Seeing Chu nianjin nodding, Yan Bai's words stuck in her throat and stopped her breath.

He paused a little, followed the flow, looked at each other deeply, nodded, and turned away in silence.

Chu nianjin was stunned.

Just go away?

Don't hit me for a few words?

I'm ready. What's going on?

She stayed where she was and it took her a while to react.

Yan Bai really left without saying anything.

She caught up with her by accident.

"Mr. Yan, don't you have anything to tell me?"

Yan Bai's footstep is not visible for a moment, the side eye light glances at her one eye, still did not speak.

Chu nianjin only felt that there was a heavy meaning in his light swept eyes. However, I can't understand it.

She hesitated, or chose to shut up.

There was always a feeling in her heart that if she said it again, it would surely lead to some bad consequences.

What are the consequences?

I'm sorry.

I don't know.

Don't want to ask!

They all the way to the main street silent, the surrounding environment, as if suddenly broke the seal general, become noisy.

Yan Bai looked down at the watch on his wrist.

Lunch time.

He stopped, and before he opened his mouth, he was suddenly hit.

People behind him didn't expect him to stop suddenly.


Chu nianjin bowed her head all the way, almost running in small steps, just enough to keep up with him.

This time, he was directly knocked unconscious, confiscates, exclaimed.

Yan Bai felt a sharp pain on his back, and he frowned.

Is this head filled with iron?

Yan Bai tolerated the impulse to raise his hand and touch his back. He listened to the murmur of his descendants: "is this back made of iron? It hurts

The corner of a man's eye pulled out, heavy eyes light, light voice back: "the role of force is mutual."

Chu nianjin touched her forehead and was stunned.

What do you mean?

Yan Bai didn't explain. He just took a deep breath and restrained his mind. He opened his mouth and said, "let's go back to school after lunch in the neighborhood."

Chu nianjin couldn't help but toot her mouth. Her brain couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

She felt that she should say something, no matter whether she refused or agreed, she should say something first.

However, Yan Bai didn't give her a chance to open her mouth. When she asked, she looked around, found a restaurant that looked good to her and walked over.

Chu nianjin, like a puppet, followed his actions stiffly. Even when he ordered a meal, he didn't have a chance to put in a word.

For a long time.

She looked back a little stiffly, staring at each other's shallow fingers on the table.

Long white fingers, like works of art, people can not help but think of three words - hand play new year.

However, she could not help humming, and said in her heart, "what's the use of good-looking hands? How can you find a girlfriend with such a bad temper?"

At this time, she did not realize that her thoughts had completely deviated.

If Yan bairuo knew what she thought, he would reply to her: "besides hands, there is a face."

It's impossible for him to find his girlfriend by his face alone.

Two people are silent, the surrounding lingering atmosphere, inexplicably people have a kind of wind and rain to come.

Even the waiters on the side feel that they are not here to eat, more like to smash the ground. When they pass by, they can't help but lighten their steps.

Chu nianjin puffed up her cheeks and glared angrily at the person across the table. She thought she was hiding. But she didn't know that from sitting down, her every move was seen in the eyes of the other party. Even the small action of grinding the back teeth did not escape the other party's eyes.

"Have a problem with me?"

The man's sudden voice, let Chu nianjin startled, almost subconsciously shook his head, "no, I don't!"

Voice down, she only listen to a man chuckle, then did not speak.

She was stupefied, blushing with shame, and suddenly lowered her head and mumbled for a long time. After all, she did not say a word.

Yan Bai didn't care.

Chu nianjin didn't dare to look up and say more until the end of lunch.

She followed Yan Bai in silence and decided to leave after giving a to the other party before lunch.

Yan Bai didn't refuse her proposal. After collecting lunch money with his mobile phone, before he could say anything, he saw that the other party was chased by a dog and quickly turned around and ran away.

For almost a second, there was no other figure in front of him.

Yan Bai picked his eyebrows slightly, and a faint smile swept over his eyes. After a while, he lifted his feet and left.


"Meow -"

Where have you been!?As soon as Yan Bai entered the dormitory, he received a question from Xiao Hei as if he were asking a heartless man.

He hooked his waist, untied his shoelaces, put on his slippers, walked slowly to the table, poured a glass of water, and then drank it with his head up. Then he said faintly, "what do you see?"

Xiaohei was unconvinced and called two sentences. Most of them asked him where he had left himself.

Yan Bai didn't answer. He turned around and sat down on the sofa beside the window. He folded his legs and looked at him faintly.

Xiaohei quarreled for a long time, but he didn't get any response. He was unwilling to yell at him a few times, and then "meow meow" twice and said what he saw.

