Chu nianjin was completely stunned.

There was so much information that she felt her brain couldn't handle it.

After a while, she regained her consciousness a little, and then she saw that there was no one in front of her. Heart a jump, not live some fear, flustered called a few "Yan teacher.".

No response, coupled with passers-by's side look, let her have a kind of heart suffocating feeling.





Chu nianjin was suddenly patted on the shoulder, extremely tense nerves, let her out of control for a moment.

Her sudden surprise also frightened her caller.

Suddenly turn eyes, four eyes relative. They stare at each other for a long time.

The visitor was the guard in front of the door. She took a step back, sighed low, and slightly stiff. She hooked her lips and nodded her head: "girl, after your teacher let you in, go to the office of the first criminal investigation team on the third floor to find him."

Chu nianjin was stunned. She looked at him in a daze, then turned her head to look at the building in the gate. She could not help pursing her lips and sliding her eyes across a struggle.

Seeing her, the guard hesitated and called her again.

When Chu nianjin looked back, she saw that she was looking at herself with an indescribable look. Her heart leaped. She thought that she was probably interfering with the other party's work. She did not dare to stay any longer. She murmured an apology. She looked at the gate again, took a deep breath, bit her teeth, lowered her head and closed her eyes, and rushed in.

The moment she crossed the gate, her eyes opened.

The scene in front of her had no change, but she seemed to be torn and twisted.

The noise in my ears is like a membrane, which is hard to hear.

She is like a boat floating on the sea, unable to find a way out.

Yan Bai pretends to leave, but in fact has been hiding in the dark to observe her situation.

Seeing this, Yan Bai is a little bit unbelievable about her current situation. She sighs and walks out of the shadow. She unconsciously softens her voice and calls her softly.

"Chu nianjin."

Like the voice from the sky, "Dong" hit Chu nianjin's heart.

The girl's figure trembled and she suddenly turned back.

Yingying eyes suddenly light, just like the stars twinkling in the night sky, the eye light condenses, has the focal length.

She quickly rushed to Yan Bai's side. She had forgotten their identities in her heart trembling. She grabbed each other's arm eagerly and called out "teacher Yan" in a panic.

Yan Bai patted her arm with his backhand, but he didn't take it back.

"Let's go."

He pauses for a moment, turns his wrist, grabs the other's wrist and takes the person away.

Jiang Heng came back from the investigation and saw the video of Yan Bai's interrogation for the first time.

Apart from the so-called extortion of confessions by torture reported by the police officers on guard, nothing useful was left behind.

"Well, it's getting more and more interesting."

Jiang Heng whispered to himself, turned his eyes to the police officer beside him and said, "you said, all the witnesses, after talking to their teacher Yan, said they would not contact their parents?"

The police officer's face can not help but take a little surprise, nodded in a hurry, "yes! Guo Jiamin was the most violent one at the beginning. Now he doesn't even say a word. "

Jiang Heng chuckled: "this is really an interesting person."

However, the police officer turned his mouth secretly and did not answer.

When they were talking, a police officer came to report. Yan Bai brought a girl to the team to look for Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng had some accidents. He would come back again. When he left, he left quietly.

The last witness questioned by Yan Bai was Yue Yutong, but according to the police officer guarding Yue Yutong, Yan Bai did not see it when he left.

All of a sudden, he disappeared from the interrogation room.

Jiang Heng intended to go to school to find him after reading the confession. Unexpectedly, he said that he had come to visit him.

The police officer around Jiang Heng saw a faint smile of unknown meaning in the corner of his mouth, which made him shiver. After he left, he couldn't help saying to the people beside him: "eh, the smile of Jiang team..."

"There must be another one to suffer."

Before he finished speaking, his colleagues could not help but take the next sentence.

Sound falls, two people subconsciously look at one eye, can not help but hit a shiver.

Jiang Heng walked back to the office quickly and saw the man standing by the window.

The sun sprinkled on his body, inexplicably more a mysterious meaning.

Jiang Heng has a momentary illusion. He only feels that the people in front of him will disappear in the sunshine in the next second. His eyes, a pair of eyes, suddenly open.

"Mr. Yan."

Hearing this, Yan Bai slowly turned back and nodded gently, which was a greeting."I don't know this is..."

Jiang Heng put away his superfluous thoughts, and some of them wandered to Chu nianjin.

Before he got close, he saw the girl, like a frightened little squirrel, slithered and jumped to Yan Bai's back to hide. Her head was always low, so that people could not see her face.

Yan Bai side, blocked Jiang Heng's inquiry eyes, said in a deep voice: "an eyewitness you didn't find."

Jiang Heng picks eyebrows and murmurs "is it?" the exploration hidden in his eyes is a deep one.

