"Is it really counted?"

Wenshuo looked at the little monk leave, or did not resist, exclamation like opening a question.

Yan Bai nodded when Wen Shuo thought he would not respond.

"That man changed your amulet. He's a bit of a Taoist."

Yan Bai thinks more.

Although Wenshuo didn't have his amulet, he was still protected by something. To think of it, the person should have foreseen something in advance before he did so.

But as for why, Ben only needs to see people.


It passed away three days ago.

Another move is one step short.

I don't know if there will be any clues left.


Wenshuo secretly murmured a sentence, low eyes cover the deep meaning of the bottom of the eyes.

His voice drifted through Yan Bai's ear with the wind.

The man glanced at him quietly.

He didn't notice.

The quiet chanting in the temple lingered in their ears, and their anxious mood became quieter and quieter.

A little bit.

The host and the little monk walked slowly together.


The long voice seems to be with a bit of melancholy.

Yan Bai got up and nodded politely.


The host bent down slightly to respond, then turned his eyes to Wenshuo.

"Benefactor Wen, I have been waiting for you for a long time, but I still didn't wait for you."

Wen Shuo's face changed.

"He knows me?"

The host smiles and nods.

"The last time he went down the mountain was for you."

Wen Shuo's face changed after hearing the speech, which was not acceptable for a moment.

Or not enough experience, still feel incredible.

He turned his eyes to Yan Bai.

The man's face was light, as if not unexpected.

As if his eyes were too hot, Yan Bai suddenly turned his head.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yan white eyes light light, gently nodded to him, as if to give him some encouragement in general.

Wenshuo's impetuous heart suddenly calmed down.

He took a deep breath in silence, turned his eyes to the host, and bent down slightly respectfully, "well, what did he leave for me?"

Host nods, backhand does not know from take out a letter, hand him.

"He felt that his time was coming, and before the end of his silence, he paid me the trust. If you come before he passes away, let him say it. If you miss it, let me give it to you. "

Wen Shuo was stunned, his eyebrows tightened, and he raised his hand with some difficulty to take over the yellow envelope in his hand.

It's light.

The internal force is only about a piece of paper.

He looked down at the envelope for a second.

When he recovered, the host had left quietly.

He turned his eyes and looked at Yan Bai, who had already sat down.

"Well, what should I do?"

Yan white hand gently tapped the table top: "since give you, you see."

Wenshuo then opened the envelope.

On the white letter paper, only 12 words were written.

Wind and rain have come, break the game outside, moonlight at night.

Wen Shuo glanced at it, flipped over the letter paper, trying to find some other information.

But there was nothing.

After thinking for a while, he found that he couldn't understand it. He sighed, turned to Yan Bai and handed the letter to him.

Yan Bai, take your eyes.

A glance, eyebrow heart twist.

Wenshuo in a flash feel his whole body breath suddenly congealed, cold air accumulation, heart shaking.

He inexplicably nervous up, the body stretched straight, hesitated to open his mouth: "what happened?"

Yan Bai shook his head and rose suddenly.

Wenshuo is stunned, some stupefied to see him leave.

Look back, man has gone far.

He was in a fluster in his mind. He didn't care about other things, so he got up quickly to catch up with him.

When he saw the figure, he stopped.

Subconscious movements.

He didn't know why he wanted to stop, but there was a voice at the bottom of his heart to remind him that he could not get close.

He watched Yan Bai standing outside the door, his head slightly low, his mouth open and close, not knowing what he was saying.

Across a distance, Wenshuo can still feel the more awe inspiring momentum on Yan Bai's body, and his heart rate can't help speeding up.

He was silent, stepped back, turned his back, pretended not to exist.

Time slips away in the fingers.

Wenshuo looked up at the clouds floating in the sky. Waiting for the sound to call his name, suddenly back to his mind, inexplicably raised a bit of vicissitudes of life feeling.

He sank his mind, raised his hand to wipe his face, looked back, and looked at the people who came to him."Where are we going now?"

Yan Bai handed the letter to him: "find someone."

Looking for someone else?

Wen Shuo raised her eyebrows.

"Do you know what that means?"

He could not help but look down at the letter in his hand.

Yan Bai did not answer.

Wen Shuo's mind was heavy.

On the way.

He couldn't help thinking about the meaning of the twelve words.

The wind and rain has come, is not the bad thing has arrived?

What they're looking for now, does that mean something big is going to happen?

No, they are in the whirlpool now.

As for the failure, does it mean that the key figures are not among them?

What does that last sentence mean.


"Do you know what white night means?" ,

the sudden questions made the people in the car stupefied.

