Night Wan Wan Ying Ying Ying's eyes look at the person in front of him in an instant.

When Yan Song regained his consciousness and bowed his head, he fell in love with each other's searchlight eyes. His heart trembled. The cold air suddenly rose from his feet and went straight to his head. He woke up and shook his head in a hurry: "that, I I... "

I can't say a complete word for a long time. Finally, I have to smile and try to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Night Wan Wan curls his mouth and gives a cold glance at the people in front of him. His eyes seem to be looking at a fool.

"Are you all right? Then I close the door. "

She said coldly, raising her hand to close the door.

Yan Song eyes quick, suddenly raised his hand to block the door, "and so on."

Night Wan Wan slants his head, looks at him without expression.

Yan Song only felt the other side's eyes, such as the bitter cold wind, blowing heart pain.

"Well, what are you looking at?"

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva in silence, and asked cautiously. His eyes could not help but drift to the pile of books in the room.

Night Wan Wan looked at the books scattered on the floor along his eyes, and said faintly: "books."

"Er -" Yan Song suddenly froze with a smile.

Yewanwan doesn't like the smell of Yan Song. Even if he is Yan lie's younger brother, she doesn't want to give each other a good look.

For a moment, they stood at the door in silence and froze.

Yan lie changed his clothes and came out. He had no intention to glance at it. Seeing this, he couldn't help wondering: "what are you doing?"

Night Wan Wan listens to sound, slant head to cross Yan Song to see opposite party: "be OK, how did you come back so early today?"

"That case has been handed over, and I have Qu Ning's case left."

After listening to the night Wan Wan, he nodded in silence.

"Do you find anything useful?"

Night wanwan shook his head: "there is no clue at all. Jingjue said that he could make puppets again. I only think of a legend in my mind. Nezha's master made his body out of lotus root. "

She said, her eyes full of helplessness.

After hearing this, Yan lie couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and immediately laughed: "did you have lunch?"

Night wanwan pauses for a moment, then listens to Rong oak "Yi" in her ear, seems very surprised.

She could not help turning her eyes.

Rong oak see her turn back, can't help but open a mouth: "this person's body's gas, how suddenly changed so strange?"

Night Wan Wan Mou light flash, "what do you say?"

Yan Song looked at her head in disbelief, and looked at her in disbelief. It's strange. "

After listening to the night wanwan, his eyes sank, and he suddenly raised his hand and clasped Yan Song's wrist.

At the moment when Yan Song heard night wanwan speak ghost language, he was startled, stunned and motionless, and then he was clasped his hand, and the whole person was completely in a daze.

When Yan lie sees the change of his eyes at night, his heart also rises.


Night wanwan slanted his head, gave him a slightly calm eyes, hands action did not stop, continue to explore Yan Song's meridians.

About a minute later, she let go of her hands with doubt.

Yan Song also recalled, full of doubts: "miss night, what did you just do?"

Night Wan Wan Wan shakes his head, the congshen in the eye is not little.

She thought for a while, pursed her lips and asked, "this time, are you sent to mention people from above?"

Yan Song Mou color a change, the corner of the mouth immediately floating on a touch of innocent smile: "what are you talking about?"

Night Wan Wan pulled a corner of the mouth, "ha ha" sneer: "come on, you don't say now, I will know later."

She said, turning her eyes to Yan lie and asked in a soft voice, "are the people sent from above here coming?"

Yan lie nodded: "yes, but I saw an old man. An old man who feels very uncomfortable. "

In the eye of night Wan Wan Wan slips across a wipe clearly, nod a head: "that is not bad. Your brother is over there

After hearing this, Yan Song moved his lips and wanted to quibble. He saw that night wanwan was cold and white. He said without emotion: "I'd like to advise you. You'd better not eat that thing on your hand."

Night wanwan finished saying, and turned his eyes to Yan lie, "I continue to read, call me when I eat in the evening."

Yan lie listened to the bottom of his heart also had doubts: "wanwan, Yan Song, does he have any problem?"

Night Wan Wan Wan's eyes can't help but turn to Yan Song, just with the other party's puzzled eyes on.

She was silent for a moment, shook her head, did not speak, chose to retreat, neatly turned back to the room, but also conveniently closed the door.

The two people outside the door were not surprised, but turned to look at each other and looked at each other.

"Brother, you girl friend, you have a strange temper."

After Yan Song regained his mind, he brushed a strange and embarrassed dark light in his eyes and opened his mouth in a secluded way.

Yan lie glanced at the closed door and shook his head: "NoEndless answer, let Yan Song Leng for a moment.


Yan lie turns to go downstairs. His voice comes from far away.

"She's not my girlfriend."

Yan Song was stunned and suddenly had a relationship between crying and laughing.