"I don't know what Mr. Yan wants to say to me this time?"

Yan Bai's eyes turned, raised his eyes and looked at them. There were tangles in his eyes, as if there were some difficulties.

When Jiang Heng saw him like this, he was more alert.

He doesn't mean to talk, does he?

Jiang henglue hesitated and chose silence.

Yan Bai was a little surprised and chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes. He said faintly: "the confession before, Yue Yutong is different from the other three."

Jiang Heng blinked and nodded in his eyes.

"Well, I checked the monitoring. Yue Yutong's time line is on line. She has no conditions to commit a crime. "

"So, how many people have you focused on Guo Jiamin?"

Jiang Heng nodded.

And that's exactly what leads to it.

What's more, what made him think that Guo Jiamin had problems was that their three populations were too unified, and the time line was clear. All their speeches didn't look like the memory of some frightened villains at all.

Yan Bai can't deny nodding.

"I'll give you a clue. However, I can't tell the source of the clue. It's up to you to check it out. "

Jiang Heng slightly a Leng, subconsciously turned his eyes to Chu nianjin.

"Didn't this witness give it?"

Yan Bai shakes his head and only tells the other party about Yue Yutong's purchase of incense candles and paper money.

"It's just what I heard. Whether it's true depends on whether you can find out."

Jiang Heng slightly frowned, and then quickly unfolded, slightly unknown to ask: "that this witness came, is to provide any clues?"

Yan Bai turned his eyes and glanced at Chu nianjin.

The man shrank into a small group and hid behind him. Seeing his eyes coming, he couldn't help looking at himself with a look for help.

It seems that Chu nianjin really doesn't want to stay here.

Yan Baimo sighs and decides to let her go for the time being.

"After you check this line, I'll tell you the rest."

He thought that if everything was as Lin Chen said, it was led by Yue Yutong. Well, these policemen, when they go to the incense shop, should be able to get some unexpected things.

People will answer all the things he can't say clearly.

He would not wade in this muddy water.

After that, Yan Bai got up and pulled Chu nianjin's hand. Without waiting for Jiang Heng to come back to his senses, he got up cleanly and left in a big stride.

Jiang Heng wanted to ask more questions, but he felt that he couldn't put down his face. He forced himself to close his lips and suppress the call that was about to be exported.

However, he did not know that he could not find a witness from the surveillance, and this person was from that corner?

Is it a real witness, or does he come to deceive himself and help him?

For the clues given by Yan Bai, Jiang Heng also has his own worries.

The previous investigation, for the people at the scene, did not involve at all.

According to the forensic report, Lin Chen died of sudden cardiac infarction due to excessive excitement. In short, it's exciting.

However, looking at Lin Chen's face, it was more like being scared to death.

The confession of Guo Jiamin can not explain the situation at all. What's more, they killed themselves and left at about one point, saying that they were drunk and did not know about Lin Chen. After I went back to bed, I didn't know that Lin Chen was in trouble until the police knocked on the door.

However, when the police officers of the three of them came back, they reported that their situation at that time looked like they were too frightened. At the beginning of the inquiry, they could not even speak clearly. Later, I don't know what kind of stimulation I was suddenly stimulated. I suddenly woke up, and the message was clear. What I said was also as clear as possible.

The only normal person and the only girl among them, Yue Yutong.

The clue given by Yan Bai points to Yue Yutong directly.

However, he did not understand what those candles and paper money represented?

Scene, there's no such thing at all.

Jiang Heng actually found some problems. The scene was too clean. It looks like Lin Chen went to the abandoned bathhouse by himself, and then because of the effect of alcohol and micro drugs, he saw something that might appear without saying a word, and then he was scared to death.

This is the explanation given by the evidence at the scene.

But Jiang Heng always felt that there was something strange in the middle, which made him unable to settle the case according to this.In addition, Yan Bai's hint of East hammer and West hammer made him confused.

Jiang Heng thought for a while, or to find the team members, go with Yan Bai said the line.


On the other side, Yan Bai leaves the criminal investigation bureau with Chu nianjin.

As soon as they stepped out of the gate, Yan Bai noticed that Chu nianjin's breathing was smooth, her waist was straight, and her little hands struggled twice.

He released his hand and glanced at each other.

Chu nianjin found that her small movements were detected, slightly embarrassed smile.

Yan Bai whispered coldly.

"So terrible?"

Chu nianjin flashed a look of embarrassment in her eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded, indicating that she was so afraid.

She glanced back with a slight fear.

The gate of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, like a horizontal ditch, cuts the front and back into two worlds.

Inside, in her eyes, it was the black air, roaring and shouting, which made her afraid. It was like a wild animal with a big mouth, which would come up at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!