Wen Shuo thought for a moment and said what he had found.

The white night is close to the polar circle, but outside the polar circle, the sun sets below the horizon and can only reach a very small angle. Due to the scattering effect of the atmosphere, the whole night will not be completely dark. In China, near the northernmost point, when summer approaches the summer solstice, the phenomenon of white night will be found.

Yan Bai raised his eyebrows.

"You're right, but in our industry, the so-called white night -"

Yan Bai slightly lengthened the ending and explained in a soft voice.

"It's a day night."

Day night?

"Have you ever seen the dog eating day?"

Wenshuo shakes his head.

In history, there is a record of the dog eating day.

There was a flash of light in his brain.


When the dog eats the sun, it's dark in the day. Isn't it in the night of the day!?

His eyes are shining brightly, can't help but straighten up his back and tell his guess to each other.

Yan Bai nodded his head.

"Although the truth is a little rough, it is the same principle."

In the line, the alternation of day and night represents the alternation of yin and Yang. The dog eating the sun disturbs the Yin and Yang, and then the world will be in chaos.

Moonlight is the only light in the white night, which means hope.

The twelve words given by clearance, in a simple way, are chaotic and have solutions.

As for the solution, it is not known yet.

Specious information, in fact, does not have much reuse.

Yan Bai got a message from the host.

Jingkong has a friend at the foot of the mountain, whose address is in the east of the city.

Every time Jingkong goes down the mountain, he goes to talk to his friends. Maybe we can get some useful information there.

The party arrived at their destination.

Yan Bai only took Wenshuo.

Gu Ming lies down on the window, looks at their back, and sighs a little bitterly.

"Huzi, why don't they let us follow?"

Yan Hu is in a daze, listen to the voice to return to God, partial head looked at one eye, thought to say: "perhaps it is suspected with us cumbersome."

Gu Ming rubbed his body and stared at him. "Old fellow," he said.

Yan Hu "ha ha" a smile, did not answer.

"Ah --" Gu Ming sighed. His body was soft and he was lying on the window. His eyes were scattered.

On the other side.

Wen Shuo rings the doorbell.

There was no response from the house.

Wen Shuo looked back: "it should be..."

"Click -"

the door popped open, his words stuck in his throat, and he swept left and right in surprise.

Yan Bai didn't look at him and opened the door.

Wen Shuo breathed a silent breath, followed his steps and entered the door.

They walked through the garden and the door of the villa was opened.

After Wenshuo entered the door, he felt that the room was empty, and he could not feel a trace of popularity.

He was a little nervous.

Come in.

His feet will fall and a long voice will follow.

"Here it is."

The voice with a little vicissitudes, showing a bit tired.

Wenshuo is stunned and subconsciously turns to look at Yan Bai.

Yan Bai didn't respond and paced to the sofa.

On the sofa, an old man sat upright with soft eyes.

Wen Shuo only felt his eyes as if he were looking at another person through himself.

Yan Bai nodded politely, went to the sofa beside him and sat down.

The smile on the old man's face is peaceful, as if he is looking at the younger generation who is familiar with each other.

"You're coming faster than I thought."

Yan Bai said with a smile: "it was the host who told you my whereabouts."The old man nodded and did not deny it.

"How long have we not seen each other? decade? Or... "

"Thirteen years, uncle Ming."

The old man was stunned and sighed with a sigh of regret: "it's been 13 years."

My eyes shine in the bright night.

He used to pursue the so-called long life, was locked up by night wanwan soul, sealed up.

Later, the fate of the meeting, Yan Bai untied his seal.

He was just released, full of hatred, even long life have forgotten, just want to kill night wanwan revenge.

When did you let go of your obsession?

He's a little confused.

But he still remembered that it was Yan Bai who enlightened him and let him down.

He followed Yan Bai to become a JC for a period of time. Later, he calculated that his life span was not much. He left by himself.

The evils created before are beginning to bite back.

He thought that he would not live long and that they would not meet again.

Who would have thought that he had survived for 13 years, and did not expect to see him again one day.

Yan Bai is the only light in his reborn life.

He met Wen Shuo in an accident.

He felt his breath on Wenshuo. After several times approaching, he found the Amulet of Yan Baixia on Wenshuo.

After that, he would pay attention to Wen Shuo from time to time.

Only in this way can we find that the amulet on Wenshuo's body is wrong.

"Did you let Jingkong take Wenshuo's Amulet?"

Wen Shuo almost jumped up when he heard it.

Do you know that!?

Old swan!

He clenched his hands nervously, his eyes flying between them.

It turns out that the world's experts are all in the same circle!

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