The mournful cry reverberates in the corridor, the sound is in the ear, stirs the air to float, makes the heart tremble.

However, Yan Bai was vexed for no reason and frowned.

Xiao Hei jumped to his shoulder, and the cushion stepped on his shoulder gently, as if comforting him.

"Meow --"

coax people quickly. I'll call other people in a moment. I think what's wrong with her.

When Yan Bai heard the speech, there were more layers of wrinkles in the center of his eyebrows.

He thought a little, and a little annoyance passed in his eyes, and he paused a little.

The next moment, he bent down, stretched out his hand, suddenly pulled people into the dormitory, "bang" closed the door.

The whole movement is flowing without a trace of cluttering.

As he closed the door, he let go of the tugger's hand, turned and walked back to the sofa by the window and sat down. He looked out of the window in silence, as if everything had not happened just now.

Lin Ke was stunned and subconsciously stopped crying. However, due to inertia, she unconsciously made several noises and looked at Yan Bai with a blank face.

In a flash, there was only a faint breath in the room, and there were a few girls' shallow sobs.

In Lin Ke's restless sobs, Yan Bai's patience is exhausted, and she turns her eyes slightly irritated.

This sad girl, suddenly scared, low voice exclaimed, for a moment did not control, "burp burp" hiccup to hiccup.

Yan Bai sighed in silence, raised his hand and rubbed his temple, and opened his mouth in a deep voice.

"Classmate Lin, what can I do for you?"

Lin Ke was stunned.

Just now the silence, she has actually pulled out from the sad, but Yan Bai did not speak, she did not know what to do next.

This will listen, and she will immediately understand the meaning of the other side.

If nothing happens, leave.

She shrunk and nodded eagerly, indicating that she had something to do.

"Mr. Yan, my brother, my brother, what happened? Why didn't the police come to me to ask questions, and didn't they inform me? We are his family. Shouldn't I be the first to know the cause of his death? "

Linke was a little flustered. In a hurry, her words were a little disorganized.

Yan Bai's side eyes gave her a faint glance.

"How do you know someone died in school?"

After discussing with Jiang Heng, Yan Bai agreed that it was not appropriate to announce Lin Chen's death in the current situation.

Lin Ke thought for a while, and was not sure where the source of the news was, because

"A lot of people in the school said that the dead people in the abandoned bathhouse were very popular. I don't think many people don't know? "

Not many people don't know?

The speed of transmission is OK.

Yan Bai nodded in silence and after a little consideration, he told Lin Ke what he could say.

"I have a question, why did your brother suddenly change his attitude towards Yue Yutong? As far as I know, your small groups have a strong sense of class. "

Linke did not seem to expect that he would pay attention to it. For a moment, he faltered and said, "my brother said My brother said that he, he suddenly got the beauty of Yue Yutong. What's more, Yue Yutong is not only a grade flower, but also a Xueba. If he catches up with him, he will have great face, so... "

She stopped, slightly embarrassed to lower her head, and unconsciously rubbed the corners of her clothes.

Yan Bai's eyes flashed, meaning an unknown "um" and nodded.

"Well, it's very much in line with his identity."

However, such a reason for the desire to conquer, how can we behave so obediently in action?

It's not quite in line with Lin's people.

Lin Ke quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Yan Bai.

The ambiguous eyes in man's eyes, like a pair of big hands, suddenly grabbed his heart, a cold back, intuition is not good.

But in the next second, Yan Bai quietly moved his eyes, just as ruthless as her illusion.

As soon as Linke's heart was tight, her breath was not conscious of freezing, and the whole person was somewhat unnaturally frozen in place.

"How much do you know about the rumor about abandoned bathhouses in schools?"


Lin Ke was stunned, a little unable to respond.

Yan Bai didn't care, and repeated it again.

Lin Ke is silent for two seconds and takes out her mobile phone. She doesn't know what she is looking for.

"This is a comprehensive discussion post about abandoned bathhouses in the school forum. The first time I spoke was seven years ago. "

She crept up to Yan Bai, some unnatural movements, even a few steps, with the same hand and foot.

Yan Bai didn't pay attention, but turned to her side, took her mobile phone and looked down.

The post is very detailed. It makes all the things clear. Even the time point is clear.

Such a summary post, the time is not short.He thought about it and returned the mobile phone to Linke, and asked the other party to send a post link to himself.

The rest of the things, probably need to be followed up by professionals.

Lin Ke was silent and sent the link to him according to his request. After hesitating for a while, she still didn't hold back. She asked, "teacher Yan, how did my brother die? Is it true that, as the rumor has it, it has been haunted? "

Yan Bai's attention in the post, smell speech just casually wave hand way: "his soul is good, just the person died."

