"Yan Bai, wake up."

Low voice call, like a feather gently sliding across the eardrum.

Yan Bai turned over and slowly opened his eyes.

The blurred impression slowly became clear.

"What's the matter?"

He woke up, glanced at Jiang Heng, and sat up with his hands.

Take someone to change it?

Yan's eyes are shining.

It seems that he thinks well. There are still people behind this.

As for Ayi, as a rare witch, naturally the other side wants to fight.

He turned over and got out of bed.

"Are you awake over there?"

Jiang Heng shakes his head.

"I don't know."

He came back from there at the end of the night yesterday, when both of them were already asleep, and he did not disturb him, so he cleaned up and went to sleep.

Just now he was woken up by the phone. He directly woke up Yan Bai.

Yan Bai nodded to show that he knew.

Jiang Heng raised his hand, compared with a "OK" gesture, turned and left.

Jiang Heng went to another room and knocked on the door.

The door was opened before the hand was lifted.

His hands were in the air.

"Awake? Did you have a good rest last night

When he said that, he could not help but look at the people in front of him.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, or because he changed his clothes, he always felt that the breath of the people in front of him was a little different from that of yesterday.

A Yi inclined to pick up one side of the mouth, with a slight sarcastic smile.

"Oh, I'm awake. I'm in good health."

The hoarse voice made Jiang Heng frown.

"What's wrong with your voice?"

"Cluck, guess."

She raised her hand to Jiang Heng's face.

Jiang Heng heart a Lin, subconsciously back a tilt, avoid her action.

"Now that you are awake, come out. I'll be out in a moment

He turned and walked away quickly, and his back had a sense of fleeing.

He did not look back, did not see the flash of light in the eyes behind him, as if to see prey in general, eyes full of greed.

A Yi's tongue gently licked the lip, inexplicably felt a little dry throat.

Jiang Heng ran back to the room and slapped the door of the bathroom twice.

Yan Bai was brushing his teeth. He was startled. When he opened the door, he looked at him with a long face.

Jiang Heng was a little dignified, and when he saw him, he opened his mouth in a hurry.

"There's something wrong with Ayi."

Yan Bai moves on the hand, slants the eye to cross his head, to a Yi room direction to look at, told him its situation.

Jiang Heng took a breath in silence.

"So, this is going to be someone else."

He thought of the man's behavior just now, inexplicably recalled what happened in Roche, and unconsciously made a shiver.

"What are we going to do now?"

Yan Bai gave him a look of "a little calm, don't be impatient", turned back to the bathroom and continued to wash.

Jiang Heng looked at his action, hesitated for a moment and chose silence.

He quietly went to the balcony, sat down on the small sofa, took out his mobile phone to watch the news, and waited.

He watched, and suddenly he was caught by a piece of news.

The title is "exploring the mystery of clouds, a new revelation of the ancient cemetery".

When you open the contents, it turns out that there are archaeologists who have discovered ancient tombs on a seashore in Hong Kong City. From what we found, the cemetery can be traced back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

If it is confirmed, there will be another evidence that Hong Kong city belongs to the territory of China since ancient times.

Although the entrance to the tomb has not yet been found, it has shocked the archaeological community.

But what really surprised Jiang Heng was the photo of the antiquity published in the report - a stone tablet.

I feel familiar with my eyes.

He saved the photo and sent it to Guan Fuyang, asking the other party to give him clues as soon as possible.

Yan Bai comes out, see Jiang Heng face dignified looking at the mobile phone, do not know what happened.

He called out.

Jiang Heng regained his mind, and his eyes moved with ripples.

He gets up and hands his cell phone to Yan Bai.

Yan Bai doubted what he looked at, looked down.

Like Jiang Heng, he was also attracted by the stone tablet published in the report.

"Did you find someone to check?"

Jiang Heng nodded his head.

"I feel familiar. I can't remember it for a moment."

"Pay attention to the low pattern of the stone tablet."

Jiang Heng took the phone and enlarged the photo.

