
Life again.

Yan Bai lifted his eyelids, his expression was cold and mixed with a little contempt.

"The king of hell wants you to die at the third watch, and you won't stay alive until the fifth."

The words of cloud light breeze light, like a heavy blow, hit hard in the heart of the land, the face suddenly changed, "what do you mean?"

Yan Bai shrugged his shoulders carelessly and said, "literally."

Lu Shi's heart sank and his face was as gray as death.

"Impossible, impossible, he promised, he promised..."

"Promise is just a word. If he wants to, what's the difference between it and fart?"

But it's all about hearing and seeing a little noise.

Lu Shi's body was soft and collapsed on the ground: "what should I do? What to do... "

The voice of despair reverberated in the interrogation room, and no one responded.

The people in the next room could not help but feel sad.

At this time, Lu Shi did not come any more. His face was gray and he was more than ten years old in an instant. He was like a dying man.

In a moment, Lu Shi slowly raised his eyes and looked at Yan Bai.

In front of the person slightly curved back, scattered with the breath of no care.

Lu Shi's body was stiff. He didn't know what he thought of. His silent eyes suddenly brightened. His hands clubbed his knees and stood up. His feet were unstable. He swayed twice and almost fell down.

He staggered and stumbled to the table, clasping his hands against the edge of the table to support himself.

"You can save me? is it? You can be sure! "

His face was twisted and ferocious.

Yan Bai unconsciously leans back to avoid his action. He picks up his eyebrows and shakes his head without expression.

"No way! You can save me

Lu Shi roared wildly, reaching for Yan Bai's shoulder.

Yan BAIXIAN took a step back to avoid his action.

"You should have heard a word..."


The breathing sound of man's breath is very uncomfortable.

Yan Bai frowned and glanced at him indifferently: "cure is not life-saving."

Lu Shi's body was stiff. His throat seemed to be blocked by something. He choked his breath. His eyes were red.

"Impossible, impossible!"

He shakes his head in a daze, retreats, and falls back to the ground.

Yan Bai sighed and glanced at him. He got up slowly and went to him. He took out a porcelain vase from his pocket and put it in front of him. No longer watching his reaction, he turned and walked away.

As soon as he opened the door, he gave a slight pause to the anxious eyes of the people outside, and went straight past him.

Ann night was stunned for a moment, and turned to catch up.

"Mr. Yan, can his confession really work? And what did you give him? Won't affect the case? "

Yan Bai frowned, stopped and turned back.

Ann night did not expect at all, was surprised to shout, "bang" hit his body.

Yan Bai opened people mercilessly.

She faltered and was forced to step back a few steps before she was able to stand firm.

"Mr. Yan..."

Noro's voice was full of grievances.

However, Yan Bai gave him a pale look. After comparing with her with a gesture of "Shhh", Yan Bai said in a cold voice, "it's just a crime of theft. What you should ask is Ji ran. As for what I gave him, you don't have to care whether you eat it or not. "

After that, he didn't give the other party a chance to react, so he turned and walked away.

Ann Wan was confused by his righteous words.

In her opinion, safety means shirking responsibility!

It doesn't matter what the ending is?

Little did you know that Yan Bai had dealt with the matter very clearly, and what was left for them was only to be sentenced according to the circumstances.

Yan Bai didn't know her tangle and went back to the office quickly. There are more important things on hand.

Seeing that he came back, Jingchuan called him in a hurry and spread out what he had found in front of him.

"Have you found that no one in Yin Dongyu's family has appeared since the accident except his mother? Even the handling of his company is done by his mother alone. "

After Jing Chuan investigated Yin Dongyu's accident, his mother Chen Shu did all his normal affairs, whether in court or in the separation of the company behind him. According to the survey, Yin Dongyu's mother is a rural woman who doesn't even know a word. How did she remain invincible in these games?

And what about Yin Dongyu's brothers?

After Yin Dongyu was jailed, there were many reports about Youhan technology in the news. What is more remarkable is that his mother bought out all shareholders' shares with money. Because Yin Dongyu is the largest shareholder, he has the absolute power to buy shares. In addition, when he was jailed, the situation of the company plummeted. When the three people who started the business saw his family's handling of the company, they were cold hearted for a moment, so they didn't think much about it. They sold all their shares to the Yin family.One year later, his family sold all the patents, split up the company, and finally sold all of them, even the office buildings they bought. A company is completely discounted.

After that, it disappeared.

After Yan Bai left, Jingchuan called the prison.

During his 15 years in prison, only Ji ran visited him.

