Yan lie's calm face is covered with a thin and obvious shade. His black eyes are shining with angry thorns. He looks at the people in front of him for a moment.

The masked man seemed very satisfied. Seeing the change of his face, he took a small step forward and put his face in front of his eyes.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yan lie from the other side's eyes to see is full of banter interest, as if also saw the high raised corners of the mouth.

His heart suddenly sank, his eyes turned dark, and his big hand hanging on the edge of his trousers, taking advantage of his unprepared, brushed the ground up and only attacked the other side's eyes.

"Oh, ha..."

The other side was slightly surprised, as if he did not expect that he would suddenly be difficult, but his body shape was a step faster than his hand, and a stable side avoided his action.

When he failed to hit the target, Yan lie was stunned, and a flash of light of unknown significance flashed through his eyes.

The closer he was, the more familiar the smell was on the other side, which made him more concerned.

He subconsciously pursed the corners of his lips and looked at each other coldly.

"In a hurry?"

The other side seems to be unable to feel his emotion that, leisurely with it, but also from time to time make a voice to stir him up.

Yan lie stopped, took back his hand and said in a deep voice, "get out of the way!"

The man's voice ran fast: "but I don't want to let acridine. You can, just... "

Before he finished speaking, a good wind came straight to his face.

The man had to turn quickly to avoid his attack.

This time, Yan lie did not give the other party a chance to breathe.

When he turns his wrist, Sheng Sheng changes the direction of his attack, but the main direction of each attack is the face of the opponent.

His purpose is very clear, to get rid of each other's mask, to see who is behind it.

When the man dodged his attack for the third time, his ironed hair became messy.

His heart sank slightly: "it seems that you have recovered a lot of skills."

Yan lie sank his eyes and did not answer.

The more interested in men's eyes: "that girl, really willing to take out your soul from yourself and give it back to you? What about her? If you lose a soul, you can at least be a complete person. If you lose a soul, you will not even have seven emotions and six desires. "

Yan lie only felt that the man's voice was like a fly, which was very noisy.

He rushed to the man in front of him with a quick dart. The spiritual power in his hand was a flame, and he drew a circle steadily in front of the opposite side.

The vigorous wind broke the air, like a sword, and in an instant broke the mask of the man in front of him.

Just listen to "cluck cluck" a light ring, in front of the face of the mask, appeared a crack.

At that moment, the Ashura on the mask seemed to change his expression, half crying and half laughing, which was extremely ghostly.

Yan lie was also stunned. He was stunned.

At the moment when the mask fell off, he saw the face of the man in front of him. His heart was startled and his arm was slightly numb.

He is a Zheng, frown hard, his wrist turned a direction, will be the last force to the side of the open space.

"Bang" sound, as if the omen, really what general.

"How could it be you?"

Bai Shan's eyes have never left their movements. At the moment when the mask fell off, he opened his mouth in amazement and screamed subconsciously.

Voice out, the man seems to notice his existence, eyes turn, cold look at him, light hiss.

"Oh, you've come along with me."

He then giggled.

Bai Shan's cheeks suddenly turned red, his mouth moved, and he wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be pinched by someone, and he didn't make a sound at all.

"I didn't think it would be you." Yan lie's deep voice interrupted his laughter, "white water."

The expression on the face of the person whose identity has been punctured has not changed in the slightest. He raised his hand and touched his face: "if I knew this mask was so careless, I would not take it. It's not all fun."

Yan lie eyes flash, calm face, just want to talk, listen to a familiar girl suddenly ring.

"I didn't want to believe it, but the reality slapped me hard."

Lengyi cencencen's voice is like a body of thunder, exploding in people's ears. No matter who it was, there was a look of surprise on his face.

Yan lie is stunned for a second and rushes to the position where the sound is emitted.

His steps were completely disordered, and even hit each other when he crossed the white water.

White water seems to have been startled, there is no stop.

Night Wan Wan walks out of the shadow, his face and body are full of mess.

The dust of Baijun's explosion, as well as the flesh and blood on her body, have a mottled color on her body.

The whole person looked in a terrible mess.

Yan liexin panicked and put his hand on her shoulder: "are you hurt?"

Always cold face, floating on the thick worry, people seem to panic a lot.Night Wan Wan pursed his lips, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and gave him a soothing smile: "these are not mine. When Baijun blew herself up, it blew up on me. "

Yan lie wrung his eyebrows and worried in his eyes: "really OK?"

"I'm fine."

Yan lie stares at it for a while, and finds that her expression on her face is not a little reluctant. Her heart just puts down a little bit, but the hand clasped on her shoulder is tightened unconsciously.

Night wanwan felt the waves and uneasiness in his heart, raised his hand and stroked his hand on his shoulder, gave him a reassuring look, and then turned his eyes to white water.

"Brother Baishui, long time no see."

White water regained consciousness, stiff corners of the mouth returned to normal, holding a light arc, looking at the person in front of him with a smile: "night wanwan, your life is really beyond my imagination."

Night Wan Wan Wan chuckles and nods slightly: "each other, you are also deeper than I imagine, hiding."

