Yan lie doesn't speak. He looks at the person in front of him quietly. He doesn't see any waves in his deep eyes.

Yan Song on the heart of the virtual, at this time more uneasy.

His lips moved involuntarily, trying to say something to explain, but his throat felt as if he had been pinched tightly, choking and unable to make a sound.

The silent and tense atmosphere was like water grass, which was firmly around his neck. For a moment, he almost felt that he was about to suffocate.

For a long time, he finally couldn't help asking for mercy: "good, good, I said I said."

He did not want to step back.

"Besides mentioning the prisoner, he is also responsible for taking a man back. But who, I don't know, is waiting for the local police to let go. I've asked you three times. I've been blocked by your old director. I heard it was a girl. "

Yan lie's expression in his black eyes was heavy and dark, and the cold light flashed: "if we don't let people go all the time, what will happen to you?"

"Find out who it is and force it away."

After Yan Song said this, he felt that the face of the man in front of him was even blacker. His heart leaped, and the essence of his brain suddenly appeared: "elder brother, the person you want from above will not be her?"

He swallowed in silence and pointed to the upstairs.

Yan liemo was silent.

Yan Song stares at his face for a while, and has the answer in his heart.

His heart sank.

If the other party really does not want to release people, their task of robbing people will be difficult.

Yan lie walked slowly to his side, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He said in a cold voice, "you can try it. Do you have the ability to take people away from me?"

Yan yilie's face collapsed.

Come on, not hot or cold in a word, has basically determined that his future will live in the abyss.

He was stunned for a moment, turned his eyes, and saw Yan lie on the second floor. He thought he was going to find yewanwan to talk about it.

Before Yan lie arrived, a little ghost made a report.

Night wanwan did not think that his recent behavior would attract the attention of the people above, and he could not help feeling a little agitated.

She opened the door and went out without waiting for Yan lie to knock.

As soon as she went out, she went up with the man who happened to be upstairs.

Yan lie raised his eyes at the sound.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yan lie saw a little irritability in her eyes, and felt clear in her heart.

"You know it all?"

Night Wan Wan nods.

"What do you want to do?"

Night Wan Wan shook his head.

Her mind was in a mess.

"I've got a lot of things I haven't dealt with, and now I've come back. A rotten geomantic omen. Do you want me to see it? How big are their faces? "

Her tone could be said to be very wild and unfriendly.

Yan lie pauses for a moment, shakes his head and laughs. He has a helpless look in his eyes: "I'm afraid I can't control this."

Night wanwan shrunk his mouth and nodded in silence, saying that he understood

"but, can't they let me live a good life? I promised my master not to be involved in these things. I'm really afraid he'll jump up and clean me up when he finds out

If it had been before, Yan lie would have taken this as a joke, just listen to it.

But now, he can only shrug his shoulders helplessly and give each other a helpless smile.

Night wanwan sighed, "let's go to dinner."

She thought about it and decided to put it down for the time being. Eat something and change your mind.

Seeing her face better, Yan lie nodded in accordance with her meaning: "you have a rest, I'm cooking. All right. I'll call you. "

Night wanwan listen, eyes instantly bright, like a child that kept nodding: "you have said several times, to their own cooking, today can finally eat."

Yan lie led the corner of his mouth and gave him a faint smile. With a doting that he didn't find in his eyes, he turned and left.

With a long sigh of relief, he turned to the window, sat down cross legged, and looked up at the sky.

In the blue sky, there are scattered white clouds and golden sunshine scattered in every corner of the house.

She looked at the sky for a while, her body was warm by the sun, her eyelids began to fight, sleepy little by little into the brain.

After a while, I fell asleep.

Rong oak guard at her side, see her say sleep to fall asleep, can't help but a little surprised.

"How much sleep deprivation is needed to get to this point?"

After he could not help feeling, the careful thought in his heart began to stir again.

He stares at night Wan Wan's sleeping face for a while. He sees that the other party doesn't seem to wake up in a short time. His dark eyes brighten up and he turns around and flies away.He was afraid that the other side would wake up halfway, so he moved quickly.

The smell of that thing was very strong to him, even with a little temptation.

He's quick to locate the thing just by smell.

He floated to the gate of Yan Song. When he was about to enter through the door, he was blocked by something and even ejected for a distance.

He blinked, looked at the door in front of him doubtfully for a moment, but felt nothing.

That's not common sense?