"His family seems to have disappeared. Just now I asked my friend to check it for me. At least, there is no trace of his family in the places that can be found. "

Yan Bai looked down at the information he had found. He scanned it with his hand as if he had no intention of looking at it. Suddenly, he stopped.

Jingchuan saw that he took a picture out of a pile of photos.

"Who is this?"

Yan Bai turns his wrist and displays the photo in front of Jingchuan.

Jingchuan came to see: "this is his third brother, Yin Dongyi."

After that, he turned his head and looked at it carefully. He didn't find any strange place. He hesitated for a moment. He didn't hold back and asked, "what's the problem?"

Yan Bai bent down and pulled his laptop over. He opened the video, watched and pressed pause. He turned the screen toward Jingchuan, indicating that he could watch it himself.

Jingchuan is puzzled. He turns his head left and right. He stares at it carefully for a long time. His confused brain suddenly lights up. He can't help but shout, "that That That... "

Words in the mouth, but can not say, the total feeling is so poor.

Yan Bai didn't want to remind him. He just put the photo in his hand and slowly pulled out his chair to sit down.

Jingchuan opened and closed his mouth for a long time without uttering a complete sentence.

He felt that the answer was on the edge of his mouth, but he didn't know what was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

jumped two times as like as two peas, staring at the photo and the screen for a while, then suddenly he cried again, and placed the picture in front of the screen. He was amazed at the exclamation: "they are almost alike in their backs."

Yan Bai raised his eyes and gave him a look of appreciation.

Jingchuan's heart was smothered, his eyes widened, "bang" fell back to his chair: "really?"

Voice down, he lenglengleng shook his head, still a little dry to accept.

He froze, but his mind became clearer.

An absurd idea quietly becomes clear in my mind.

After a while, he even figured out the motive of the crime and the method of planting stolen goods.

But if that is the case, what is the modus operandi?

Single wooden comb, the value is not low. This is not what the Yin family can afford.

As for Yin Dongyu, if he is really inadvertently "helping", it is impossible not to say so afterwards.

From the perspective of family background investigation, Yin Dongyu and his family have no deep feelings, even can, the blood relationship is extremely indifferent, even do not want to meet.

At the beginning, the reason why Yin's mother Chen Shu didn't want to run for him was that he had to undertake what he did himself. The Yin family will not cover up a criminal.

Before the case was publicly heard, Yin Dongyu's family had identified him as a criminal.

Perhaps, what they asked for was nothing more than property in the name of Yin Dongyu.

Money and silk inspire people.

Jingchuan shakes his head and interrupts his mind. He swallows a mouthful of saliva nervously.

"You suspect that the culprit is Yin Dongyu's third brother, or they deliberately put the case on Yin Dongyu's head."

Yan Bai looked at him.

Jing Chuan was excited and worried, his face flushed.

Yan Bai could not help frowning: "evidence?"

"Er --"

Jing Chuan was stunned.

In front of the person's question, like a basin of cold water.

He hesitated for a moment, then turned his eyes to the computer, pointed to two pictures and said, "isn't this one?"

"It's just a guess. Why don't you check it out here?"

Yan Bai's words are not inductive words any more. They are totally direct to you.

Jingchuan was stunned for two seconds, but he could not help feeling that his scalp was torn a little bit.

"Younger martial brother, where do you think I should start?"

He wanted to catch the other party's collar and tell him that he learned psychology, not criminal investigation!

He just came to study a case. When did he even have to investigate the case himself?

He just wants to know the psychological activities of prisoners when committing crimes. Why!?

He puffed his lips and couldn't laugh.

Yan Bai raised his hand and gently touched the picture placed in front of the screen.

"Why not start with him?"

Jing Chuan turned his eyes and stared at him for a long time.

Men's eyes are clear and light, and they can't see a trace of banter.

He took a sip of saliva, took a deep breath and nodded his head."Well, I'll check it now. However, the resources I have in hand can not support my detailed investigation. "

Before Yan Bai came, he contacted a familiar classmate. The other party could only look up some superficial things, which had little effect on the case.

Yan Bai raised his hand and pointed to the ceiling.

Jingchuan then looked up and said, "what? You want me to go upstairs and find someone? "

Yan Bai blinked and asked, "where are we now?"

"Fengcheng Criminal Investigation Bureau."

So what?

Jingchuan's face is still full of confusion.

"This is not an existing resource?"

Now that I'm in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, I'm afraid there's no one to help you with what you want to investigate?

Jingchuan a Leng, brain light flash, reaction to come, quickly nodded, "I know!" Grab the picture, turn around and run away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!