Of course, the traffic police have no opinion, but there are electronic eyes on this section of the road.

They checked the video and there was no problem.

But it's hard to understand why people are injured in the opposite way.

They also thought about whether to find the criminal investigation team to check. After all, there were casualties.

The appearance of Yan lie solved their urgent need.


The traffic policeman bowed down to him respectfully.

Yan lie nodded faintly. When he turned around, he raised his finger and pointed to the direction of his car. He told the other side that there were still people in the car. He asked them to ask someone to help guard it.

He turned his attention to the scene of the accident.

He walked around the two cars. There was no problem with the brake track. He wanted to come to the traffic police and they also investigated.

There seems to be no problem with the appearance.

He asked for gloves. After putting them on, he opened the door and took a close look.

The amount of blood on the pickup truck is very small. What is striking is the touch of Yin Hong on the steering wheel.

After seeing this, Yan lie asked the traffic police at the scene. The other party told him that the only visible trauma on the driver of the pickup truck was a little skin broken on his forehead, and the internal injury had to wait for the result of forensic anatomy.

This is what they find strange.

They've searched the car, there's nothing suspicious. As for whether the car has been refitted or not, we have to wait until we have towed it back for inspection.

And in the course of their conversation, the trailer came and pulled the pickup truck away.

When the car was towed away, Yan lie leaned over to take a look at the tire and dealt with the normal wear and tear. He could not see any problems for the time being.

The traffic police on one side also told him that they had checked the exterior of the car and found no problems.

The whole accident, according to the initial investigation, everything was normal outside.

In other words, such a normal situation appears to be the last casualty situation, especially abnormal.

It seems that under ordinary circumstances, strange surging.

Yan lie watched the pickup truck silently for a while, then turned his eyes to the more seriously damaged private car.

The front of the private car was almost flattened, like a steamed bread that was flattened. The front door is completely deformed and has been pried off in order to save people. As long as you look down, you can see the environment inside the car.

Yan lie glanced at it and saw that there was a little bit of ash under the co pilot's seat.

He bent his waist, reached out and touched it. He put it under his nose and smelled it. There was a faint smell of rust. It doesn't taste the same as ordinary burning.

He called the traffic police to inquire.

The other party told him that this was the residue left by the evidence collection and asked his colleagues whether the material evidence had been taken away.

When Yan lie learns that the evidence is still on the scene, he asks the other party to show him the evidence.

When the evidence came to hand, the first thing he noticed was the little red unburned paper scraps in the bag.

I don't know if he thinks too much. He always thinks that this thing is those runes of night.

On the other side, the night line on the car trembled and suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of a pair of red eyes, staring at her.

In the moment she opened her eyes, suddenly on.

"Ah --"

night wanwan was startled and exclaimed, and he leaned back unconsciously.

The interior space is too small.

She moved, the brain "bang" hit the car chair, a dull pain in the back of the brain.

She could not help but muffle, raised her hand to cover the back of her head.

"Can you see me?"

A cry of "greetings" of Yin compassion made night Wan Wan unable to help rolling a white eye, ignored.

"I know you can see me. I was floating there just now, and suddenly I saw a light flashing here, so I ran over. You smell so good. As soon as I smell it, I feel very hungry and want to nibble at you. But there seems to be something blocking you. I just feel like a few millimeters away from you. I can't get close to you. "

Night Wan Wan Wen speech, white eyes almost turn over the sky.

She should be glad that she did not seal the compass before she fainted.

She also has a question: where is this and why she is here?

The ghost saw that she ignored herself, some lonely, and some aggrieved shriveled mouth, "my name is Zhang Kaiyuan, I know you can see me, otherwise you won't be scared by me just now. I just died. I can't take it. I don't know why. I just drank some wine and drove. I was not drunk, but the car was out of control. Finally, something happened, but I died for no reason. Before I died, there was something white in front of me. I couldn't see anything before I hit it. "

Night wanwan how also did not think, this just died ghost, is a chatter, he has not answered the voice, he himself "trumpet beep" all to give clear account of all.She twisted and woke up a little, and found herself still in Yan lie's car.

She turned her head and looked out of the car. Sure enough, she saw an accident scene.

The ghost just died. The ghost hasn't arrived at the scene yet.

She stares at it for a while, always feeling that there is something wrong with the aura in front of her. Then he saw that Yan lie was dealing with the scene.