"Meow, meow."

It's your student, Lin Ke, Lin Chen's sister. I don't know what to hear, but I think her face when she left should have heard everything. After she left, she didn't even have lunch, so she went to the dormitory.

Oh, by the way, I heard one more thing. Guess what?

Small black blue gold eyes slip through a touch of different colors, the cat's head slightly raised, as if with a bit of pride.

Yan Bai partial head, the eye color is still light, as if in its mouth so-called thing, has no interest.

"Meow, meow!"

You are the most disgusting!

Xiao Hei grew up with Yan Bai. He could see some small changes on his face most clearly.

In this way, he is nothing more than a little black's appetite.

No matter what Yan Bai says, Xiaohei will finally tell the answer.

Yan Bai chuckled, got up a little, pulled up a little black's head, and whispered, "what did you hear?"

Xiao Hei cried out in displeasure and said slowly.

In fact, the news of abandoning the dead person, somehow, was quietly dispersed among the students. But who they are, they don't know. But as Lin Chen's sister, Lin Ke probably guessed something after listening.

After class, she wanted to ask Yan Bai about the situation. Don't want to, chase after, see Yan Bai called Chu nianjin, her mind move, also quietly follow up. Listen to how much, small black also don't know, just see some flustered back to the dormitory.

Small black followed to the dormitory, listen to Lin Ke dormitory people in the discussion of the bathhouse over there dead people.

They told a story, a story about the bathhouse.

It is said that the bathhouse was abandoned because of the explosion of the boiler and many people died. And there, the reason why it has not been rebuilt up to now is that there are a lot of ghosts buried underground. Every few years, the unjust souls who can't be freed will lure a person to sacrifice to ease their resentment.

He also said that there had been a senior sister who didn't want to live. She went to the bathhouse in the middle of the night wearing a red dress to commit suicide. After that, even the body was not found.

The man who died this year must be the one who was lured to sacrifice.

The person who told the story, did not know who the dead person was, but deeply stimulated Linke's nerves.

Linke got angry, scolded everyone once, and then drove them away.

Little black kept watch until she saw Linke fell asleep. I don't want to. After I came back, there was no one in the dormitory!

"Meow -"

did you turn me off and go on a date with my little sister?

Words, in exchange for a white eye of Yan Bai.

Sister in red.

make complaints about the heart.

Why in every school legend, there will be a sister in red.

Yan Bai integrated the information and confirmed that there was a problem with the magnetic field at the bathhouse. In addition, Lin Chen and his nearly professional "ghost calling" could confirm that Lin Chen had attracted ghosts. Later, his body was occupied by the ghost, and his own soul was squeezed out of the body by the ghost.

However, the ghost was probably called by someone who had the intention to lead him.

After that, his life and soul were chased and killed by ghosts, which probably showed that the man hated him to the point that he wanted to drive him out of his wits.

"I'm more curious now, whether this person is Yue Yutong or not."

"Percussion -"

the light sound of the door interrupted Yan Bai's thoughts.

He turned his eyes to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei gently moved the tip of his nose.

"Meow, meow."


Yan Bai picks eyebrow slightly, the eye does not have too much surprise.

I just don't know why Linke will come here.

He got up, clothes and sofa friction, with a little bit of the sound, in the quiet room, appears particularly loud.

If someone will find that the sound of this little bit is actually suppressing the sound of footsteps.

Or, as he moved, there was no footstep.

Yan Bai suddenly opened the door, the crisp "creak" sound, people outside the door were scared.

Linke whispered "ah" and looked back at the old man at a loss.

Yan Bai slightly deviated his head and said in a soft voice, "what's wrong with Lin?"

Lin Ke's body was shaking again. She raised her eyes and looked at his eyes. It was as if she was going to cry in the next second.Yan Bai's eyes flashed with silence.

After a long time, Lin Ke breathed a long sigh of relief, rubbed her hands anxiously, and said, "teacher Yan, that, that The man who died in the bathhouse is my brother, isn't it? "

She stumbled and finally finished.

As the last word fell, Yan Bai saw the tears in her eyes sliding down from the corner of her eyes, and her breath turned, showing a faint sadness.

Yan Bai sighed and understood that the other party had the answer in his heart.

He paused for a moment and nodded in silence.

Lin Ke was stunned and burst into tears.

"I knew, I knew! Her legs softened and she fell on the ground.

In the sound of "wailing", the sound of "wailing drum" reverberated in the ears of Yan Bai.

Yan Bai's heart shrink, subconsciously back a step, some do not know how to deal with the current situation.

He doesn't cheat people, and what he fears most is women and children.

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