The night wanwan is stunned, the corner of the mouth cannot help but draw.

What the hell is this!?

Yan lie see her face is very bad, with a little worry to her ear, quietly asked a how.

Night wanwan pulled his face, his eyes did not leave the ghost in front of him, shook his head with him, said nothing, and asked Zhang Kaiyuan, "what do you want?"

Zhang Kaiyuan blinked innocently on his face and said, "what can I do? You can see me now, and I want to know what to do with myself? "

Night wanwan thought of the process of his death, only feel headache, can't help but sigh: "tell me your birthday eight words."

If it is really because of his intervention and lead to his early death, she will find a way to make up.

When Zhang Kaiyuan heard the speech, he could not help leaning his head and said blankly, "I only know the date of birth of the Gregorian calendar."

Night wanwan nodded, let him directly say the Gregorian calendar.

After the other side finished, she took out three coins from her pocket and put them in front of the other party to let him touch them.

The night Wan Wan gathers the eyes, looks at the coin in the hand the position which he touches by him suddenly a little black.

Zhang Kaiyuan felt an electric shock on his fingertips. His body trembled and almost broke up.

"I..." He was a little nervous, and some uneasy glanced at the night line: "what's wrong with me?"

He remembered that in those ghost films he had seen before, those good ghosts could not touch anything. Only those bad ghosts who did not want to be abandoned and those who would eat people would be able to carry things or hurt people with their ideas because of their complaints.

He was frightened at the thought.

"Am I going to get worse, or will I mutate and eat people?! I... "

"Shut up!"

Within a minute, the night was like centuries. His noisy voice was about to explode her head.

"Did you like to see all sorts of things when you were alive? What's in your mind every day? If you die, you're a dead man. Now you're a ghost. No more. "

Zhang Kaiyuan was roared to shrink. He wanted to become a small group to hide. He was scared to death.

"All right."

He agreed.

Night wanwan silently rolled his eyes, gently recited the mantra, and dropped the coin he had touched on the ground.

Three coins, except the one that turns black, are all face up.

Seeing this, Yan lie asked curiously, "what does this mean?"

"Normal death."

When night wanwan got this result, I couldn't help but feel surprised.

This person's life is really

Before he was twenty-five years old, all the good luck would be taken away from him once his 25th birthday. Even if the mold God is attached to the body, it will harm the family. It's the real Tiansha lone star. After killing all the people around him, he will die within half a year.

What night wanwan doesn't quite understand is that what kind of evil did this man make in his last life in exchange for such a fate.


Suddenly, a deep and familiar call pulled back her thoughts.

Night Wan Wan slants his head, eyes turn to do not know when to appear small black, nodded, calculate to say hello: "you come to take him to walk?"

Xiao Hei nodded and waved to let the soldier who followed him take the man away.

Night wanwan looked at their battle and thought it was a little big.

"What's the origin of this man? So many of you have come to catch him?"

Little black eyes unconsciously drift to Yan lie, with a little awe at the bottom of his eyes.

Seeing this, yewanwan guessed that he might have some concerns about Yan lie, so he reached out and patted Yan lie's arm gently to let the other party go into the house. She had something to deal with.

Yan lie hears the speech, the side Mou means unidentified looked at her for a while.

The quiet eyes, the night wanwan see inexplicably feel a little guilty.

Her eyes blinked quickly, as if to ask what was wrong with her?

Finally, Yan lie just nodded, patted her on the shoulder, told her to go home early, and then turned around and walked away.

Night wanwan Leng for a moment, looking at his back, there is a kind of inexplicable feeling.

For a moment, she turned to look at Xiaohei, "how about it? Can you tell me? "

Xiaohei slightly awkwardly pulled the corners of his mouth and chuckled: "that, I am..."

"OK," the night Wan Wan raised his hand to stop his words: "you just tell me, this ghost, what special place is OK."

She didn't want to listen to the rest of the nonsense.

Xiaohei grinned bitterly. Subconsciously, he looked at the direction of Zhang Kaiyuan's departure and said slowly, "that's the soul of the floating bottle immortal. Because of his mistakes, he was demoted to the world and suffered ten generations of suffering. The fate of every life is strange. This is the last life. After taking it back, the higher authorities will send someone to return his Xiangen and return to Xianban. ""What's wrong?"

Night wanwan is more curious about this.

Little Haydn shook his head in a hurry, saying he didn't know.

Night wanwan felt that his action was full of deep regret.

"Don't pretend, you must know."

Xiao Hei shook his head like a rattle drum. He almost cut off his head and swore with her to express his determination.