"It's strange that there's nothing here?"

"Do you think you can break the border I set up with your current practice?"

The cold female voice suddenly sounded behind him, startled him. His small and empty body trembled and almost dispersed.

He stood in place for a long time, and then he looked back at the old man, with an innocent smile on his face.

"Hey, hey."

Night Wan Wan Wan cast an expressionless glance at him and at Yan Song's door.

"If it's not my habit, but to lock all the channels, I'm afraid you'll soon take the medicine?"

Rong oak quickly shook his head, "no, no, I just wonder what that thing is. You don't know. This time, it's getting stronger and stronger. "

There was no surprise in his eyes.

"That's what ghost repair needs. For you, it's drugs."

She said coldly, raised her hand, opened the palm of her hand, and continued without expression: "come in by yourself. Before people leave, I think it's better not to give you too much freedom. "

Rong oak shrunk and locked himself into the size of a capsule, but his head kept shaking.

"Well, shall I stay by your side all the time? I don't want to get into this stuff. "

After going in, they will be forced to sleep and have no consciousness.

He didn't like the feeling. He didn't like it.

"Don't lean on me, cold. You want me to live with the heat on in dog days? That's not to be seen as a psychopath. "

Night wanwan silently rolled a white eye.

Rong oak kept shaking his head, saying that he did not accept the offer, and his little hand was still clinging to his shoulder.

It was easy for yewanwan to get him down, but at present, Rong oak was just like a child who played tricks on him. His eyes were shining pitifully and staring at himself.

Let her have a kind of illusion, as long as their own action to get him down, is heinous.

She had little contact with the children, which was really baffling.

She took a look at it and was defeated in the end.

Night wanwan helplessly sighed, nodded his head: "good, this time let you go, if the next time, you commit again, I can be so good to talk."

Rong oak nodded his head.

Night wanwan patted his head, turned to just about to go, heard someone call her.

"Little sister-in-law, why are you here?"

Night Wan Wan steps a meal, eyebrow heart a Cu, look back at always person.

Yan Song's puzzled eyes were stunned by the cold light that she suddenly turned back. She flashed and became a little confused.

In a moment, he took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and said quietly, "sister-in-law, you..."

"What do you call me?"

Yan Song blinked and looked innocent: "little..."


"Miss night." He suddenly turned to himself and laughed foolishly, as if nothing had happened just now. "Miss night, what are you doing here?"

In fact, Yan song came for a while, but he didn't show up just now when he saw what she was talking about.

What makes him wonder is that he didn't see the other "person". He was too far away, and he didn't hear what the other party was saying.

He was seeing that the other side was about to leave, and then he began to call her.

"Nothing, just passing by."

"But I saw you talking to someone just now."

Yan Song said, but also turned around to look around, trying to find the person to talk to her.

Night Wan Wan Wan looked at him expressionless, and said very calmly: "it's you who read wrong. I'm the only one here. "

Yan Song pursed his lips. His eyes were full of tangles. After struggling for a while, he finally couldn't help but say what he held in his heart.

"You know that?"

Night Wan Wan slanted his head, did not open his mouth, and could not see any expression on his face.

Yan Song took a deep breath again, plucked up his courage and said all the words in his heart at one breath.

"You know what I'm here for, you're here to get me? You're thinking, as long as I'm in trouble, no one's going to embarrass you any more? And you can see ghosts, right? You were just talking to a ghost

Night wanwan fixed his eyes, listening to him like a machine gun general "Pa Pa Pa Pa", a pile of questions, the face did not change, naturally did not intend to answer.After Yan Song finished speaking, his breath was a little out of breath. He was breathing heavily with his mouth open. But the eyes are staring at the person in front of him.


Yan Song is another Leng, subconsciously nodded.

"Nothing else to ask?"

Yan Song nodded again.

Night Wan Wan pulled the corners of his mouth and said in a cold voice, "Oh, I'm going."

When she finished, she did not give the other party a chance to react and gasp. She quickly turned around and disappeared from the other party's eyes with the fastest speed.

Yan Song only felt the shadow in front of him, and there was only air left in front of him.

"I'll go. What's all this about?"

He recollected and burst into a rude remark.

At this moment, he deeply reflected what task he took this time.

He really made himself suffer!

Yes, he took the case on his own initiative. I thought it was simple. I could come back to see Yan lie.

Now I know that it's just a bone that can't be chewed!

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