Linke choked and moved her mouth. Looking at him, she sighed and asked him to inform himself when he had news.

Yan Bai nodded his head and waved with her, indicating that the other party could leave.

Lin Ke Li stood in the same place and looked at him for a while. Knowing that the other party would not talk to him any more, she nodded her head and whispered "thank you" and quietly turned away.

Yan Bai looked at the post carefully and found that the ID of opening the post and digging the grave was not the same, but the name style was a bit similar.

One is called "I'm just a porter," and the other is "I'm a digger.".

How to look at it, it's all the names of a series.

Yan Bai studied it for a while, but didn't think about it. He directly transferred the link to Jiang Heng.

After about two minutes, the phone call came one after another.

"Mr. Yan, what is the intention?"

"Give you a clue. Why, don't you want it? "

A slight banter of words, in exchange for the other party's a chuckle.

"Why don't you just say, what do you want me to do this time?"

Jiang Heng is trapped in the clues he provided last time.

I don't know if I don't check it. I'm scared. Hong Kong City is a small place, but there are nearly 300 candle shops, large and small, with scattered locations.

He will be short of manpower. It will take a long time for him to investigate one by one.

But there was no time for Lin Chen to delay the case.

Because of Lin Chen's special identity, and the identity of those witnesses, they all have a lot to learn. They only promise to help him hide for three days. It's the next day. If he can't bring out anything useful, the above accountability is small. When the parents of the students are in trouble, it is the beginning of the real disaster.

Yan Bai gave a low smile.

"You can check the IP addresses of these two IDs. Of course, if you can find out who these two people are, it will be better. I can give you some clues

Voice down, the other side is silent.

He heard each other's breathing, as if sinking.

After a while, he listened to Jiang Heng say: "three days to solve the case, are you sure?"

Three days?

Yan Bai looked down at the watch on his wrist.


"Your three days, I think, is the time to discover the dead

Jiang Heng stopped for a second, then burst out laughing.

"Mr. Yan, you are really smart. We are ashamed of ourselves."

Yan Bai sneered and didn't answer. He just said, "if you find out this man, the case is basically over. It's just that the answer I give you may not be what you want. "

Jiang Heng doubted: "what makes such a statement?"

"Give you a hint. When you check the ID, you can check my father's unit by the way. " He paused and said lazily, "by the way, you can check the range of activities of Yue Yutong about the candle shop. She won't leave the comfort zone. "

Jiang Heng turned his mind three times. Before the other party hung up, he asked in a loud voice: "do you think the murderer is Yue Yutong?"

Yan Bai didn't answer, just chuckled and hung up.

He did not know, he did not identify, he did not say, Yue Yutong is the murderer.

In this world, nothing can't lie, including the dead.

He only believes in evidence.


Jiang Heng listened to the "Dudu" sound in the receiver, his mind turned thousands of times. He couldn't keep up with Yan Bai's speed for a moment. He stayed for a long time and then came back to himself.

Without affectation, he told his subordinates the direction provided by Yan Bai and went to the technical department with the post given by the other party.

Before long, the police gave us clues.

Yue Yutong is a native of Hong Kong City. His family address is located in the poorest "garbage mountain" in the city.

Dongshan Xigou, Jinshan poor nest. It is the description of the city by the people of Hong Kong City.

Xicheng is the poorest area in the city. The largest garbage treatment plant in the city is located in Xicheng. Therefore, Xicheng is also called a garbage mountain.

Jiang Heng recalls the girl he asked.

I always sit quietly. For my own problems, every receipt has a light look on my face. There is a calm look on my face when Mount Tai collapses. I can't relate myself to the people living in Xicheng.

Is this the legend that bamboo shoots well?Jiang Heng did not know.

Although his ideas are somewhat generalized. He started at the grass-roots level, and has come to this position step by step. He has seen too many things. Who made him leave the police academy and enter the local police station, which is the division of Xicheng District?

There are not many big events in that place, and trivial things happen every day.

Sneaking around, fighting Whatever you can think of, that place can show you. Fortunately, it may not be repeated every day.

Seeing so many people in Xicheng, he can't help but close his eyes and think that most of the people there are like that.

With the direction, it will be much faster for the subordinates to search.

An hour later, someone gave Jiang Heng the address of the suspected incense shop.

"With Yue Yutong's home as the center, three stores are more in line with the situation. With their own propaganda, they are all century old stores. I personally think this store is more suspect. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!