Four in the morning.

Night Wan Wan Wan is still in his sleep, and is awakened by Yan lie.

It turned out that there were cases in the capital city, and they were not careful to be known by the media. It was a little big for a while.

Ye Jian was so worried that she had to call Yan lie to tell them that they had to come immediately and the ticket was to be reserved in three hours.


Night wanwan because of the excessive consumption of spiritual power, wake up, the whole person is drowsy.

She will do whatever Yan lie asks her to do.

After getting on the plane, she went back to sleep.

The time to get to the capital is ten o'clock in the morning.

When she was awakened by Yan lie again, she looked at the surrounding environment with a confused face.

"Well, where are we?"

Yan lie is looking at the luggage, smell speech Leng for a moment, laugh: "silly girl, we have arrived in the capital city."

Night wanwan pick eyebrows, eyes full of amazement.

She felt a little confused about the world. She just had a sleep. Why did she change places?

Seeing that she was sleepless, Yan lie explained the story again.

After listening to the night wanwan, his big eyes blinked and he couldn't help saying, "I've been sleepwalking, and I didn't notice it at all."

Yan lie chuckles and rubs her head. He also helps her to tidy up her hair that she has been sleeping on the plane.

Night wanwan shriveled mouth, snort, eyes unnaturally everywhere, said that he did not know anything.

Yan Yan didn't lead her out.

After walking for a while, yewanwan suddenly remembered an important thing. He pulled Yan lie's hand and said, "we're just leaving. What can Yan Song do?"

She hasn't had time to explain to Baishui.

Yan lie was silent for a moment and shook his head gently: "you can call me later. Right now, they should still be sleeping. And we came here. Yan Song had no reason to stay there. I think he will be recalled soon. "

Ye wanwan thought for a moment and asked Yan lie in a low voice: "can you persuade him to retire early? Or do you want to use your family relationship to transfer a division to him? "

Her idea is very simple. Even if she gave up Yan Song's addiction this time, she could not guarantee that the other party would not relapse because of the superior's reason after returning to the army.

That thing is just like drug addiction. If the willpower is not strong enough, it is easy to turn back.

What's more, she heard what Yan Song said before. They were all required to eat those things. It is impossible to give up voluntarily.

Obviously, Yan lie also thought about this problem. However, no matter which proposal it is, there are problems.

"To be discharged from the army, Yan Song must be allowed to submit his application on his own initiative. However, according to his current development momentum, it is very difficult to release people from above. And to be transferred, I think, is more difficult than to demobilize him. "

Night Wan Wan can't help sighing and murmuring in a low voice: "what are these things?"

Yan shrugged, saying he didn't know. What's more, his worry is no less than night.

After all, he was his own brother.

They looked at each other in silence and saw the same helplessness in each other's eyes. They sighed and walked out in silence.

Outside the airport, Ye Jian had been waiting anxiously. When she saw the two of them, she immediately rushed up.

"You are here at last."

Night Wan Wan Wan was slightly startled by his wind like action, and took Yan lie's hand to step back.

Yan lie, on the other hand, nodded coldly, which was regarded as a response.

Ye Jian takes a deep breath, adjusts her mood, smiles at them and turns to lead the way.

"The car is waiting outside. Fortunately, once you come down, we will go to the scene now. Is that all right? "

Yan lielue was surprised to pick his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "is it difficult?"

Ye Jian smiles a little, but she is still very strong and nods: "the victim who died yesterday is a popular movie star. It was a paparazzi who called the police. Before the police arrived, the news had already spread on the media online. Now, it's almost out of control. It's just a matter of time before the case was dug out. "

When he finished, he turned his head aside and rubbed his face with impatience. The whole person was full of decadence.

Yan lie nodded to show that he understood.

No matter what the case is, once the media is involved, things will become more complicated.

Of course, it is more afraid that imitation crime will appear after someone spreads the criminal techniques.

After getting on the bus, Ye Jian told Yan lie that he had recently obtained new evidence and some new discoveries.

And this time the victim, called Jing Haolin, 23 years old, became a popular star, traffic Xiaosheng. The time of death was between 11:00 and 1:00 last night. The cause of death was excessive blood loss and one kidney missing. The murder weapon is still uncertain, but it is certain that it is sharper. There were no extra wounds on the victim except for the fatal wound.Yan lie looked through the materials carefully and handed the folder to yewanwan.

