At that time, Bai Shan was just reacting to the danger instinct, and he didn't think so much about it.

When the man's voice of compassion sounded in his ears, his heart just thumped. He knew that he was afraid, his face changed dramatically, and his body wanted to retreat uncontrollably.

However, the neck was tightly pinched and couldn't move at all.

At the moment, he is just like the meat on the chopping board.

"What do you want to do?" he gasped nervously

White water leisurely smile, cold mixed with a touch of evil spirit, loud voice asked: "you have not thought, I let you live to the present reason?"

Bai Shan was stiff all over. He felt as if he had been cursed by someone. He couldn't even turn his eyes.

He looked at the people in front of him, for a short time, as if after a century, his neck was like a mechanical, stiff shaking his head.

"I'll tell you quietly." White head slightly forward, close to his ear, like a lover in general, soft voice whispered: "you, there is my last soul acridine, only eat you, I can become the real self."

When Bai Shan was stunned, his heart shrank into a ball, and he felt that he had heard something wrong. He widened his eyes and asked subconsciously, "what?"

He was so frightened that the whole person looked stupid, as if he had been taken out of his mind.

Night Wan Wan Mou color is full of tension staring at the white water pinching in Baishan neck hand.

The fingers are long and white, just like jade, but they are cold.

She couldn't hear the conversation clearly, but the state of Baishan was very worrying.

"Whitewater, what are you going to do?"

The sharp voice of reprimand, the other party's attention to their own body.

Baishan slowly looked back at her, on her eyes as cold as frost, floating a little interest in the bottom of my heart.

"It's interesting that you've never looked at me like this before. But the pursuit is not the same, we are enemies? "

The night wanwan's eyes were light and shining, and the fundus of his eyes quickly passed through a complex dark awn. His face did not change. He said in a deep voice: "the road is different and we are not conspiring. What do you think of me? Besides, since the day we met, you have never treated me with your heart. "

With that, her eyes could not help becoming a little lost.

After all, she used to treat Whitewater as a good friend.

White water seems to have thought of this, his face changed a little, and then burst out laughing, did not continue this topic.

He lifted his lips and looked at yewanwan with a smile, and then he let go of Bai Shan's hand. He turned his wrist and slowly slid down to stop at the heart of Baishan.

"Wanwan, do you remember how Jingjue left?"

Night wanwan looked at his fingers like white jade stopping at the heart of Baishan. He was stunned and almost stopped jumping two rows. He suddenly drank: "what do you want to do?"

Baishui looked at her face with great interest, and his fingers turned three times in the heart of Baishan: "you say, I dig a hole here, what will he become?"

Night wanwan heart a Lin, almost in the moment when he said the last word, flew to his front, reached out and grasped his hand: "white water, do you think I am dead?"

With that, she lifted her other hand and pushed the white mountain out.

The white mountain did not observe, staggered back several steps, finally still did not stand firm, Shuai in a mess on the ground rolled two circles.

At the moment, white water and night Wan Wan's attention are not in his body.

When night wanwan clasped his hand on Baishan's arm, he felt a sharp chill and stabbed his heart from his palm.

She was suddenly stunned, and her subconscious vinegar was in a pile.


Without waiting for her to open her mouth, white water laughed and interrupted her, "hee hee, is it cold? What about this one? "

As the words fell, night wanwan felt the chill around her heart suddenly strengthened. For a moment, she felt as if she was frozen by something, and she shivered unconsciously.

In an instant, her face was covered with white frost.

She did not return to consciousness, felt a burst of sleepiness, involuntarily closed her eyes, drowsy.

Yewanwan's body is carrying Yan lie on her back. When Yan lie finds out that the problem is wrong, she has been hit and her body is wobbly.

White water mouth hook up a satisfied smile, just about to start to buckle people in his arms, his hand suddenly feel a strange and strong force, in the confrontation with his own strength.

He slightly a Leng, a little doubt in the heart of the way: "this is how to return a responsibility?"

Faster than he was Yan lie's reaction.

The moment he found out that there was something wrong with the night line, he rushed over.

The wind under the fist does not give the opportunity to react. The man has already rushed to his face, and with the spirit power bonus, he fiercely hits the white water's face.

When Baishui was wondering about the abnormal energy in his body, he almost punched him in the face.Fortunately, someone suddenly appeared and pulled him apart.

At the same time, he had to let go of his hand.

The people who appeared suddenly attracted the attention of those present.

Yan lie was not surprised at her appearance. Her eyes sank as if she had not seen her.

Night Wan Wan Wan was torn open by Yan lie. The moment her hand left the white water, her mind came back. She woke up and looked at the man in front of her. She pursed her lips unconsciously and called out in a low voice: "aunt tea."

