Yan lie, like a dragon, leaped into the clouds.

In a flash, the wind and cloud changed color, the lead cloud pressed, the lightning shining silver light in the cloud, accompanied by the "roaring" thunder, went straight to the man on the ground.

Poppy Chueh sneered and said, "tut Tut," I really look down on you. I even use the five thunder mantra in the short time of spiritual power recovery. Are you not afraid that your spiritual power is not enough, do you take the lead

In the deep cold voice, the irony is not concealed.

The only way to respond to him is to "rumble" thunder in the air.

The man chuckled and shook his head. He jumped up and towered into the clouds.

Suddenly, the wind around, the ground under the feet of uneasy vibration, like the end of the world.

However, the spiritual power wrapped in the night line, with the warmth of rhyme, seems to be isolated from the world.

Her heart suddenly constricted, a burst of tingling l locked all thoughts, tension, worry, sadness suddenly shrouded the whole person, hands unconsciously grabbed his heart clothes, instant staring at the sky.

There were so many dark clouds, so dark, that she could hardly see anything.

"I envy you, you know."

A voice of the indifference of the female voice, suddenly sounded in her ears.

Night wanwan suddenly a Zheng, subconsciously turned his eyes in the past, murmured: "what do you say?"

Meng Hongxiu looked at her face innocent, innocent look, the eye of irony and a deep point, cold voice: "I said, I envy you."

In a moment, night Wan Wan's thoughts slowly return to the cage, heart micro Zheng, the face is still with a puzzled: "what do you envy me?"

Obviously, there is no intersection of the two people, even the trajectory of life are completely different, and there is no envy.

Meng Hongxiu Yang lip, looking at her with a smile, the voice is light, not really heard.

"You have not thought, why is the body prepared for me, will be your once corpse?"

As fine as the sound of a mosquito's song, it sounds like an illusion in the night.

Her heart pounded, her eyes widened unconsciously, with a little bit of disbelief: "what do you mean?"

Meng Hongxiu mouth radian deep, but in the eyes can not see a smile, the voice is lonely: "but a dream, he always does not want to wake up, and I, have done so much, destined to have no name."

Night wanwan heart suddenly sink, face turns cold, deep voice way: "do not understand what you are saying."

The other side did not seem to hear what she said, the voice was quiet and said to himself.

"Do you know what to do to sacrifice souls? That's right. Crush the soul of that little ghost beside you and melt it into my soul. Then, with your blood, wipe it on the body, and put my body and soul in it with the soul pulling mantra. Then I can become the user of the flesh body. And it's a lifetime user. Unless I can't think of it one day and blow my soul out, I can't change my body for the rest of my life. You say, I am a good master of the netherworld. Obviously, I can attach myself to anyone I want. Why do I have to use your rotten body

Night Wan Wan is silent, the eye color is as heavy as ink color, deep does not see the bottom, but is permeated with a sense of cold.

"The road is your own choice. Since you have chosen it, you have to accept the reality."

Meng Hongxiu was stunned at the smell of the speech, and then suddenly "ha ha" burst out laughing, but the voice was mixed with a really strong loneliness, and there was a feeling of sadness from the heart.

"Yes, yes, what's the use of saying so much, but it's my own choice. So, instead of using a corpse that has been rotten for years, you'd better use your body. "

Night wanwan listen to words, see her hand rippling, the spirit of a gathering, suddenly, the border will be divided into a crack, the gap is not big, but also let her feel the pressure of the outside world.

Her heart next meal, looked back at the still comatose Baishan, frowned, turned to the other side in a deep voice and said: "stop it, I'll go out by myself. You don't want to break the border

Meng Hongxiu followed her eyes and also looked at the white mountain on the ground, sneered and laughed: "you are protecting now, but a dead man for a while, why?"

Night Wan Wan Wan did not answer, just raised his feet and took the initiative to walk out of the boundary set by Yan lie.

She has the soul of Yan lie and the heart of a tree. The general boundary cannot trap her.

When she crossed the border, she felt that the world seemed to be squeezed, and her internal organs were squeezed into ten percent. Just one action, she felt that she could not breathe, and her abdominal cavity was throbbing with pain.

Meng Hongxiu saw her face changed in a flash, the corners of her mouth hook up a light smile, light sarcastic way: "you may forget, now you, no matter how high spiritual power you have, is just a backbone."

Night Wan Wan tightly pursed his lips, pressed the pain in his heart, as if he had not heard her sarcasm. He ran his spiritual power against the external pressure and slowly straightened up his back.

"No matter what you want to do, I will not let you succeed."

Language down, she did not give the other side the opportunity to respond, then jumped into the sky.Meng Hongxiu pick eyebrows, do not want to understand her intention to do so, but for the night wanwan almost to find death in general behavior, she is very happy to see.

She stepped back a few steps, leisurely to find the best observation position for herself, hands around the chest, a face of interest looking at the sky.

After all, yewanwan is still an ordinary skeleton. Even though he has two pieces of immortal products to protect his body, he still can't resist the spiritual impact of Yan lie and poppy Jue.

In the moment she jumped into the air, she only felt that her internal organs seemed to explode, and her throat faintly felt a little fishy sweet.

