Lu Shi followed by the Criminal Investigation Bureau and was thrown directly into the interrogation room.

His heart leaped, and he felt uneasy. His face was heavy and angry, and he stood at the door.

"What do you mean? I know it's not your suspect who's coming to cooperate with the investigation. What are you going to do

As if he could not feel his rising anger, Ann Wan said with a smile that the reception room was full and that he would make do with it.

Lu Shi was stunned for a second, then he burst into a laugh: "is there a stupid word on my forehead?"

Ann winked and looked up at his forehead.

Subconsciously, Lu Shiqi almost couldn't get up at one breath and turned a big white eye to the sky.

"Officer an, your criminal investigation bureau has such a large territory. You tell me that you can't find a reception room. Do you think I will believe it?"

Ann Wan smiles and doesn't answer. He just gives his colleagues a look behind him.

The colleague nodded gently, and without waiting for the response of the land, he suddenly pushed the person into the interrogation room.


When the land was on the ground, his feet were unstable and staggered for several steps before he could stand firm.

"What do you want to do?"

"Captain Lu, wait a minute. Mr. Yan will be here soon."

Ann Wan always had a polite smile on her face. After finishing her speech, she quickly turned around with her colleagues and left without giving him any chance to react.

Lu Shi was stunned.

"Yan Bai!"

A deep roar reverberated in the interrogation room. Let's watch the monitor in the next room.

"Little night, is it really OK?"

My colleagues who helped Ann Wan act together looked at him uneasily.

Ann Wan unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but his face was a "no problem" expression, and compared with them a "OK" gesture.

As far as the present situation is concerned, Lu Shi has put all their actions on Yan Bai's head. They are safe.

She thought and nodded her head.

"Keep an eye on it for me. I'll get someone."

Colleagues also know that things to this step, there is no way back, a helpless face nodded, indicating her to go quickly.

At least hold things down a little bit before things get bigger.

An Wan rushes to meet Jiang Ye. They go to the office to find Yan Bai.

Yan Bai seemed to be waiting for them. When they were about to enter the office, he raised his eyes and gave them a "wait a moment" look, and lowered his head to continue his business.

Two people can't help but light step, walk to the side to stop, wait quietly.

After about five minutes, Yan Bai turned off the computer and got up.

"Let's go."

Two people are a Leng again, a bit can't catch up with his rhythm.

Yan Bai walked a few steps, did not hear the footsteps behind him, can not help but stop to look back, slightly pick eyebrows: "why not go?"

Jiang Ye blinked a little dumbfounded: "where are you going?"

Yan Bai turned the corner of his mouth: "Lu Shi."

Jiang Ye is excited and suddenly returns to his mind. He grabs Ann Wan's wrist and follows him.

Yan Bai couldn't help but look at him carefully, with a bit of dislike in his eyes.

He really didn't want to admit that this man was the legendary genius hacker, looking stupid.

The three men went to the interrogation room in silence.

Yan Bai was surprised by their arrangement and looked up at the sign on the door. The words "interrogation room" on a gold background were particularly striking.

"He didn't make a scene?"

Ann pauses for a moment and laughs awkwardly. There is no answer.

Yan white eyes flashed across a clear, can not help pick eyebrows: "courage is also very big."

Ann Wan pretends to be silly and smiles and shrinks behind Jiang Ye.

Yan Bai didn't care. He waved his hand and motioned for them to stay next door. He went in by himself.

Ann Wan wanted to follow in, so she said that she needed a recorder.

Yan Bai refused mercilessly and asked him to watch the video afterwards. He turned around and opened the door and went in.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a furious reprimand.

"Yan Bai, what do you want to do

Yan Bai's face was light, as if he had not heard. He walked slowly to the table, opened his chair and sat down. When he looked at Lu, he pointed to the chair opposite him: "Captain Lu, please sit down."

Lu Shi was stunned. He felt that he had beaten the cotton with a hard fist. His heart was very subdued.

He stood beside Yan Bai angrily and glared at each other for a long time.

However, Yan Bai did not give him any response.

Yan Bai leaned lazily on the back of his chair and tapped his fingertips on the table.

Light and shallow "Dudu" sound, once, like a hammer in the heart in general.

Lu Shi felt a burst of heartache, his face suddenly changed, subconsciously raised his hand to cover his heart, breathing heavily, as if out of breath in general.For a moment, he couldn't stand it. His legs were soft and he fell to the ground. His knees supported his body hard and did not let himself collapse.

"What have you done to me?"

Yan Bai picked his eyebrows. His clear eyes were full of surprise. "Captain Lu, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Shi was biting his teeth and suppressing his pain. He could not cry out. His eyes were full of bitterness.

"What have you done to me?"

Yan Bai shrugged innocently: "I have never touched you since I entered the door."

