Jiang Heng watched him go, went to Yan Bai and asked.

"What do you think?"

Yan Bai shook his head.

"I don't know if I have a lot of heart. I always feel that..."

He stopped, as if thinking about something.

Jiang Heng saw that his face was heavy, and his heart was also raised, which made him uneasy.


"I think the caller is in town."

The guide was also brought into the city.

That wooden house, not everyone can enter.

Jiang Heng heart a loose, some unexpected pick eyebrows.

"Why do you think so?"

Yan Bai sank his eyes, and his voice was quiet and light.

"Do you remember the guide once said that some people had gone out of the miasma forest before, but not long after they came out, people died one by one."

Jiang Heng nodded.

So what?

"That proves that there is a way to go directly through the miasma forest. I think it's time we went to the families of those people before and asked about the situation. "

Every time, they tell people who go up the mountain not to touch the miasma forest, but every year, people who are not afraid of death drill into it.

It's an adventure, but it's a death hunt.

And every time they go up the mountain, they have a record.

What Yan Bai wanted, Jiang Heng quickly found it.

He took the address, and now only one family is in Cloud City. The others have moved out and are still in contact.

They took Ayi and left together.


"The son of the family."

He hesitated not to open the door, said the situation.

The dead is the son of the family, the only child. When people die, the family is destroyed. My mother committed suicide twice, and my father retired from his position because of work mistakes. Now I live on the old man's pension.

There is no shortage of money, but life is hard.

He couldn't bear to disturb this time.

He hesitated.

"Do you really want to go?"

Yan Bai nodded.

"You see, we still have a human life waiting."

He withdrew his eyes, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

But, after a while, no one answered.

He knocked again for a while, still silent and unresponsive.

"Are you going out?"

Yan Bai hooked his hand and motioned to get out of the way.

"Dong" of a huge sound, will one side of the people shaking.

He kicked the door open and rushed straight for the kitchen.

Wait for others to come back and smell the door.

The pungent smell of gas made people change their faces and hurried into the door to check the situation.

Hearing this, Yan Bai called out.

"In the bedroom, call 120!"

Yan Bai turned off the ignition valve and came over. Seeing that they were holding people, he went out of the room and called for emergency.

The remaining three people cooperate, will be carried down the floor, flat on the ground.

Yan Bai went over and touched his neck. Fortunately, he could feel a weak pulse.

"The ambulance will be here in about five minutes. Pay attention to them and call me if it's not right."

Jiang Heng nodded coldly.

It's a coincidence.

He was silent and could not help thinking.

Some flustered, but also happy.

It's a good thing they're here, or it's a big deal.

Usually short five minutes, at this moment seems particularly long.



"Carbon monoxide poisoning, fortunately, it was delivered in time. If you slow down a few more minutes, people may not be able to save. They are in stable condition now, but it will take a little time to wake up.

You need a little patience. If you have any questions, ring the bell

The doctor told him to leave.

Jiang Heng sent people away and came back to ask Yan Bai what to do now.

The other side left them a day's time, which took a lot of time.

"The others have moved out. Not yet. "

Yan Bai did not answer.

He went to the bedside and beat the old man's pulse.

Steady but a little weak.

He's assessing whether forcing people to wake up leaves a legacy.

Seeing his action, Jiang Heng could not help but think of his behavior towards Ayi in the morning, and his heart suddenly raised it.

Knowing that he had a sense of propriety, he still didn't hold back a low breath.

Yan Bai hears the voice, but ignores it.

He tried to stimulate the potential of the old man with his spiritual power.

"Well --"

a whisper.

Jiang Hengxin cluttered for a moment, then mentioned his voice. Before he could think about it, he rushed to the bedside and asked in a low voice:"What are you doing? Is he OK?"

Yan Bai did not answer.

Jiang constant pressure under the heart of anxiety, the side of the head to see the people on the hospital bed.

In a flash, he saw that the pale face of the people on the bed gradually turned bloody, even the lips were a little red.

"He This... "

Yan Bai glanced at him and slowly released his hand.

Jiang Heng can see the improvement, then honestly back a step, did not speak again.

In a moment.

The patient's eyelids fluttered and opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes were clouded, and he turned his head around hard and blankly.

After a while, he turned his eyes and fell on Yan Bai.

"Who are you?"

Difficult mouth, voice hoarse, such as the general spit out four words.

Yan Bai didn't answer, but turned to Jiang Heng and asked him to help him up in a low voice.

When Jiang Heng approached and carefully lifted the people up, he said their identity.

When he retreated, he saw that the faces of the people on the bed had changed, even worse than those when he was in a coma.

