Nod tomorrow night.

"He didn't know where he had touched something he shouldn't have touched. The amulet had cracked. But his family didn't seem to understand. I saw that the situation was not very good, so I let clearance find a chance to change his amulet

Yan Bai felt a little emotion in his heart.

At that time, he thought he would never meet again.

Tomorrow night's temperament is very stubborn, very stubborn. Generally, what he has decided will not be changed.

When he decided to leave, Yan Bai understood that the other party didn't want to see him die.

Who thought, go around, unexpectedly met again.

Tomorrow night did not miss the bottom of his eyes that flashed emotion, also can't help laughing.

"In fact, I was hesitant just now, whether to let the host tell you my existence."

Before he left, he divined, and the fate between them had ended. If he tried again, it would not be good for anyone.

Yan Bai thought of his idea and sighed helplessly.

"It can only be said that our fate is still there."

Tomorrow night, smile, eyes warm and deep.

Divination is to ask no one.

It was he who thought.

"You're investigating the missing people in this city."

Yan Bai Mou color a sink, surprised but asked: "missing population?"

His face was not affected by surprise.

My heart will not sink tomorrow night.

"You don't know?"

Yan's white eyes were cold and heavy, and he shook his head gently.

He explained his intention.

At the bottom of my eyes, I feel tired. I lean on the back of the sofa.

"It's my consideration. You don't have to deal with the disappearance."

But Yan Bai had a hunch that this was a bit wrong. Ask him directly what's going on.

Tomorrow night, he sighed and said his own discovery.

Two years ago, he calculated a good place for his retirement, which was Shencheng. He bought and settled here.

When he went to the temple to fill in the fragrant oil money, the person who received him was Jingkong.

Although the clearance is short, it is very intelligent. It is only half a year after the introduction, and it even started to have insight.

At a glance, he saw the evil debt on him.

When he felt that they were predestined, he felt that he had to pay his debts.

After that, they met frequently. After the occasional conversation, the two became more and more congenial and became intimate friends.

They often meet to volunteer in orphanages and nursing homes.

The first place to find the anomaly was an orphanage on the outskirts of the city.

That place, the night and the clearance often go, the children inside are very likely. Every time I get along with them, I feel much more relaxed tomorrow night.

But that day, he found that there were three children missing from the orphanage.

Under his repeated pressure, the Dean revealed that the child was lost.

Lost for three days.

The dean said he had called the police.

It is only because of the old monitoring equipment around, it is difficult to investigate.

Before the clearance left, there was still no news.

At the same time, tomorrow night, by chance, we found that the number of migrant workers outside the city seemed to be much less.

When he inquired, he learned that some of them suddenly became rich and returned home.

There are familiar with it, want to get the same way to earn some money to go back home, but those people just vaguely said that they met some noble people, and they didn't want many people, so they left in a hurry.

These two things make tomorrow night care.

He also went to the sub bureau to report, but because of the circulation of foreign personnel, in their view, it was normal contact and did not pay attention to it.

When I saw Yan Bai tomorrow night, I thought he had found the space by investigating the missing case.

In the clearance to leave, he and clearance every three days to go to the orphanage to see, ask about the situation.

After hearing this, Yan Bai turns his eyes to Wenshuo.

Wenshuo received his eyes, nodded silently, got up and went out to make a phone call.

Yan Bai watched him go away, half closed his eyes, pressed the dark surge of his eyes, and then lifted his eyes, no waves and no waves.

He nodded to the next night: "I asked him to check on the situation, if there is a problem, I will take over."

In any case, one case is handled and two cases are also handled.

I was relieved when I heard him take over tomorrow night.


Yan Bai shakes his head to show that he has not.

"It's my duty. What about missing children? What are their characteristics? "

I will nod my head tomorrow night and come slowly.

The three missing children, the oldest is only 10 years old, named Nan Yi. I like him very much tomorrow night. They all named him by themselves.

Two other kids, one five and one seven. The name follows Nanyi, one is Nanan and the other is Nanjing.

The three of them were sent to the orphanage at the same time. They had a good relationship and stuck together every day.The three children are very sensible, especially Nanyi.

Nanyi looks after and protects the other two little guys like a big brother.

Among them, Nan'an looks like three children. No, it should be said that she is the best in the whole orphanage. He is a bit of a boy and a girl. He is clear and beautiful. His big eyes are dark, like black grapes. A smile, like an angel in general, can instantly melt people's hearts. He blinks big eyes, to your coquettish time, is lets the human be unable to resist.

But such children are not popular in orphanages.

Nan'an is often bullied by others. If it wasn't for Nanyi's constant protection, the little guy would have suffered a lot.

I didn't find it tomorrow night because when I went to the orphanage, Nan Yi didn't bring two little guys to listen to the story.

After he found out, he went to the dean at the first time.

The dean said the child was lost. I just don't know if I lost my mischievous way, or I was taken away by someone with a heart.

"Oh, yes."

My eyes flash in the bright night.

"I also think of one, Nan'an not only looks like a little girl, but also has a natural cinnabar mole in the center of his eyebrow. Make his face look more dazzling. "

Once in a while, he couldn't help shaking his spirits.

Such a child is out of place with everything in the orphanage.

Yan Bai twisted his eyebrows.

As expected tomorrow night, a proud look, if there is no background or ability to protect each other, the result is often not very good.

He thought a little, the bottom of his eyes was dark, some hesitant mouth.

"Didn't you think there was a problem with the orphanage?"

Tomorrow night, a Zheng, the brain is like a knock that, slightly frown.

"Why do you think so?"