She gritted her teeth, swallowed the liquid in her mouth, formed a protective film of condensed gas, and tried her best to protect herself.

When they were fighting, they suddenly saw a flash of red light penetrating through the clouds and straight into the middle of them.

Yan lie first felt that the breath was night wanwan. His heart leaped, ignoring other things, and suddenly took back his strength.

The power he had already shot back was forcefully recovered by him, and his spiritual power was swallowed back for a moment and hit him in the heart.

this blow is more lethal than poppy Jue's attack.

Poppy Jue obviously also discovered this point, took the opportunity to sacrifice mercilessly.

Yan lie doesn't notice for a moment, so he has no time to fight back. He has to look at the other side's spiritual power like a dragon breaking through the air, attacking himself.

Between the electric light and flint, a red shadow rushed to him.

Without waiting for Yan lie's reaction, a wisp of warm breath slips through his ear, and the person in front of him, after a shock, falls on his body.

Yan lie is stunned. Subconsciously, he lifts his hand and hugs him to keep him from falling.

Before he regained his consciousness, he only heard the sound of "puff" in his ear. A warm liquid was sprayed on the back of his neck.

Yan lie's heart throbbed, his eyes were wide, his breath was suffocating, he was holding his hands and he was at a loss.

He wanted to hold people tightly, but he was afraid that it would hurt the man in his arms, but if he relaxed a little, he felt that the man in his arms would fall down.

But in his arms, the night is not as much as he thought.

Night wanwan at this time full of brain, only one feeling - pain.

She wanted to raise her hand around the person in front of her, but she felt as if she couldn't move.

She took the blow for Yan lie, but poppy Jue exhausted all her strength to make the final blow.

She vaguely felt that her thoughts were a little bit erratic, and she could not help laughing in a low voice: "Yan lie, how can I feel that I can't control my body?"

Murmured, hardly a sound could be heard.

Yan lie didn't really listen to it, but his heart followed him. His voice trembled and asked, "what are you talking about?"

Night Wan Wan whispered and laughed, "you don't move, I'll give you back your things."

When Yan lie heard this sentence clearly, his heart trembled and almost subconsciously roared out: "I don't want it!"

Night wanwan chuckles and murmurs: "I give, how can you not?"

The sound was like a heavy hammer, which hit Yan lie's heart hard.

Night wanwan didn't give him any reaction at all, but he was lucky and tried his best to force the heart of the tree out of his body.

For a moment, the light in the sky suddenly appeared, just like the arrival of gods.

Poppy Jue, however, was stunned when he found out that the last hit was yewanwan. His body trembled unconsciously and went to Yan lie to ask what happened to yewanwan Wan.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, dazzling light, forced him back.

Familiar with the breath, so that his heart a tight, mouth unconsciously spit out two words: "tree heart."

The heart of the tree is in the night wanwan's body, has long been fused with her soul.

When she gave the heart of the tree to Yan lie, she also sacrificed her soul to Yan lie.

All at once, Yan lie felt that the gap of the Lingtai was empty for thousands of years, and was filled up in an instant.

The light gradually faded after the tree heart fused with his body.

He can clearly feel the changes in his body, but also can feel the disappearing breath of the man in his arms.

The man lowered his head and held the man tightly in his arms. The blue veins on the back of his hand and neck burst out, as if to explode in the next second.

The clouds dispersed and the two men stood in silence in the air.

The Meng tea sleeve on the ground also startled.

She didn't expect that night wanwan would find the heart of the tree and give it to Yan lie at the last moment.

At present, this space is poppy Jue, in order to get eternal life, and cloth array, using the world's tens of millions of unjust souls, in the world to make a small underground.

But no matter how small it is, it is also the local government.

Yama, in the underworld, is the king forever.

She was stunned. She could not help shaking her head and chuckling.

After all that, I'm making a wedding dress for others.

In the air.

Yan lie slowly raised his eyes and looked at the people in front of him without any expression. His dark eyes were like a black hole, which could not see the bottom. It was covered with a thin layer of ice, which made people shudder.

Poppy Jue slightly Zheng, the real soul affected the body, pupil white.He looked at the people in Yan's mind for a moment, and a smile of self mockery appeared in his mouth.

"Whether it was a thousand years ago or a thousand years later, the person she chose will always be you."

Yan lie was silent and did not answer.

He glanced at his predecessors with a slightly crazy look in each other's eyes, which could not stir up a ripple in his heart.

He held the night line, slowly fell to the ground, walked into the border, took off his coat and put it on the ground. Then he put the man carefully on it, and helped her to fold her hair gently. He said in a soft voice, "you are waiting for me for a while, and you will come back soon."

At the moment of getting up, the bottom of the eyes is warm, like Shura coming into the world. Step by step, he walks to Meng Hongxiu.

"I'll give you a chance to leave a word for your many years of guarding the netherworld."

Meng Hongxiu smiles at the person in front of her, as if she can't feel the pressure on her body.

It's just that she can't control the body's reaction. She clenched her teeth and tried not to groan or groan. It seemed that she could hear the sound of soul cracking in her ears.

In a moment, she used all her strength, drew up a faint smile, looked up at the person in front of her: "my Lord, a thousand years ago, I entered the scrotum. Before entering the samsara, you also asked me such a sentence. Do you remember my answer? "

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