"You want to send me back?"

A Yi follows behind Yan Bai, can't help but open his mouth, small face full of frustration.

She lowered her head and her feet seemed to be glued to the ground, and could not lift them for a long time.

Yan googlen lives, looking back, looking at the top of her brain that one spin.

Ah Yi seemed to feel his eyes and raised them instantly.

They're on each other.

Yiming eyes rippling with a little water vapor, looking at two seconds, crying.

Hearing her suppressed cry, Yan Bai winked.

"What's in your head? Water? You shake it and hear if there's a sound. "

A Yi is stunned, the cry stops suddenly, the eyes are full of tears looking at him, pauses, and really shakes his head.

Yan Bai saw this, and felt helpless. He raised his hand to cover his eyes and sighed silently.

"Do you want to go back?"

A Yi clenched his lips and shook his head with tears.

"I don't want to go back."

She didn't want to be a caged bird.

I'm alone. I don't even have a person to talk to.

The voice of Yan Bai is deep.

"If you don't want to go back, you won't go back."

"Is that all right?"

"When it's over, I'll take another soul out of your body and you'll be free. It's just that taking souls is risky. It's very likely that you are suppressed by her and disappear. Do you want to try it? "

Ah Yi nodded with little hesitation.

"I'll try."

From Yan Bai's words, she understood that this was the only condition to stay.

Yan Bai nodded his head.

"If you have consciousness, you will be fine."

A Yi raised his hand to wipe away tears on his face and nodded firmly.

"I can do it."

Yan Bai nodded silently, hooked her hand and turned away.

Ayi regained his mind and kept up with him.

Follow Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng quickly found out the situation of the herbal base.

"The largest base, called Yunding, is at the southwest of the foot of the mountain we went to."

It's the opposite direction that they went up the mountain.

Although there is no evidence to prove that, but their feeling is that, just on.

"Go and have a look."

Yan Bai made a search warrant through a special channel.

He decided to go by himself, leaving Jiang Heng and looking after Ayi.

"Take care not to let her fall asleep. In addition, let someone check the cause of the family's gas poisoning. "

Now the soul power of this Ayi is too low. Once he falls asleep, the control of his body will fall to another person's hand.

Yan Bai is not there, Jiang Heng has no way to suppress, afraid of trouble.

But if you take them with you, Yan Bai feels cumbersome. He has to worry about them in the middle of the way, and he is tied up in his work.

Jiang Heng also understood his meaning and nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her. It's just, you think the family, isn't it an accident? "

"Do you believe it was an accident?"

So coincidentally, when they were in a hurry, there was an accident.

Jiang Heng sighed quietly.

In fact, he also understood, but he was more puzzled about why he was in front of them every time.

He did not dare to think deeply, for fear that some speculation would make him unacceptable.

Yan Bai raised his hand, patted him on the shoulder, took the search warrant, and left.


Yan Bai drives to the herbal medicine base. Before the car stops, someone trots towards him.

Look at the clothes. It's the security guard.

The security guard, holding a baton like object, stood in front of his road, shaking the stick to signal him to stop.

When Yan Bai stepped on the brake, he ran to his window and yelled.

"It's private territory. You can't enter it."

Yan Bai rolled down the window and handed him the search warrant.

The security guard took it with a frown, looked over and over several times, and then looked at Yan Bai for several times. His face was full of disbelief.

"You're the one to search?"

Their herbal medicine base has a hundred acres. What can they search for on their own?

Yan Bai seemed to have not seen the contempt of his eyes, and nodded faintly.

The security guard hesitated for a moment and pointed out the direction of the parking lot to Yan Bai.

"You stop there first, and I'll call the superior."

Yan Bai took a look in the direction of his finger.

So large parking lot, there are a few cars scattered, empty, a little desolate.

His eyes flashed, his face did not change the nod, the car drove past.

When he came back, five people were waiting at the door.One of them met him.

"Hello, what do you call it?"

Yan Bai didn't go to pick up his hand. He nodded gently and said, "Yan."

The other hand is hanging in the air, lonely, a little pathetic.

Suddenly, the air was filled with a sense of embarrassment.

Yan Bai seemed to have no feeling and spoke coldly.

"May I go in?"

The two smiles of the visitor relieved the atmosphere and nodded.

"Well, my name is Li. I'm the person in charge of the base. What are you looking for this time? "

"We suspect that you are involved in a missing case and need to be searched."

Manager Li was stunned and looked behind him.

"You alone?"

Yan Bai nodded and squinted slightly, glancing at him.

"Lead the way."

Cold eyes, let his back a cold, not consciously shrink the neck, the bottom of the heart can not help hair, hesitated for a while, sideways to get out of the way.

Yan Bai goes straight over them and walks into the gate. When people are not paying attention, he throws out a thousand paper cranes.

The paper crane has a hair in its mouth. It is he who seeks hunger from the guide's home.

No one paid attention to his movements, and the paper crane disappeared in a flash.

Manager Li flustered to catch up, with Yan Bai introduced the composition of their base.

Yan Bai directly asked them the location of the research room.

The uneasiness of manager Li's heart was instantly renewed.

"Don't you come for someone?"

"Yes, don't you think it's better for Tibetans in scientific research rooms?"

Manager Li choked and opened his mouth. It took him a long time to spit out a little voice.

"We have a lot of secrets in our research room. It's not convenient for you to go there?"

He paused for a moment, as if suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up.

"I haven't verified your identification yet. Could you show me your identification card, please

Yan Bai raises eyebrows.

"You don't have something to hide, so don't you dare to let me see it?"