The old man pursed his lips, pondered for a long time, and slowly opened his mouth to ask.

"What do you want to know?"

His voice was as hoarse and ugly as if he had been stabbed.

Jiang Heng took a look at Yan Bai and considered his opening.

"We want to know what happened after your son came home."

The old man turned his eyes and took a deep look at him.

In the turbid eyes, there is a sharp light.

Jiang Heng couldn't help being stunned. Before he responded, he took back his eyes and turned his head to look out of the window.

His mind moved, and suddenly there was something strange about him.

"When he came back, I took him to a medical examination. At that time, the doctor diagnosed that his body was eroded by some poisonous gases, and his internal organs were badly injured. Even if he was well maintained, he would not live long. "

After that, he stopped working and stayed at home with the child's mother to take care of his son.

However, after leaving hospital and returning home, their son was in a state of anxiety all day long.

The son always said that someone was chasing him, wanted to dig his heart, and said there were monsters.

Some messy words, the old man only thought that he hurt his brain in the miasma forest, did not care.

Until one day, the son suddenly sobered up, called the old man, had a conversation with him, and asked him to take care of himself and his mother, and live well.

At that time, the old man thought that his son was ok, and he told his wife.

Who thought, the next day he went, waiting for him, is a dead body.

The cold and stiff body told him that his son had been dead for a long time.

He looked at his son's blue face, and his heart was as gray as death.

"That day, he told me that there was a strange workshop in the miasma forest. He suspected that the miasma was discharged from the workshop

My son and five friends sneaked into the workshop and couldn't understand what those people were doing. After accidentally fell into a trap, was found, caught.

He is usually interested in the eight trigrams of the book of changes. Among them, he found a trapped dragon formation.

At first, he thought he was wrong. After being caught, he died as a living horse doctor, trying to follow his own ideas.

Finally, let him go out.

Just at the exit, he came across a choice.

The choice between life and death.

Finally, it was a friend who sacrificed himself to push them out.

When they were caught, he heard the people talking.

They said that their hearts were very fragrant, and they had an impulse to dig out all their hearts and eat them.

They're not scared.

In the middle, a friend was dragged away and never came back.

While fleeing, he saw a corpse similar to his good friend in a pit. The location of his heart was a big hole. The blood had coagulated. Around the hole, there were dark blood stains, which made the scalp numb.

"Don't go. In the miasma forest, there is only one way to die. "

Yan Bai did not answer. He went to the bedside and raised his hand to point the old man's forehead.

The old man's murmur gradually weakened, and finally there was no sound.

Jiang Heng approached and found that the man was asleep.

He then started, gently put people flat, turned his eyes to see Yan Bai, with questions written on the bottom of his eyes.

Yan Bai shakes his head, saying that he is not clear about it. He turns his head and looks at Ayi.

"What do you think?"

Yi Leng for a while, raised the finger to point to oneself.

"Ask me?"

Yan Bai nodded.

She was confused. She blinked and looked at Yan Bai for a while and shook her head stiffly.

"I don't know. I didn't find any workshops around me when I sneaked awayYan Bai thought of her situation and thought that when she left the wooden house, another Ayi should go there.

"If you remember, there was something special about you when you went back."

On the body? especially?

Ayi tilted his head and was dazed.

She was stunned for a moment and shook her head in silence.

Yan Bai frowned and pondered for a while. As soon as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard her short cry.

"What's the matter?"

Ayi buckled her fingers nervously.

"Well, once, when I went back and changed my clothes, I found some unknown mucus on my back. The liquid was thick and transparent, and had a paste like texture. It smells like Tu demon lotus.

I don't remember where I got it. The taste of Tu Yao Lian is pungent, but the taste on me seems to have been processed, which is very weak. If you smell it carefully, you can't recognize it. "

She pauses for a moment, her big eyes twinkle with expectation and looks at Yan Bai.

"Is that a clue?"

Yan Bai fell into thinking and did not respond for a moment.

A Yi slightly unhappy pout, lowered his head and clasped his hands carelessly.

In a moment.

Yan Bai tells Jiang Heng to check whether there is a base for planting herbs in the city.

Jiang Heng nodded and asked questions.

What if those people hid everything in the mountains?

Yan Bai chuckled.

"If you are a man, you can't do without eating, drinking and Lazar. They must have a stronghold in the city. I have checked before that herbal medicine cultivation is a key support project in Yuncheng. If you want not to be investigated, you always have to drill some holes. "

Jiang Heng's eyes flashed across, nodded with him and turned away.

Yan Bai took Ayi back to the hotel.

The four parted ways.

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