She thought about it, took off her seat belt, opened the door and jumped down.

The traffic police in front of the car are also paying attention to the situation there. After she jumped out of the car and closed the door, she was woken up by the sound of the door closing. Only then did she find that the people in the car had come down.

"Miss, are you awake?"

Night wanwan glanced at his uniform and knew it was the traffic police. He nodded and asked if he could go to find Yan lie.

The traffic police thought about it and said to her that he would go and ask her to wait.

Night wanwan nodded, and saw him turn around to leave quickly.

The other party came back very quickly and took her with her.

At this time, Yan lie was studying the pile of ashes. Seeing her coming, he handed her the things.

"How do I think it's like the stuff you use?"

Yan lie's voice is very low.

He felt inexplicably that this matter had something to do with the night.

Night line line line received hand, then felt.

"This is my Rune paper."

She lowered her head and her voice was lower, only Yan lie could hear her. Others see that she is just looking down at the things on her hands, even her mouth has not moved.

Yan lie's eyes are clear. He guessed it.

After a pause, he explained the present situation in the same night.

After hearing about the accident, he asked about the time of the accident. He could not help but murmured: "this driver is really unlucky."

But Yan lie was slightly surprised and frivolous.

If he remembers correctly, this time is exactly the time for the night to break.

Night Wan Wan bowed his head and was very upset.

She blamed the driver of the private car. Why didn't she listen to her advice and must run this way during this period of time.

At present, she is to help the other side to avoid a robbery, but because of the equivalent exchange, for another soul.

Yan lie felt that the mood of the people in front of him was very bad, and suddenly he understood a little bit.

He pondered for a moment, then turned to the person in charge of the accident and said that he could not see anything wrong with the accident at the moment. After he said sorry again, he turned back and took the overnight line and left.

Night Wan Wan Wan was a little absent-minded and did not notice his behavior for a moment.

After they got on the bus, she was still thinking about it.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the car became a little oppressive.

After Yan lie gave her a little time, he lowered his voice and said, "do you know what this case is about?"

Night Wan Wan regained consciousness, the body a soft, paralysis of the back of the chair, mood some low.

"That rune paper I gave to the driver of the private car. When I gave it to him, I warned him not to go east this month. He didn't take his words to heart. As for tonight, the rune paper had only played a protective role, that is, it could keep his life. But who could have thought that the time of his accident was just the time when I broke the battle. At that moment, slight distortion will be found in the air field of that space. Once upon a time, the role of Rune paper has also been distorted, resulting in the current situation. "

Her explanation is not much different from Yan lie's conjecture.

He also had some melancholy in the bottom of his heart. He could not help but ask in a low voice, "is there any remedy for this situation?"

Night Wan Wan long sigh, some headache shake head.

"I can avoid what hasn't happened, but I can't change what has happened. Maybe that driver is doomed to this disaster. "

Yan lie, holding the steering wheel hand, was not forced to tighten his mind. He asked again, "when you help the driver calculate the robbery, is it life and death robbery?"

"No. It's just going to get hurt and stay in the hospital for a while. "

Yan lie thinks of the driver's situation mentioned by the traffic police, just in line with her calculation.

It's really hard to say about the driver of the pickup truck.

The next journey, two people have their own heart, all the way home silent.

After getting off the bus, night wanwan discovered that the driver had followed himself to his home all the way from the scene of the accident.

This meeting, is blocking in front of the car door, a gloomy look at oneself.

Night wanwan stands in place, staring at it.

Yan lie walked two steps, did not hear the footstep sound, looked back, saw her and the air glare, the mood is very bad.

"Wanwan, what are you looking at?"

The night wanwan listens to the sound and discovers that Yan lie doesn't know when to go to his side.

She shook her head, pointed to the man in front of her and said, "the pickup driver, come back with us."Yan lie raised his eyebrows and was surprised. He didn't know what to say.

Night wanwan also knew that the man had doubts about his own death, and the ghost had not kept up with him, so he could only follow himself.

"Come on, what do you want to know?"

Zhang Kaiyuan murmured for a long time. Seeing that the other party was finally willing to take care of himself, he was surprised and cried out: "I knew you could see me!"

The sharp voice makes the uncomfortable night line even more irritable.

Her deep eyes, cold voice yelled: "shut up, something to say."

Zhang Kaiyuan was stunned for a moment, and some aggrieved murmured: "hum, fierce what fierce, who is not a small public offering?"

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