Lin Xing was stunned for a long time, and sighed a sigh of loss.

I didn't expect that the theft of Qingfeng sword had something to do with it. However, this thought also explained why the man was very interested in Qingfeng sword. Thinking about it, their conversation on that day was also a deliberate approach to each other.

Lin Xing thought deeply, but he was worried.

I don't know if the other party has something from his mouth. I don't know if the theft of Qingfeng sword has anything to do with the content of his conversation that day.

The more he thought about it, the faster his heart beat.

Ann night watched his face turn red with the speed visible to the naked eye. The worry in his eyes became more and more serious. His heart leaped and gave birth to some joy.

She thought there was something critical in front of her.

I don't know

"Mr. Lin, did you think of anything?"

Ann Wan waited for a moment, but couldn't help asking carefully.

Lin Xing's body trembled and suddenly turned her eyes. She was full of expectant eyes. She opened her mouth subconsciously. However, it seemed that someone had pinched her throat and made some meaningless "Wuwu" sounds.

Ann night looked at the panic in his eyes, his heart cluttered for a moment, and frowned: "what's the matter with you?"

Lin Xing's back was cool. Subconsciously, he stopped his back and shook his head in a hurry: "no Nothing. "


Ann night's eyes flashed, nodded and took a deep look at him: "what do you think of?"

Lin Xing shook his head and was about to speak when the door of the office was knocked.

They all stopped for a moment and turned to look at the door.

Zhuang Wen waved to them and asked them to continue. He dealt with it here.

Ann Wan takes back her eyes and stares at Lin Xing for a moment.

Lin Xing was seen inexplicably guilty, unnaturally moved the rigid body.

An Wan looks at Jiang Ye quietly.

Jiang Ye gives him a calm look.

For a moment, the house fell into silence, and the light voice of communication outside the house seemed particularly loud.

"Mr. Zhuang, Captain Lu said that if the museum is sure that there is no security problem, he will lead the team to leave. There are a lot of orders waiting for them to pick up at their company

Zhuang Wen hesitated.

To tell you the truth, he didn't think the Lushi team had any special use. But the people above think that the museum is very safe if they are there, and even want to sign a long-term contract with them. It is still in the negotiation stage. In such a situation, the security company should not transfer people back.

Is it because they have seen their will that they will start the price?

Zhuang Wen's face sank.

"Wait, I'll call the curator. Let them wait. "


A cry of surprise came out of the office and startled everyone.

At the same time, Zhuang Wenshen is shocked.

"Mr. Zhuang, this is..."

Zhuang Wen shook his head and looked back doubtfully: "I don't know. You wait for me a moment

He turned to enter and listened to Lin Xing's high voice: "the man was brought by Captain Lu!"

At that time, the man was late. Lu Shi came to see him and said that he had a close friend to visit him. But he was a little late. The first team could not catch up with him. I hope he can wait for a while. In any case, one more person or one less person has no effect on him.

Because it did not have any influence, Lin Xing should have done it, but did not pay attention to it.

Now time has gone by for a long time, except for being too impressed by this person, everything else is almost the same. If it was not for fear of things falling on his head, he would not try to recall.

Together with an opportunity of inquiry, he suddenly remembered.

An Wan's heart beats faster and her eyes light up. However, her heart is inexplicable. She turns her head to see Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye looks up at her eyes. Her eyes are shining brightly. She is stunned: "do you think it's Lu Shi?"

Ann Wan nodded heavily, and once again said what he had found that day.

Hearing this, Jiang Ye turns his mind and shakes his head hesitantly.

"That's not enough."

Ann Wan's conjecture, based on his own conjecture, is at most supported by a little testimony, which can not be counted.

According to the system, the most they can do is to bring people for questioning.

I don't know. But for now, they have only so much evidence on hand.

"Why not," she hesitated, "let's go and ask Mr. Yan? What if he had a way? "

What she thought in her mind at this time was that there might be something in Yan Bai's hand to cheat the other party's confession.

After she accepted Yan Bai's setting, the thinking in her brain began to be unbearable. If she was more familiar with Yan Bai, she could not help but run to ask Yan Bai whether he would have any invisibility, alien transposition and so on.This will, she thought, maybe what medicine Yan Bai has to let people speak the truth involuntarily?

Hearing this, Jiang ye only thinks that Yan Bai has some evidence that they can't find. He has no idea that an Wan's painting style has deviated.

He thought for a while, endured the discomfort at the bottom of his heart, and nodded and agreed.

"I'll call him?"

Ann Wan nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Jiang Ye is stunned and sighs deeply. He takes out his mobile phone and calls Yan Bai.


