gear. He couldn't help it.

Even after seeing it, touching it and using it, Silas still felt that something like the Gear was something that shouldn't exist.

Who would believe that an ordinary-looking eyeglass would be an AR and VR Gear? Definitely nobody!

Silas knew that the Gear is a device that will be bought frenziedly if released into the public. All it needs is a little demonstration.

Silas knew that no matter the cost of the Gear, there are people that will definitely buy it.

Heck, he even believes that it's a device that the world government and the huge tech companies around the world would want to study and find ways to reverse-engineer it.

Silas understood that if released, a lot of things will change but even with those thoughts, Silas has already made up his mind to release the device to the public.

Why?! What can he say? He felt that he just couldn't keep it to himself. Where's the joy in that? And since he can use it to make more money, why not do so?

Seeing the AR and VR Gear and Pod gave Silas a new business idea. He knew that with the two devices in his hand, he would dominate the market, and who doesn't want world domination, fame, status power in whatever form it comes? No one!

Silas reluctantly peeled his eyes away from the Gear and turned his attention to the Pod beside his bed.

'Just the Gear gave me so much surprise, I wonder what you have in store for me?'

Silas stared at the Pod with eyes filled with excitement and anticipation as he walked towards it.

Getting to the Pod, Silas ran his fingers on the surface of the Pod feeling its surface.

Silas continued tracing his finger on the surface of the Pod until it got to a depressed button located at the side of the Pod.

Silas pressed it and the button lit up with a blue ambient light. Almost immediately, the glass section of the Pod opened up slowly, putting the Pod's interior on full display.

The interior of the Pod was similar to a sci-fi mecha cockpit, with its wide interior and a very comfortable-looking seat inside.

Silas didn't waste time admiring it and immediately got into the Pod and took his seat.

Immediately, the glass section closed by itself and Silas found himself losing consciousness.