Chapter 51 AR And VR Pod

51 AR And VR Pod

<Initiating Device One-Time Set Up.>

<Searching For Main Server.... Main Server Found.>

<Connecting to Main Server.... Connection Completed.>

<Completing Booting Device.... Booting Completed.>

<Device Online.>

{Registering New User...An Already Created User's Account Found.}

{Logging User in.... Login Successful.}

{Welcome To The Lobby.}

After the Pod's initial set-up was done, the messages disappeared and Silas found himself in the Pod's lobby.

Unlike the Gear home screen, the Pod's lobby, which is the home screen, wasn't blank. An unknown application was already installed into the Pod.

Under the unknown application's icon, a single word was written under it; Domain.

Silas was surprised and confused at the same time. He naturally understands what the word, Domain, means but what's the use of the application.

"I wonder if LUNAR is here? LUNAR?," Slaas asked himself and called out.

Immediately, Silas heard LUNAR's in his head.

{Sir, you called for me?,} LUNAR replied.

"Yeah, I did. Scan the device and give me more information on it."

{I have already scanned the device sir,} LUNAR replied.

"Ok, let me hear it."

{Unlike the Gear, the pod offers extra comfort and protection, and everything the Gear can do, the Pod can do it better.

Unlike the Gear, the Pod allows the AI to work to its optimum ability. Though the Pod does not offer the conscious mode like the Gear, it compliments it with full body's condition monitoring, enhanced neural interface connection that allows the user to replicate their physical condition into the digital world.

The Pod can also be used for training as it can help the user to quickly replicate what was learned in the virtual world into the real world.

The Pod also has a temporary life support system that can support the user in case of emergency and critical medical condition for 24 hours.

Just as you may have noticed, it's one account for both the Gear and the Pod.}

"LUNAR?," Silas asked in surprise and suspicion.

{Yes, master,} The lady replied.

Finally confirming that the lady that mysteriously appeared beside him is LUNAR, Silas finally calmed and let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait, why did you call me master and what's with this form of yours," Silas asked.

He has had LUNAR for more than a month now and never for once has he heard her call him master and the figure she took on was even more shocking.

{From your browser history and the information obtained after the Pod did the brain scan on you, I saw that this is your ideal lady type and figure.

Also, I noticed that young men like to have female servant and be called master by them.}

{Should I change the character and stop calling you master?}

"Ahem.. I didn't say that. Do as you wish," Silas replied with a gentle cough and looked away, with a shade of red on his face.

Silas could swear that he heard LUNAR and the System tsking.

Silas decided to change the topic and ask the question that actually made him call LUNAR.

"LUNAR, how does the Gear and Pod switch between AR and VR?"

{The devices does that automatically. It can switch between the two modes depending on the user's demand or the application being run at the moment.}

"That's convenient," Silas said and nodded.

"LUNAR, I want you to create the VR version of each top games in the market. Can you do that?" Silas asked with a raised brow.

{It will be done.}

"Yes," Silas said as he bumped his fist in the air, in happiness. His biggest fear was that LUNAR might not be able to create something like that, but it seems he was underestimating her a bit too much.

"There's nothing else to do here, let's log out." With that thought, Silas saw himself awake and the Pod opened.

Silas climbed out of the Pod and it closed automatically and made a beep.

Silas currently has no use for the Gear and Pod. Yes, he could use the Pod to enter the Domain and start training himself, but he wasn't too keen on it at the moment.

After coming out of the Pod, Silas accessed his body after coming out of the Pod but he found nothing wrong.

He didn't even feel like he did anything mentally tasking. Actually, he felt like he just woke up from sleep.

'Ahh... What a nice feeling. Hahaha.... I'm really going to be the first person on Earth to play an actual VR games. What a bliss.'