Meng Hongxiu picked up the corner of her mouth, gave her a warm smile, and said in a cold voice: "the eldest lady has lost her life. How can I, Meng Hongxiu, afford to call you auntie. "

The night wanwan listens to the speech, in the heart slightly Zheng, discovers that the other party even did not give a look to oneself, but is very seriously looking at the body of white water.

She looked at it for a while, and her brain flashed. Suddenly she thought of a possibility. Her face changed. She hesitated and asked, "when did you know each other?"

Sound down, she saw white water to Meng Hongxiu a very gentle smile, as if in pacifying her mood.

Smile is very light, very short, fleeting, just like the illusion of night.

Then, the white water side head, to night wan wan smile way: "you guess?"

That light smile, mixed with if there is no irony.

Night wanwan heart sink, the brain that slightly absurd ideas, more clear.

She pursed her lips, her face was cold, and she said softly, "the corpse in the attic is for her."

The voice as light as a feather, like a whisper, but like thunder, explodes in everyone's heart.

Yan lie held the hand of night Wan Wan Wan, and unconsciously tightened it. In his voice without fluctuation, he was worried: "what corpse?"

Night Wan Wan turns eyes, faint smile, gave him a pacifying smile, did not answer.

In a moment, the white water regained his mind and laughed: "yewanwan, yewanwan, I really underestimated you. Now that you've guessed this, guess what I'm going to do? "

The man said, backhand menghongxiu block in his back, hands raised, put in front of the heart, fingers like butterflies in general, flying briskly.

Night wanwan saw this, he knew that he was in the process of printing. As for what to do, he did not guess for the time being.

Yan lie felt a sense of familiarity in his heart, and his face sank. The same backhand pulled the yewanwan behind him and blocked people with his body. His hands gathered together, and then he raised them to form a spiritual boundary around them.

Before the border fell, the night wanwan felt a huge pressure on his face, and the five internal organs felt as if they were suddenly squeezed and almost exploded.

"Poppy! If you live a life again, you will not change your mind! "

White water

Oh, now it should be called poppy Jue.

The man draws up thin lips and smiles.

"I really miss it. This name has been called for thousands of years. Why don't you give me another name? "

Yan lie's eyes sank, and his whole body was filled with cold.

Baishan, as a common bone, couldn't bear it at all. His eyes turned and fainted.

"Why, can't you? I miss that name very much. "

Night wanwan feels the change of Yan lie's mood. At this time, Yan lie is more like Shura than poppy Jue.

She was worried in her heart and sighed silently. She reached out and held Yan lie's big hand. She felt that the other party was stiff for a moment.

She laughed. She shook her hand helplessly, stretched her fingers, and went through the other party's fingers with ten fingers clasped. She came out from behind him, and looked at the person in front of her with a heavy eyes and a light voice: "Yin Xun, what do you want?"

Poppy Jue slightly pick eyebrow, pause for a while, wantonly smile: "my good sister, recognize wrong person, fall in love with wrong feeling how?"

Night wanwan indifferent smile, eyes did not because of his words and any waves. In the next moment, he turned his head and raised his hand and gently scratched the nose of a man with low air pressure all over his body.

"It's been hundreds of years. Do you mind?"

Don't want to, the man actually very sincere nodded. Burning eyes as if falling into the stars, shining some dazzling.

Night Wan Wan Leng Leng Leng, can not help but smile, soft voice way: "I am not punished? I won't admit it again. "

She used to run to the forbidden area of the prefectural government because she was fond of playing, and made friends with poppy Jue's human figure.

No, it should be said that she had always thought that the human figure that poppy Jue had transformed was Yan lie.

after all, as like as two peas Jue, Yan JE is Yat JE, but the double separation of good and evil. The smell of the two people is exactly the same.

At that time, she was just a child with a new mind. She was born a natural child. She did not think about this problem except to distinguish others by smell.

She always thought that it was Yan lie's joke with her.

Until at last, poppy Jue used her soul and soul to replace her soul. Only then did she know how wrong she was.Yan lie looks a little better when he looks at the night.

"At that time, you had the heart of a tree, even if you could fight with me. Now you, without the heart of the tree, are you short of a soul. Do you still have that ability?"

Poppy Jue couldn't stand their sticky feeling and broke the atmosphere between them.

"Heart of the tree."

Night Wan Wan listens, this just suddenly remembers, the tree heart is in oneself.

She pulled Yan lie's hand and just wanted to tell each other about it.

However, Yan lie pushed her back a little with his backhand. He flew out of his own boundary and sneered, "do you know if you try?"

Not waiting for the night line reaction, the two people fight together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!