After staring at it for a while, my brain flashed.

"This is the same as the lines on the ornaments found in the previous Cheng hang case."Cheng Hang's case involves Yan Bai.

Jiang Heng had a knot in his heart, so he asked Yan Bai for the file after the case was closed. When it's all right, we'll take it out and study it.

The pattern is familiar to him.

On the stone tablet in the photo, the pattern is only one edge and compressed.

He didn't see it for a moment.

At this point, he wondered.

"Do you know what this stone tablet is for?"

"This pattern is created by me. What do you think is the reason for the appearance of the stone tablet?"

Jiang Heng was stunned and his eyes turned.

"For you?"

Yan Bai sat down, raised his hand on the balcony of the small table, fingertips unconsciously gently tapping on the table.

"Du -- Du --"

slow and rhythmic.

Jiang Heng's heart, with the voice, slowly fall, become calm.

Yan Bai read the report carefully and opened his mouth.

"I think there must be something. However, if they could not find the entrance, they used this method to attract professional help. "

"Are they trying to borrow?"

Yan Bai nodded.

"About, you want to lead me through. Let your people keep an eye on it. Report as soon as possible. "

Jiang hengying.

"Let's go. We'll take care of the one outside first."

Yan Bai waved with him, got up and left.

Jiang Heng glanced out of the window.

It's overcast. It looks as if it's going to rain again.

He sighed and got up to keep up with Yan Bai.

A Yi sat cross legged on the sofa, his head tilted to look out of the window, and suddenly turned his head to look at the movement.

I don't know whether to see Yan Bai or Jiang Heng, his eyes suddenly lit up and waved his hand.

"Oh, you are willing to get out of the nest."

The high tone of banter is very uncomfortable.

Jiang Heng Cu frown, completely subconscious side of the body, toward Yan Bai behind hiding.

Action together, Yi Mou bottom quickly flashed a touch of light that means unknown.

Jiang Heng tilted his head and didn't see it.

Yan Bai noticed.

He glanced at Jiang Heng with his dark eyes. Shi Shi ran walked to the opposite of Ayi and sat down.

"Your letter?"

A Yi eyebrow tip a pick, full face frivolous.

"Yes, how are you? Do you want your big baby?"

She said, and then turned to look at Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng heard the three words "big baby", inexplicably felt cold in his heart. He could not help but shiver and lived in his legs in silence.

Yan gave her a blank look.

"Tell me, what can I do to let people go."

Ah Yi points to Jiang Heng without hesitation.

"I want him."

Yan Bai: "impossible."

Jiang Heng: what do you want

Two people speak with one voice, face color and sink, eyes cold looking at the opposite person.

Ayes was not affected, still languid smile.

"Whatever you want. Do you think that if you go in again, you will have another good luck and come out? "

Yan Bai looked at the fearless smile on her face, and her eyes were colder.

"Maybe I can get in through another door."

A Yi was stunned. Looking at the man's calm face, he felt uneasy and sat up straight.

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Yan Bai got up and rushed to her, clasped her pulse, and suddenly stimulated her meridians with spiritual power.

A Yi has not yet responded, suddenly to the sharp pain, the pain of her sudden howling up.

"Ah! Don't try to hold me down

Yan white eyes in a flash of cold light, the hands of a little bit of afterburner.


The hissing sound of tearing heart and lung seemed to shatter the heaven and earth, reverberating in the house.

Yan Bai's face remained the same, and his eyes were cold.

His cold breath, coupled with Ayi's roar, made Jiang's constant fear and goose bumps all over his body.

He sat in silence, his back against the sofa, almost no gap.

On the way, he closed his eyes and raised his hand to cover his ears.

"You bastard

After the scream, the sound stopped.

Jiang Heng turned his eyes under his eyelids and waited for a while before he tried to open his eyes.

Ayi is dizzy.

"Is she OK?"

Yan Bai got up and straightened his clothes slowly and nodded.

"Wake up."

