"What if people were in this apartment in the beginning?"

Yan lie turned around and looked at the arrangement of things in the room. He felt something was wrong.

Night Wan Wan Wan's sleepiness, this will have been completely smoked away by the smell of blood.

Like a little tail, she followed Yan lie around, shook her head, and said quietly, "there is a second person in this family."

Mu Yi Han listens to this, the eye bottom can't help but float a little doubt, turn the eye to sweep the place that the eye can see again, but still nothing can see.

He hesitated for a moment, or couldn't help murmuring: "how can I see nothing?"

When Yan lie heard the speech, he couldn't help but give a little pause. He turned his head and looked at Mu Yihan. He could not hear any emotion: "you didn't find the trace of another person's life here?"

Mu Yihan's heart leaped, and he stopped for a moment. He pursed his lips and turned his eyes to the room. He looked along, but he still didn't see much different things. On second thought, he went in.

Before Yan lie looked at the scene of the route, he wrote down, along the other side of the road, and walked again.

However, still did not find the mouth of the so-called, there is a person's life traces.

He turned his head and looked puzzled and embarrassed: "Yan team, you..."

Yan lie raised his hand, interrupted his words, and then pointed to the kitchen.

"Well, you haven't seen it yet."

Mu Yi Han thought deeply, want to say with the other side, oneself also did not see him enter kitchen just now.

After Yan lie finished, he did not look at him again. Instead, he lowered his head to the ear of yewanwan and asked in a low voice whether he could see that the other person was a man or a woman.

Night Wan Wan side eyes side head, eyebrow tip slightly a pick, low voice way: "did not expect you or the same way of people?"

Yan Liang blinked, a little bit did not understand the meaning of her words.

Night wanwan see, it is their own thinking more.

She nuzzled her lips and motioned her eyes to look at the bedroom.

"Are you testing me, or are you asking me?"

Yan lie chuckled, raised his hand and rubbed her head: "it seems that I am the master of the hatchet."

Night wanwan shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent, saying that he did not know anything.

She turned and turned around the room again.

The decoration of this apartment can not see any special place, only the fish tank, which makes her care more.

After walking for a circle, she went to the fish tank again, bent down and looked at it.

And Mu Yi Han from the kitchen after a circle out, the face became very bad.

"It's really two people living here."

Hearing the speech, Yan lie turned his eyes to him. Before waiting for himself to ask, the other side first said, "all the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen have been taken away and treated. The whole kitchen looks like a new one, but there are still some kitchen waste left in the sewer pipes. I didn't expect that there would be a legacy when I cleaned up the other party. "

Night Wan Wan listens, the heart still has a little doubt.

She is in the bedroom smell different smell, and Yan lie to her reaction, let her think, the other party is also found in the bedroom abnormal.

But why, the other party will let Mu Yihan go to the kitchen?

Yan lie turned his eyes and saw the doubts in her eyes. He pulled the corners of his mouth and explained in a soft voice: "there is nothing wrong with the bedroom. But the kitchen is also the fastest place to find clues. "

People, living in the world, need nothing but clothing, food, shelter and transportation.

Clothing and living, can be seen from the bedroom, and food, is in the kitchen.

As long as someone lives in a place, there will be smoke and fire in the kitchen.

The man's biggest mistake was to deal with everything in the kitchen before he left. It looks like no one has ever used it.

It has to be said that the man did it thoroughly. He even cleaned the range hood.

After the search personnel came to the kitchen, they all agreed that no one had ever used the kitchen.

After all, the owner of the house is a popular little fresh meat, and according to his agent, he has several properties in the city.

It's close to the film and television base. When filming, he mostly comes to live here.

But it's just a temporary stay. There won't be much time here.

It is also because of this evidence, Mu Yihan and they decided from the beginning that Jing Haolin was the only one here.

Night wanwan thought about it, which also shows that the kitchen is so easy to deal with, but also because there are few living here.

"Did you ask the victim's agent that he had a girlfriend?"


The other occupant of the apartment is a woman.

Night wanwan in the bedroom, feel a little bit of not dispersed Yin Qi.

Yan lie, however, found some long hair in the toilet sink.Mu Yi Han shakes his head.