He didn't know that his behavior was more certain from night Wan Wan's point of view. He was guilty.

"Do you think it's useful for you to lie to me? He's done it all, so why not let me know? If you don't say it today, I'll find a way to make it clear one day. "

Xiaohei stared at her dark eyes for a while. Her heart, which had been unable to beat for a long time, seemed to be seized by someone, and the pain was painful

they looked at each other silently. Finally, he was defeated, sighed a long time, and whispered: "when he went to be a guest at Yuelao, he broke the eternal love line of Yama."


Night wanwan startled to stare, the corner of his eyes was uncontrollable, convulsed a few times, and felt as if he had heard something wrong.

"Well, did you say something wrong just now?"

Xiaohei looked at the incredible in her eyes, some innocent shrugged: "you want to listen, I also said."

Love for thousands of years, what kind of ghost is that?

"Don't tease me, love for thousands of years. Does that exist?"

Small black face color firm nodded.

"You have to understand how difficult it is to find a person who is closely related to the fate of Yama among the three realms of heaven and earth? Yuelao finally found such a one. After the thread is connected, we have to raise it in the lotus pond for a hundred years before we can connect it. Seeing that the marriage was finished, it was torn off by the floating bottle fairy's curiosity. What a crime you think it is. "

night eye and corner of the eye and smoke, heart can not help Tucao: "no wife even make complaints about, it must be so complex."

Xiaohei can't hear her abdominal Fei, and still feels that it's not easy to be in the hell.

"I've been lonely for thousands of years, and I've been told that I've found a suitable wife, but I've been pulled so gently that my wife's gone! Do you think that those who do wrong can get away with it? "

Night Wan Wan dry smile, nod to show that they understand.

So here's the question.

"Since his wife is so hard to find, why was I chosen to be his fiancee when I was born?"

Xiaohei was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and thought for a long time. He shook his head innocently: "I don't know. There is no record in the almanac of the prefecture."

Night wanwan pick eyebrows, still do not believe: "such an important thing, will not be recorded?"

Xiaohei nodded and his expression on his face was also firm: "I can tell you for sure that there is no record. I only know that on the day you were born, Lord Bao sent me to watch over you. Until lingxu Taoist will pick you up. There is no strange information about your birth in the earth's mansion. It's as if your name was crossed out when you were born. "

After listening to night wanwan, "ha ha" laughed twice and waved his hand to show that he could step down.

Xiaohei feels her mood is not too high, the mouth moved, want to ask her how, but finally still silent left.

He knew that at this time, he had better not ask for trouble.

After returning to the room, seeing that Yan lie is still in the living room, he thinks that the other party is waiting for himself.

"I'm fine. Go up and have a rest."

Yan lie pondered for a moment, but still asked what happened just now.

Night wanwan explained the matter simply, and of course concealed the reason why Zhang Kaiyuan was punished and reincarnated.

"Go to bed early. The business here has been dealt with. We should leave for the capital tomorrow. "

Yan lie felt that she had something to hide. After thinking about it, she still didn't say it. But will be today's last white Yue appeared things said.

Night Wan Wan Wen speech body a stiff, immediately exposed a wry smile: "so it is." A long breath.

Yan lie doubts and asks in a deep voice.

Night wanwan pulled the corners of his mouth and gave him a light smile. He explained, "she made that array, which should be used to gather the soul of her master, Xiao Qi. When she left me, she took Xiao Qi's body away. All she has done from the past to the present is just to revive Xiao Qi. But he didn't know, as long as he entered the "ferry", he was under the death curse

Looking at the bitterness of yewan Wan Wan, Yan lie knew that she was not feeling well in her heart. Her heart had not moved, but her body seemed to have her own consciousness. She went to her side, raised her hand to keep her, and patted her on the back, silently comforting.

The night wanwan is stunned, and then the bottom of his heart blows the warm current. The corners of his mouth are slightly hooked and his eyes are shining. He slowly raises his small hand to hold the man's thin waist and rub against it.

"I'm fine. Don't worry.""Well." Yan lie answered in a deep voice, but his hand did not release. Holding her for a while, she raised her hand and rubbed her head. Her voice softened and said, "have a rest early. I'll book the tickets. Have you packed up yet? "

Night Wan Wan nods.

She doesn't have much to clean up. It'll be ready soon.

Yan lie nodded his head, turned and led her upstairs directly. He sent the man to the door of the room. He hugged her again and nodded his head, indicating that she should go first and go on his own.

Night Wan Wan Wan also has no affectation, said good night with him, then turned to enter the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!