She said, slightly tilted her head, a look of inquiry in her eyes, and asked in a low voice: "I don't know when the white water brother set up this bureau?"

Bai Shui's smile was slow, but her eyes were pale, without a smile: "grandfather always praised you for your intelligence. Bai Jun also said that you would be the biggest variable in our plan. Why don't you guess?"

Night Wan Wan pouted, thought a little, and said in a deep voice, "I think the ghost that I broke is actually your plan?"

White water smiles and nods, does not deny.

"The case of Yucheng is also you?"

White water still nods.

Night Wan Wan silently sighed, sipped the corner of his lips, did not continue to say. There is no point in asking more.

She knows the answers to these questions.

What she knew, or did not know, was done by the people in front of her.

Baijun, however, is just a puppet with a plan.

White water see her silence, can not help but smile out of the voice, asked: "why not ask? Are you sure that the answer in your mind is the right one? "

Night Wan Wan blinked and whispered: "is there anything else I should know?"

White water smell speech, voice shallow, with a touch if there is no temptation, you do not want to know

Night wanwan side head, in the eyes rippling with a thin layer of doubt and curiosity, the cold voice is firm: "I don't want to know."

"But I want to tell you." White water innocent voice, so that the listener has a faint feeling of being beaten.

"Well, say it." Night Wan Wan Mou light flash, follow his words to go on.

White water stupefied, thoughts can't keep up with her rhythm for a moment, only to feel that he is being played by the other side.

The man's face was overcast and said in a deep voice: "you still like to joke as always."

Night Wan Wan Wan's expressionless glance at the eyes of the people, indifferent way: "you said you want to tell me."

White water hook hook the corner of the mouth, lips tightly pursed, gave each other a stiff smile: "you can really never suffer losses."

Night Wan Wan Wan looked at him deeply and did not answer.

White water collected his eyes and turned his face. He seemed to have adjusted his mood. He stepped back a step, turned his eyes to Yan lie and said with a smile, "why don't you show me who I am first?"

Sound falls, just listen to the top of the head suddenly come "bang", a silver light suddenly and drop.

People subconsciously raised their eyes, only to see the top of the head of the black clouds, electric light flashing in the clouds, for a time the wind and cloud changed color.

Yan lie's heart beat faster, his brain flashed and his face changed. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the white water.

A shadow was separated from the other side's body, and gradually became more and more clear, which made Yan lie's face change greatly and his eyes were heavy.

"Poppy Jue."

A low murmur, in the lips around around, is finally spit out.

Night wanwan Zheng Leng, did not hear clearly, subconsciously asked the other party: "what are you talking about?"

Yan lie stretched out his hand and held the man behind him. His eyes were awe inspiring. "I didn't expect that you would choose to be attached."

In a moment, the shadow in front of white water turned around and returned to the body of white water.

Baishui opened his eyes and shook his head with him.

Yan lie said in a deep voice: "you have always regarded human beings as ants, but now you have to use people's bodies to handle affairs. It's really ironic."

"You're right. This man's body is really filthy. If I can, I don't want to use this body to do things. But when I left from the underworld, I chose the wrong way. "

Yan Liewei Zheng: "the Ashura road you have built, isn't it..."

As far as you are concerned, you are born with me White water sneered and stopped talking.

Yan lie stopped, his eyes turned, and suddenly thought of something. He brushed an indescribable look in his eyes, and said: "you have gone to humanity."

White water hook hook hook lip horn, sarcastic smile: "yes, I have no reason to walk humanity."He said, turning his eyes to Baishan, he said in a cold voice, "you are an only child, because of my reincarnation, you have changed into twins. Heaven thought that with the so-called family rules of the Bai family, I could be killed in swaddling clothes, but I didn't want to see a lingxu in the world. When I was born, even if it was who I was. I discussed with the old man of Bai family, trying to influence me with the right way. He also preserved the only seedling of his family in an absurd way. But don't want to, his daughter-in-law, is a stupid.

If your mother took you away from the cultivation world, I might never find you. "

When the man said the last word, his voice dropped a little bit.

The voice of Yin compassion, like a cold wind, swept over the heart of Baishan.

For a moment, Baishan felt as if he had been thrown into the ice cellar, and his blood was frozen.

Uneasiness, fear, hesitation Too many frightening emotions come to mind.

His brain almost stopped thinking, but instinctively he wanted to turn around and run away.

There was a feeling in his brain, which was spreading wildly in his mind.

"If you don't run, you'll die!"

Night wanwan heard the last words of Baishan, his heart trembled, and his bad premonition floated to his heart.

She subconsciously pulls Yan lie aside and rushes towards the white mountain.

It's just that she's a little late after all.

She was about to move, and she saw that the white water was like the wind. In the blink of an eye, she stood in front of Baishan, and her pale and slender fingers pinched Baishan's neck.

Baishan pupil a shock, the heart was shocked, subconsciously raised his hand to resist, a palm to white water's heart.

White water did not give in to the idea of the slightest, was hit, just gently pick pick eyebrow feet, smile wantonly: "my dear brother, you are really timid, dare to start with me."

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