"His agent said that Mu Yihan is a popular little fresh meat, which can be regarded as an idol. If he finds a girlfriend, he will lose his popularity. Therefore, one of the contracts they signed was that Jing could not find a girlfriend for five years, even in private. "

Night Wan Wan wrinkled his nose and snorted. The disgust in his eyes did not hide: "this state is in, but can only be explained by a little. The victim had found a girlfriend for a long time, but because of the contract, even the agent concealed it. In my opinion, the key point now is to go to Jing Haolin's permanent residence or more secret residence to investigate as soon as possible, and maybe we can find out some clues about that mysterious girlfriend. "

Mu Yi Han was stunned, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he nodded in a hurry. He turned around and walked out quickly. He told his men to do it.

And yewanwan went around the apartment a few times, and with a positive look in his eyes, he said to Yan lie, "I don't feel a trace of resentment here. I think the victim died willingly. We're coming fast. I don't even see his soul. "

It can only be explained that the victim was taken away by the ghost messenger shortly after his death.

This kind of situation, generally appears in the old people who die of old age.

There is only one case for a person to die.

Before he died, he knew that he would die, or even willingly gave his life to the murderer.

After scanning Yan lie's eyes, he listens again.

"Do you know what my first feeling of this apartment was when I came in?"

Night Wan Wan shook his head and said in a soft voice: "anyway, my feeling is empty. It's not like a place where people have lived at all

If it was not for a short time and her popularity had not dissipated, she would have felt that it was a model room.

It's too clean.

Yan lie was slightly stunned, and a faint smile swept over his eyes. He nodded and said, "well. The things here are too formulaic. They don't look like people have lived. In addition, there is a faint smell of disinfectant outside the house. I think the killer came out of school just to cover up the smell of disinfectant in this room. "

Night wanwan heard "disinfection water" three words, floating in the eyes a little clear.

She finally understood what the little discordant smell was when she came in and smelled.

After staying in the hospital for a long time, she almost mixed the smell of disinfectant water with the smell of ordinary air, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"So when you came in, you made sure that there were two people in the apartment, right?"

Yan lie nods.

Even if it's a temporary residence, it can't be so clean.

Moreover, as a famous star, even if there are cleaning aunts in and out of his residence, paparazzi will know that

he has seen paparazzi's testimony in the car.

This apartment deals with Jing Haolin and his agent, and no third person has ever been in or out of the apartment.

So who cleaned such a clean room?

The answer is self-evident.

Night wanwan is not as winding as he thought, after listening to just "Oh", nodded, and then turned his attention to the fish tank.

It is difficult for Yan lie to pay attention to her obvious behavior even if she doesn't want to pay attention to it.

"Is there anything special about this fish tank?"

"There is no fish in it."

Yan lie also found out.

However, he thought that the fish in it had been disposed of together when the murderer left. In other words, this is an ornamental fish tank. There was no fish from the beginning. After all, it's just a temporary residence, so people don't have much time and energy to raise fish, do they?

Night Wan Wan shook his head.

"This fish tank is the key to Fengshui in the whole apartment. I just searched Jing Haolin's information. I found that he was a year and a half ago, because of a TV series and suddenly popular. The fish tank was forged one month before he took over the production. What's more interesting is that he was not the first actor in the show. Later, for some reasons, he was replaced. "

Yan lie's heart sank slightly.

If someone had said this to himself before, he would have said that it was just a fish tank, nothing special.

But now, unlike in the past, he only feels that things have become more complicated.

"So you can see what's wrong with this fish tank?"

Night Wan Wan Du Du mouth, some dejected shake his head: "I have seen for a long time, nothing can be seen. It's so clean! I even suspect that the murderer is a professional cleaner

She guessed that there should be a small gathering array in this fish tank.

She hasn't seen the body of Jing Haolin, so she can't judge whether this array is evil.

Can only say, do everything, is a master. Otherwise, it's the person behind the scenes. He's a master.

Only the Liu family in the north can make these things so clean.But like the Bai family, they have not been born for a long time.

"I think I'm going to look for foreign help again this time."

Since she met Yan lie, there are more and more things around her. She also felt more and more useless.

She couldn't help sighing. She raised her eyes and looked at Yan lie. The light of her eyes was quiet: "you said, are you Conan attached to the body?"

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