Night Wan Wan has not woken up, the whole person is in a kind of dizzy state, look at what he handed over, stuffy voice hums for a while, gently shakes his head: "I can't see in, I'll see the scene directly for a while."

In addition, she felt that there should be no information she needed.

Obviously, Ye Jian and she thought about it together. After listening to her, she took a sentence: "the information miss night needs is here."

Night Wan Wan looks up, see each other hand over a flat.

She still did not answer, shook her head and said: "let me slow down, my brain will not move at all now, you let me have a rest."

When she finished, she turned aside and closed her eyes.

Yan lie explained her present state with Ye Jian in a low voice.

Ye Jian also understood that it was a strong man's dilemma to let the other party come in advance this time, so he did not say more.

For the rest of the journey, the driver and the two men were silent, and even their breathing was much lighter.

On the way to the scene, yewanwan slept again, but he was not very comfortable.

After getting off the bus, her small face was still tense, giving people the feeling that it would explode at any time.

When the party arrived at the scene, she was the most conspicuous one.

The police officer in charge of this case is called Mu Yihan. Judging from the appearance, he is a straight man, a slovenly straight man.

Masculinity is masculine enough, but it seems that there are also scruffy enough.

The man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his beard is slovenly. He can't see his original appearance.

As soon as Mu Yi Han saw the night Wan Wan, he was in a state of a little explosion.

"Ye Jian, I think you know more about this place than I do. Why do you bring a child in? And who is he? "

Ye Jian knew that Mu Yihan was a man of principle. Before he met him, he didn't believe in the affairs of gods and ghosts, and even rejected them.

The process of their meeting is not a good memory.

This meeting he sees the eye color in the eye of the person in front of him, know he is about to explode.

"This is Yan lie. Don't you always want to know each other? You can't be nice when I've invited people to you? "

Mu Yi Han slightly a Zheng, the canthus of his eyes did not pick, the voice with a little bit of consternation: "you say he is Yan lie?"

Ye Jian gave a "um" and nodded heavily.

"The Yan lie of Tongcheng?"

Ye Jian laughed: "what do you think?"

"Hiss -"

Mu Yihan did not resist, but took a breath of cool air, and his side eyes quietly peeped into Yan lie's eyes.

Yan lie's attention is always on the night.

She had been yawning since she got out of the car, and she looked listless. Even walking is half squinting.

Yan lie looks at it, worried that she will fall down next second.

Mu Yihan took a deep breath and calmed himself down. After accepting the news, he raised his finger and pointed to the baby beside Yan lie.

Well, in his eyes, yewanwan looks like an underage baby.

"Well, who is that? Yan lie's niece? Isn't it appropriate to come to the scene with such a child? "

Ye Jian laughs.

"No, she's the same as me, and she's more virtuous than I am."

Mu Yi Han raises eyebrow, a face "you don't tease me" expression looks at in front of.

Ye Jian gave him a positive look and then turned to introduce Yan lie.

After they got to know each other, they went to the scene.

After arriving at the scene, yewanwan finally opened his narrow eyes all the way.

She first stood at the door and smelled it. The strong smell of blood almost drove her to vomit.

"Did all the blood of the victim stay at the scene?"

She murmured.

Although the voice is small, it is very clear in the silent environment.

Mu Yi Han smell speech, can't help but be surprised: "how do you know?"

Night Wan Wan Du Du mouth, calm said: "if only a little blood, the taste will not be so strong. I'm going to vomit

Mu Yi Han Leng Leng Leng, subconsciously moved his nose, very seriously smell, or just feel that the taste belongs to normal. After all, the blood has been diluted with water.

He could not help but look deep into the night line.

Night wanwan seems to have no sense of his eyes, raised his eyes to sweep the environment in front of him.

The living room looks neat and tidy. There are two cups on the tea table.

She looked, the decoration is the normal model room decoration, the display of decorations, there is nothing special. It is the fish tank in the southeast corner that attracts more attention.

But Yan lie glanced at it and felt that the living room in front of him was too neat. And the two cups.

"Did you get fingerprints from the cup?"Mu Yi Han shakes his head.

"There are no fingerprints on it. I think it was erased by the murderer."

"The room was too neat, and there was no sign of fighting. Have you ever guessed that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime? "

Mu Yi Han sighed and rubbed his face with some impatience. He nodded his head and said, "we have doubted it. I saw the video. There was no doubt in the period from his return home to his death It shouldn't be that there's no one in and out. We asked about the paparazzi. He has been following the victim since he left the scene and has not seen anyone following him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!