"The orphanage in Shencheng was renovated five years ago. The surrounding monitoring equipment was the best at that time. I believe that even after five years, they should still work well. "

In Yan Bai's shallow voice, there is some unknown meaning.

Tomorrow night's heart was knocked a few times, the brain can not help thinking a little more.

"I think it should be OK."

The orphanage. He's been there for two years. I have also participated in the operation. If there is any problem, I have found it for a long time.

There were some problems in the orphanage before, but they were rectified.

Because he donated a lot of money, the new president's choice, the people above have also come to ask him for his opinions.

At least, he doesn't think the dean will have a problem.

Yan Bai shook his head: "I'm not talking about the president, it's the whole hospital. What's more, may I ask, what was rectified before? "

Tomorrow night, his face turned grey and sighed.

"You know, there are some good-looking children in the orphanage. In the past, the Dean took a fancy to the appearance of those children. On the pretext of adoption, he secretly found someone to fake the adopter and sell the children abroad

There was a child in the middle who was abducted and sold. After the case was solved, he was sent over because his parents were not found.

Later, his biological parents found it and wanted to meet with the adoptive family to discuss whether they could return the child to them.

Who would have thought that the family didn't exist after reviewing the files.

The parents found that the problem was wrong, and immediately called the police. After tracing, they found that they were sold.

The former president was arrested and the whole orphanage was rectified.

Now the staff are all selected after that incident.

He didn't think there would be a problem.

Yan Bai said in a soft voice, "is it.

"Do you hear something wrong?"

Yan Bai shakes his head, silence does not answer.

He didn't comment until he had seen it with his own eyes.

It's just that he never believes that there are really good people in the world.

There is no wavering, but the chips are not enough.

At night, I don't know what to say, sighing silently and falling into silence.

The house was quiet, as if the breeze could be heard.

When Wenshuo came back, his face looked very bad.

He went to Yan Bai and bent down to speak to him quietly, but he was interrupted by Yan Bai raising his hand.

"Just say it."

Looking at his face, Yan Bai probably guessed some.

Wenshuo nodded, straightened his back, and unconsciously looked at the bright night.

Tomorrow night, I just feel that he looks at himself a little strange, and his heart is not from a tight.

The next moment, he heard Wenshuo say: "checked, no report records."

"What, no way!"

I stare at you tomorrow night and blurt out.

Yan's eyes were pale, and there was no surprise in his face.

Bright night heart not from a sink, the eyes of the firm scattered point."No way!? Can you find out? "

Without waiting for Yan Bai to open his mouth, Wenshuo directly cut off the beginning of the story.

"I've checked them all. Now all the systems are connected to the national network. As long as they are reported, there will be records. Unless, it's a special case, it's going to be erased at the end of the case. "

Obviously, this case of missing children does not belong to this category.

Moreover, children's missing cases belong to the first level of early warning. Once a person is lost, a special mechanism will be activated and the whole network will be informed.

The orphanage lost three children. It's not a small case.

He can't make a mistake.

As soon as Wen Shuo explained, the look on his face was even more ugly.

Yan Bai said lightly and rose slowly.

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

Tomorrow night, dazed and dazed, she looks like a abandoned child.

Yan Bai sighed and patted him on the shoulder. Then he pinched him gently and forcefully. After seeing the reaction in his eyes, he said, "let's go to the orphanage. You can't find the answer here. "

Tomorrow night, my mind slowly returned to the cage, took a deep breath, slowly straightened my back, and slowly stood up.

Yan Bai let go of his hand as he started.

Turn head tomorrow night, the eye color is dignified looking at him to nod.

"Well, let's go and have a look."

He would ask what they wanted to do.


"Mr. Ming, our dean is really not here. I didn't cheat you. He is ill and has been on leave for three days

Orphanage staff, Helia headache difficult to follow the footsteps of the party.

They were walking so fast that she had to trot to keep up.

The cold color on the face of tomorrow night is too obvious. She looks at it and intuitively feels that the other party is here to find fault. She was a little flustered. In addition, the Dean was not in, so she was more worried.

She did not know that Mr. Ming, who used to smile to help, was so angry today.

"Ah --" tomorrow night sneered: "if he is not here, will no one else be responsible? What's more, I just came to ask Nan Yi about their situation. What are you stopping me from doing? "

Holly opened and closed her mouth.

She was about to cry.

How dare she say that!?

A few days after the loss of the dean's child, he told all the staff that the child had been lost. The police found out that it was probably related to Mr. Ming. Let them be alert when Mr. Ming comes.

The president was always with her before. Today, the president is not here, and she doesn't know what to do.

She's too anxious to stop people.

She wants to persuade people to go back. Should it be ok?

Little did not know that her behavior in the eyes of tomorrow night is guilty.

"What are you hiding from me?"

Tomorrow night, I suddenly stopped and looked at her coldly.

Helia's heart trembled and her back became cold. She shook her head and murmured "no".

Anyone who looks at her like this will feel a problem.

The eye color of bright night sinks.

"You don't have to be nervous. I brought jingcha here today to check on the missing of Nanyi. "

He Liya is stunned. Her sight can't help drifting to Yan Bai and Wen Shuo beside him.

The momentum of their whole body was too fierce, but at one glance, her heart could not help tightening.

She spoke and stammered, "police Police jingcha?”

Nod tomorrow night.

"Any questions?"

Helia bit her lip, and did not know how to reply.

Didn't the Dean say that the disappearance of the child was related to Mr. Ming? How dare he bring jingcha here? Are you not afraid to be found? , the fastest update of the webnovel!