The cold voice makes Jiang Ye's heart beat faster. Subconsciously, he licks his lips, lowers his voice, and carefully says, "Mr. Yan, I'm Jiang Ye. We have a suspect. It may have something to do with Captain Lu. "

"Captain Lu?"

"Lu Shi, the leader of the security team invited by the museum."

"Then bring the man back."

Yan Bai almost did not Yo a trace of hesitation under the order, then neatly hung up the phone.

Jiang Ye stops and blinks.

Ann night saw him suddenly stunned, heart suddenly raised: "elder martial brother, what's the matter?"

She approached carefully, her eyes fixed on him.

Jiang Ye returns to his senses and takes a long breath. He shakes his head at goodnight, saying that he is OK.

"Well..." Ann Wan pursed her lips hesitantly.

Jiang Ye nodded, raised his hand and kneaded his own temple: "he asked us to take people back directly."

"Ah?" Ann night was a little surprised: "this is not the rule?"

Jiang Ye pulls up the corner of his mouth with a bitter smile: "do you think this case can still follow the rules?"

Ann night was knocked at the heart, stayed for two seconds and shook her head in silence.

Taking advantage of his knee, Jiang Ye stands up and says, "let's go."

Ann Wan hung his head and nodded reluctantly to get up.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Before he leaves, Jiang Ye does not forget to thank Zhuang Wen.

Zhuang Wen's brain was a little confused, and he followed him for a while.

"Officer Jiang, do you mean that the culprit is Mr. Lu Shi?"

He still couldn't hold back.

Jiang Ye nods: "according to the evidence, he is the most suspect. As for the rest, we will have to wait for further investigation to confirm. "

Zhuang Wen was stunned for a second and took a deep breath.

"It's really..."

He was a little disappointed and couldn't tell what he felt.

Silence all the way

Zhuang Wen takes Jiang ye to Lu Shi.

When Lu Shi saw them, he frowned and looked very ugly.

"What else do you have?"

The cold voice was full of impatience.

Jiang Ye seems to have not seen the general, pale nodded: "Captain Lu, the case has made new progress, need your cooperation."

"What do you want to ask? Hurry up. I have something else to do."

In the dark pupil of the land, a shadow of dark light flits across it.

Jiang Ye politely smiles: "please come to the bureau with us."

Lu Shi was stunned, and his face suddenly turned black again: "to the bureau? What do you want to ask, not here? "

Jiang Ye shakes his head: "it's not that we are looking for you. It's Mr. Yan who came with us that day. We're only responsible for running errands. "

An evening hears the speech, the heart jumps, secretly takes a glance at Jiang Ye.

The man's face looks light and says as if it were true.

She couldn't help being nervous.

Is it really OK to pull Yan Bai's flag like this?

Jiang Ye seems to feel her eyes and gives her a soothing look.

Ann pursed her lips and lowered her head, pretending she didn't know anything.

Lu Shi's face was colder.

"He has something to do with me, don't I? If there is a question, let him ask it himself. I have no time to go. "

After that, he is calm and turns to walk. He doesn't want to. As soon as his feet move, Jiang Ye blocks his way.

"Captain Lu, please cooperate with the investigation."

The tone is cold and hard, and the complexion is slight.

Lu Shi raised her eyebrows.

"I have committed a crime?"

Jiang Ye subconsciously wants to nod his head. Suddenly, someone grabs his sleeve. He pauses, purses his lips and shakes his head.

"What am I going to cooperate with?"

Lu Shi Leng Yi, slightly ironic of what he one eye, raised his hand to push people away, but also to go.

Jiang Ye almost doesn't think about it. Another turn blocks his way.

"Captain Lu, please cooperate with us!"

Lu Shi was angry by his tough and stubborn behavior. His face was sulky and he gnashed his teeth and said, "what if I don't?"

Jiang ye, who is close to him, even hears the "cluck" sound of his grinding teeth.Jiang Ye's heart sinks, but his face doesn't change at all. He blocks his way stubbornly.

No matter how Lu Shi walked, he couldn't get over him. A little, in addition to anger on his face, but also a bit more anxious.

"You You How are you! I'll go with you! Just wait for me to complain to you! "

Finally, he was helpless, should be under, cold hum, indignant to shake hands over him to go.

This time, Jiang Ye doesn't stop him. Quietly relieved, he turned to catch up.

Ann Wan followed quickly and asked him in a low voice if he was really OK.

Jiang Ye gives her a reassuring look.

People are what Yan Bai wants. They are just errands. It's OK!

Ann night always had a little uneasiness in her heart.

Back in the Bureau, Jiang ye first went to find Ji ran to report the situation, but also deliberately said twice that they had no evidence.

Ji ran didn't pay attention to it at all. He told him that Yan Bai was in the first team office and asked him to find someone by himself, so he waved his hand and let people leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!