He suppressed the soul power of the soul with his spiritual power, only to see if the soul of Ayi could be suppressed."Then we are..."

Jiang Heng takes a look at Ayi and thinks that it can only be so. He nods.

"You too. You need to call."

Yan Bai gave a "um".

Jiang Heng left.

About ten minutes after he left, Ayi uttered a voice, his eyelashes trembled and opened his eyes slowly.

The sun sprinkles on the face, faintly some dazzling.

She unconsciously raised her hand to cover her eyes and slowly sat up.

"What's wrong with me?"


"Did you sleep well?"

Man's voice of cold anger, like a needle in her heart.

A Yi shivers, brush the ground to put down the hand, sit up straight body, turn eyes to see to opposite person.


Yan Bai was indifferent.

Ayi's voice is one card. It feels as if someone pinched his throat and couldn't make a sound.

She was stunned for a moment, lowered her head, and nono said, "I'm sorry."

Yan Bai did not respond, but directly told her that there was another soul in her body.

Ayi is dead.

She opened her eyes wide, staring at the people in front of her for a long time.

Her mouth, opened and closed, opened and closed, but there was no sound.

For a long time.

She choked.

"What shall I do?"

Voice down, long silence, no response.

She hung her head like a quail, and her whole body was full of depression.

Yan Bai gets up, goes to her and reaches out to her.

As the shadow fell, ah Yi's heart was moved.

She looked up and looked at the hand in front of her eyes. Thinking of her previous pull people, but the other side to avoid the action, let her can not help but some hesitation.

She raised her eyes and looked at the people in front of her eyes with a bit of cowardice in her eyes.

Yan Bai did not wait for her reaction, directly reached out and pulled the person up.

"Step by step. I'll find a way to get the other soul away. "

Ayi bowed his head, breathed a silent breath, and nodded for two seconds.

She knew in her heart that she had no other way but to trust the people around her.

Yan Bai asked her to wash up and leave.


"How is it going?"

Jiang Heng shakes his head, and he delivers a document to Yan Bai.

"Mobile phones use virtual IP, so it takes a little time to crack. They're doing it. "

It's not very good.

They are only allowed 24 hours on the phone, one person for another.

Yan Bai's step is a meal, side eye.

"What happens if the other party doesn't say that he doesn't change people?"

Jiang Heng stopped and thought.

"Wait a minute."

He ran away to find the operator to answer the phone.

"Tell him what happened then."

The operator looked at Yan Bai Leng for a while, hesitantly gathered to Jiang Heng's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Can you tell me about the case?"

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yan Bai unconsciously.

Although he has been together for so long, at first glance, his face is still tender.

Yan Bai felt his eyes and couldn't help looking around.

Four eyes are opposite.

Jiang Heng's face suddenly became hot, and he waved his hand with a dry smile, indicating that he was OK.

Yan white dark eyes color, doubt flashed over, turned his head.

Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief and told the operator that Yan Bai was his superior.

The other party was stupefied and dazzled. His eyes were full of disbelief.

"You will not..."

Jiang Heng lined up on his back to stop his words and make people report.

The operator pauses for a moment, nods in a daze and calls "Sir".

Yan Bai gave a deep "um".

"Tell me what it is."

The operator took a mouthful of saliva in silence and opened his mouth.

"I got the call at 8:36, and the other party said that the guide we were looking for was in his hands, and he wanted us to exchange it with the people we had. Who exactly is it? He said our people know.

Oh, by the way, it's at the foot of the mountain.

He said that when people are on the mountain, we just need to wait in the house and people will come back. "

Yan Bai was silent and thought for a while.

"What's his voice like?"

"It's a voice changer. It's hard for men and women to distinguish."

Yan Bai nodded, indicating that he knew, and waved his hand to him, indicating that he could leave.

The operator was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned to look at Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng met Yan Bai's intention and patted the operator on the shoulder."Well, it's all right. Go ahead. I'll come back to you if you need help

The operator hesitated for a moment, or said nothing, nodded away.

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