Manager Li's face turned pale, and he began to laugh at the corners of his mouth.

"What are you talking about. If you want to leave, we do pharmaceutical. If the new drug leaks, the factory will probably close down. "

Yan Bai looked at him deeply and asked in a low voice, "is that right?"

Manager Li's body was stiff and his strength was not very good.

He tolerated the impulse to raise his hand and not his neck, and nodded coldly.

"However, according to my investigation, there is no R & D license for your herbal medicine base. Then, please tell me what your research laboratory does? "

Li experienced a pupil shock, and looked at Yan Bai for a while. His face became colder and retreated.

The people behind him rushed over in front of him.

"Do it."

The two characters were still floating in the air, and someone raised their hands to Yan Bai's face.

As soon as his eyes were cold, he dodged on his side, raised his hand and punched him hard on the other side's stomach. He turned around again, bent down to avoid the attack of the people who came after him. He swept his legs and kicked the people to.

It's clean and tidy, and there's no redundancy.

Yan Bai is very fast. Manager Li can only see the shadow.

When he reacts, all his thugs have fallen down in a howl.

He was more than surprised, legs slightly soft, staggered back a few steps.

Suddenly, his eyes darkened.

Yan Bai pasted it on his face without expression.

It's about one punch away.

He seemed to feel the breath of the other party hitting his face.

My cheeks hurt inexplicably.

He took a deep breath, subdued his timidity, frowned and yelled in a gruff voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

Yan Bai tilts his head and laughs wildly. It seems that he still has some playful meaning.

"Isn't the warrant still in your hand?"

Manager Li bit his lips and was shocked.

His men are not the kind of street thugs. They are not bad at all.

His mind moved, and he hesitated to think that the evil spirit in front of him was looking for someone.

Yan Bai caught the twinkling light at the bottom of his eyes. His eyes turned and slowly raised his hand.

"You see what I mean."

Manager Li stares and looks at his hands getting closer to his face. His heart is tight. The howl in his ear is magnified infinitely in an instant, which stimulates his nerves. Seeing that his hand is about to fall, he can't bear it. He starts to cry.

"I know where you're looking for!"

He closed his eyes and turned his head to hide for fear of being beaten.

The sound is falling and silent.The wind faintly blows through his cheek, the bottom of his heart bursts cold.

After waiting for a moment, the expected pain did not fall.

He hesitated for a moment, quietly opened a seam, peeked.

Yan Bai stepped back, his hands in front of his heart, looking at the man in front of him with a smile.

Manager Li tried to pull the corners of his mouth, but he still didn't laugh. He gave a dry "ha".

"That I No.... "

Yan Bai raised his hand and interrupted his nonsense.

"Lead the way."

Manager Li stopped, his hands unconsciously kept stirring and struggling.

At this time, he is afraid of the people in front of him, but when the boss comes back and sees the people missing, there will be more terrible things waiting for him.

"I I It was nonsense. I don't know who you're looking for. "

He tangled for a moment and said yes.

Yan's white eyes sank. He raised his eyebrows and looked at him like a smile without opening his mouth.

Silence, like death, immediately surrounded him. Manager Li felt that his heart was like a boulder, and his breathing became difficult.

He asked for mercy, but found he could not speak.

Some "Gaga" meaningless voice around his ears, let his heart feel more afraid.

The other party clearly did not touch him, but he felt as if he had been pinched by someone's neck, and his breath was gradually weakened.

His eyes were bulging, his neck was full of blue veins, he waved his hand unconsciously and called "Wuwu".

"Are you ready to say it?"

Yan Bai asked lightly.

Manager Li waved his hands and nodded hard.

In a flash, the neck is loose.

He opened his mouth, legs a soft, "Dong" a kneeling to the ground.

The sharp pain on the knee, let him not from "ah" cry, collapse to the ground, embrace the knee, can not stop howling, rolling.

Yan Bai didn't expect that he would directly knock down and hurt his knee. With a slight frown on his brow, he went to his front, squatted down, bent his leg, pressed his body, slightly forcefully broke off his hand and touched his knee. After finding that he didn't hurt his knee, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the man.

He waited patiently for the other side to relax.

The wail faded away before he spoke.

"No injury to the knee. But if you bite again, I don't mind hurting you

Manager Li hugged his knee and couldn't help shivering. All the voices were cut off in his throat. He looked at Yan Bai with wide eyes, and his face was full of fear.

"You In the end Who is it? "

This is a little strange.

He made a lot of noise. How could nobody take care of it.

There was a howl on the ground, which was very sad.

He turned around and looked at the surrounding environment carefully. It was quieter against the background of the howl.

"Who else are you?"

Manager Li hugged his legs, hesitated for a moment, and said in a trembling voice, "if the boss takes people out, we'll stay."

Yan Bai picked his eyebrows and flashed across his eyes.

No wonder.

He's in an empty bear hole.

Well, in that case, if you are sick, you will be killed.

He approached manager Li.

Manager Li was so scared that he couldn't help retreating. His legs were on the ground, slightly hot.

"You You want to Want to do Well -- "

Yan Bai knocked people unconscious with a knife.

It's noisy.

He curled his lips slightly in disgust, raised his hand to his lips and whistled softly.

After a while, the little paper crane flew over, rubbed his face happily, raised his head and called "chirp", then turned around to fly twice, and then stopped to shout at him, as if urging.

Yan Bai reached out and gently touched its head.

The little paper crane chirped again and then flew away.

Yan Bai followed it and made a few circles around the medicine field, and saw the little guy stop in front of a big shed.

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