"You evil way, don't think that no one can see, can erase what you have done to me!"

"Oh, evil way?"

Yan Bai sneered.

This is the first time since I was born that I have been called by this word.

It's really

It's really

What a novelty!

"Captain Lu, even if I did, what can you do with me?"

The smile on Yan Bai's face gradually faded down, and finally turned into a cold light piercing into the heart of the land.

All of a sudden, he felt more pain in his heart.


Yan Bai reclined leisurely on the back of the chair, and his toes fell on the ground. He glanced at him carelessly.

Lu Shi's face was grim, and his eyes were full of hatred. He wanted to eat his flesh and blood.

"Yan Bai, don't go too far. You can't do anything to me without proof."

The angry low roar, even if the voice is lowered, can also let the monitor over there hear clearly.

Everyone in the next room was surprised.

"Is it really him?"

Two people look at each other, surprised slightly open mouth, temporarily no voice.

But in the interrogation room, Yan Bai's face did not fluctuate at all, as if he had not heard anything. He was still shaking his body, his head slightly raised, looking at the ceiling, his eyes pale, and he did not know what he was thinking.

As time went on, the breath of Lu Shi became heavier and heavier. The breath of rough breath echoed in the small interrogation room, and the atmosphere became more and more condensed.

"Yan Bai! What on earth do you want to do? "

Lu Shi couldn't hold on and softened. But in the voice, there is still a little anger.

He guessed that there might be such a day on the day when Qingfeng sword was found, but he didn't expect that it would come so fast that he didn't even have time to prepare.

Clearly, there is no evidence, but he is on the indifference of Yan Bai's eyes, there is a sense of being seen through.

In front of Yan Bai, he is a red fruit.

For a moment, Yan Bai chuckled: "I have limited time. I'd better explain myself and do something."

He side Mou, light what he one eye.

Lu Shi's heart sank and he knew that he had no way out.


"Well, I say! But you're going to untie me what's on me

Yan Bai moved, slowly sat up straight, tilted his head to look at him, clear big eyes, clear big eyes written at a loss.

"On you..." He glanced up and down: "what's there?"

Lu Shi felt the pain in his heart and mouth, and was about to kill him. For a moment, he really wanted to die with his eyes closed.

"Don't be silly! You have given me all the suffering I have now

"Captain Lu, I don't seem to have touched you."

Yan Bai's eyes are bright and his face is innocent.

Lu Shi bares his teeth and grinds his teeth severely.

"What is the pain in my heart now?"

Yan Bai faintly heard his grinding teeth "cluck" sound, a face "I don't know" look shrugged.

"Maybe, from the beginning, you were the one who was used?"

Light words, such as the mountain general pressure to land.

When the land breath a coagulation.

"What do you say?"

Yan Bai shakes his head and leans back lazily. His mouth is full of sarcasm.

Lu Shi tightly clenched the neckline. His face was bright and dark. He had no words for a long time.

"Can you solve it?"

For a long time, Lu Shi raised his eyes and looked angrily at Yan Bai.

Although the words have no head and no brain, Yan Bai is gently nodding.

When Lu Shi saw this, he grinded his teeth in secret, and his face was unwilling: "OK, I'll tell you everything."

According to Lu Shi's account, the man found him before Qingfeng sword was found. In the eyes of Lu Shi, the mysterious man is able to calculate. He was informed of all the plans before it happened.

Just as Yan Bai found out, the mysterious man just asked him to bring the fat man into the meeting hall. After that, he would try to take the sword out of the museum after 77-49 days. When the time came, the mysterious man would contact him and tell him where to send the sword.

Maybe even the mysterious people didn't count it. They attached so much importance to Qingfeng sword that they transferred the case to the serious case group. It is also missing the existence of Yan Bai.Under the strict control of the serious case group, Lu Shi couldn't take the sword away within the specified time. Unexpectedly, the people of the serious case group would invite Yan Bai to come, found the Qingfeng sword and touched himself.

In fact, he didn't know that when Qingfeng sword was found, he was afraid, and people unconsciously associated things with him.

"Have you never seen the face of the man who gave you the plan?"

Lu Shi thought about it for a while and said in some tangle: "when he came to see me, he didn't make any disguise. However, I can't remember his appearance after he left. If I didn't have what the other side left me, I would have thought everything was my illusion

"What did he give you?"

"A piece of Rune paper and a glass bottle filled with some white powder. He asked me to sprinkle the powder in the exhibition area on the day of Qingfeng sword, and then ignite the rune paper. "

Lushi is in charge of all security, and the surveillance he wants to avoid is easy.

That should be why the man came to him.

"What are you exchanging?"

Lu Shi pursed his lips and lowered his head. His voice lost a few points: "I have cancer." , the fastest update of the webnovel!