"I don't think that's the point of my question, isn't it?"

He looked at the empty environment, but with a smile, he shook his head and turned downstairs.

After Yan song goes downstairs, he finds Yan lie in the kitchen.

He came to have a look and found that the other party was cooking, and he was shocked.

"Brother, you're cooking!"

Yan lie didn't stop his movements. After a few seconds of pause, he opened his mouth and asked him, "what are you eating?"

Yan Song blinked, instinctively some escape this problem, eyes dodged, no mouth.

Yan lie just turned his head, just saw his eyes, and his heart was full of doubts.

"Yan Song, I don't know what you are doing now. But some things are now on the table. You can do it yourself. "

Yan Song unconsciously bit his lip and did not answer.

Yan lie did not intend to ask for the answer, and continued to do his own thing.

In a moment, the whole villa fell into silence, with a little embarrassment.

Night in his room, lost in thought.

So many things have happened recently, which makes her feel that the world is beginning to collapse.

"Rong oak, I feel the ghost in him. People, how can you do ghost repair? This is against common sense! "

After stopping for a long time, she couldn't hold her breath, and her face was full of dignity.

Rong oak, as a kid who had been floating in the world for a long time, didn't feel that there was any problem.

"Look at me, and the little brother you collected two days ago. What else can't think of?"

Night Wan Wan bit his lip and sighed: "the world is in disorder, the world is in disorder.". I'd better read more books and learn more. "

She shook her head in silence and turned to the book.

Rong oak walked around her for two times. Suddenly, he smelled what he had just smelled on Yan Song. He said to her in a hurry: "it's very heavy. I smell it again. Do you want me to sneak in and have a look at it

Night Wan Wan raised his eyes and took a glance at him. He shook his head decisively: "you can't stand the temptation of that thing. I advise you not to go

Rong oak did not know: "why?"

"Since it's repaired by ghosts, do you think it's not suitable for you? You'd better not touch it until I verify it. "

Rong oak's unconvinced toot mouth, snorted and drifted away.

He's not only bored here, but also disliked. It's better to go out and play.

After he left, yewanwan did not respond at all and continued to read his book.

Downstairs, Yan lie was cooking when he heard his mobile phone ring.

He stopped for a moment, wiped his hands and took out his mobile phone. It was from Yang Bureau.

His eyes glided a bit of doubt, connected the phone: "Yang Bureau, what's the matter?"

"Yan lie, does that little girl in your family know Feng Shui?"

Feng Shui?

Yan lie flashed his eyes and wondered: "what's wrong?"

"There is an important person in the capital who feels uneasy about his home and wants to see someone. But you also know, such a thing, the state will not be on the surface. I don't know who passed on the story of Tongcheng, so this time, when people came from there, they also wanted to ask the child to take a look at Fengshui. " Hearing this, Yan lie's face sank. He didn't immediately agree: "I'll ask him later, and I'll get back to you later."

Having said that, he knew very well that he could not refuse this matter.

Yang Bureau naturally has no opinion, only said that if it is not possible and not forced, he will find a way to push it off.

Yan lie hangs up the phone, his face is still thick.

Yan Song has been squatting in the kitchen door guard, see him after a phone call, become green black face, heart can not help a jump, carefully opened his mouth and asked: "brother, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Yan lie immediately turned his eyes to him, and suddenly thought of Yan Song's identity.

"What else do you want to do in addition to the person who is in charge of the case?"

Yan Song was asked confused, black Yingying big eyes, flickering at the eyes of the people, face innocent.

Yan lie watched him grow up with a smile. When he looked at his expression, he knew that he was acting silly in a fancy way and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Yan Song, you are 25 now, not five. Please be normal. "

Yan Song's eyes turned and stood up slowly, but his eyes were still a little dodgy.

"Brother, it's all confidential. You've been a soldier. You should understand our confidentiality agreement."

Yan lie coldly pulled the corners of his mouth and gave him a smile that was not smiling. "Don't you understand? The person you came to mention this time is the suspect in my case. Even if you don't say it now, when you carry out the task, you will still fight with me. Do you think it makes sense for me to hide? "Yan song every listen to a sentence, the corner of the mouth smile on a stiff point, perfect interpretation of what is called "the smile on the face gradually disappear."

Yan lie looks at him without expression, the look in his eyes seems to be saying: "I will quietly see you install X".

Yan Song was more and more empty by his coagulating eyes. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously. His feet seemed to be conscious, and he stepped back two steps in silence.

"Brother..." He froze for a long time, and finally could not hold his mouth: "well, since you can know tomorrow, why do I have to open my mouth now?"

"Because I'm not patient." Yan lie's voice is very clear.

Yan Song's whole person is frozen, as if petrified general, motionless nail in place, for a long time can not open mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!