Criminal Investigation Bureau.

"Team Jiang, I'm afraid we can't do it. If you can get a search warrant, I'll send someone to search it for you

Jiang Heng looked at the smiling man in front of him, and his eyes sank.

Jiang Heng thought of Yan Bai's situation, and gradually became irritable, and his tone gradually became tough.

"Chen Ju, please cooperate with us. The situation is urgent."

Chen Ju slightly pick eyebrow, smile in the eye turns pale.

"Jiang team, according to the level, I am your superior."

Jiang Heng smiles gently. His eyes are cold and his voice is heavy.

"I don't mind. Let the officials from the University come."

Not waiting for the immediate response, he took out his mobile phone and called Yan Bai directly, explaining the situation in front of the right side.

Chen Bureau for a moment and it's eye, eye color cold hard, hide a minute not easy to detect disdain.

When he finished the phone call, he said in a soft voice with a smile and a soothing voice.

"Captain Jiang, I just need a search warrant or a search warrant to transfer people. It's really embarrassing for you to tell me something without evidence and let me check the excellent local enterprises. "

Jiang Heng smiles and doesn't respond.

The disdain of Chen Bureau eye ground gradually thick, a little dry cracked lip slants to hook up one side, laugh to make a sound.

"Jiang team, we are all adults, so don't..."

"Bell --"

the desk phone suddenly rings, interrupting his words and startling his people.

Chen Bureau stare at the phone for a long time, inexplicably feel a little uneasy at the bottom of my heart, subconsciously looking up at Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng pick eyebrows, eyes with a little provocative look.

Chen Bureau hand slightly stiff, hesitated for a second before reaching for the phone.

Jiang Heng couldn't hear who the person on the other side of the phone was and what he said. He only saw that the face of the person in front of him gradually deteriorated. I have a general idea.

Chen Ju bowed his head, hung up the phone, and held his hand on the receiver, holding it tightly. His veins suddenly jumped, which was particularly conspicuous.

"Ginger team, happy cooperation."

In a moment, he slowly raised his head, thin lips light hook, looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Heng slightly apologetic smile, nodded a "thank you", as if did not hear the other side's teeth grinding "giggle" voice.

Chen Ju reached out and ordered a little.

"Please, I'll take you to the first criminal investigation team."

Jiang Heng nodded and politely turned aside to let him go first.

Chen Bureau passed in front of him, the corners of his mouth fell down, a touch of hate and anger slipped in his eyes, and his face was cold and heavy.


"This is Jiang Heng, the leader of Gangcheng criminal investigation team, and this is Yan Hao, the leader of our criminal investigation team. Tell him the situation and let him cooperate with your work in Yuncheng. I hope you have a good cooperation. "

After introducing them to Chen Ju, they left.

Yan Hao looks at Chen Ju's face with a smile on his face. He murmurs in his heart.

After the man left, he couldn't help turning Jiang Heng slightly and picking his eyebrows.

"Did you provoke him?"

Jiang Heng smiles and shakes his head. He looked a little anxious.

"Why don't we talk about work?"

Yan Hao took a deep look at him with a little research. He nodded without asking.

Jiang Heng simply and quickly explained the situation and asked him to take people and himself to search the herbal base.

Yan Hao was a little surprised when he heard of "Yunding".

"That's a key support project in our city. We don't want to fight him without solid evidence. Have you applied for a search warrant? "

Jiang Heng nodded.

"My colleagues have already searched once. According to his feedback, all the people on the base have gone. Now it's a vacant lot. He needs me to take someone to see if there are other victims in it.

Because the guide's health is in crisis, he has to leave first. "

Yan Hao doesn't believe it.

"Empty? Can't you? "

Walker pharmaceutical, the largest local pharmaceutical company behind Yunding, is a joint venture. It's a big local tax payer. It has been nearly 20 years since the establishment of the enterprise. It has no negative news and is also enthusiastic about public welfare. It is a conscientious enterprise certified by the state.

Yunding is the largest herbal medicine base they built five years ago with a total investment of nearly 500 million yuan to realize self-sufficiency of special medicine.

How can nobody watch?

"Is it possible that your colleagues did not go to Yunding?"

Jiang Heng shook his head and didn't explain it any more.

"Let's talk on the road. If we delay, I'm afraid of change."

Yan Hao hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he said and nodded his head.

"When I call, I'll go."

Yan Hao thought about the scene. In addition to the team members, he also called two people from the information technology department.

Before leaving, Yan Hao looks at the woman who is following suit after Jiang Heng, and can't help but wonder."Is that your colleague, too?"

Yi's eyes are too curious, floating eyes, it looks like a lost child.

Jiang Heng nodded and said it was his colleague.

Yan Hao's eyebrows slightly invisible pick, eyes still with a bit of disbelief, a faint "Oh", nodded with him, turned to lead the team to leave.

A group of twenty people drove to the great hall.

The car drove near the base. In the distance, they suddenly saw a thick smoke rising from the direction of the base.

Yan Hao's heart leaped and asked his colleagues.

"Is that direction Yunding?"

Colleagues Leng for a second, face color mutation, hasty nod.

"Boss, yes! Is something wrong? "

Yan Hao's face sank, thinking of Jiang Heng's words, his heart was beating uncontrollably. He felt uneasy and bit his lips unconsciously.

"Speed up!"

Driving colleagues dare not say more, step on the gas pedal, whistling away.

A group of people approached, rolling smoke, and the heat from the face, the people were shocked to no action.

Their actions coincide with each other. They look up and stare at everything in front of them.

"Old Old What's to be done, boss? "

Colleagues shivered to his side, eyes full of surprise and horror.

Yan Hao was excited and suddenly came back to his mind and slapped him on the shoulder.

"What else are you looking at? It's called fire fighting! The rest of the people will follow me to put out the fire

After that, he waved and rushed in first.

Jiang Heng's eyes were deep, and he looked at the base which was just like being cooked by fire. The bottom of his eyes rolled and whispered.

"How cruel."

He took a deep breath. He didn't notice for a moment. He choked on the smoke and suddenly coughed. He didn't feel well for a long time.

He covered his mouth with one hand and took out his mobile phone to call Yan Bai.

Yan Bai listened to his words, silently listened to his suppressed cough, and spoke for a long time.

"Be safe when fighting a fire. Take care of Ayi. "

Calm voice, although can not hear any emotion, but Jiang Heng is sensitive to feel his warm anger.


Jiang Heng quietly responded and hung up the phone.

A Yi has been following behind, looking at the big fire in front of her, uneasy like a big fire, almost will burn her.

She watched Jiang Heng hang up the phone and couldn't help but pull the corner of each other's clothes.

Jiang Heng steps a meal, looking back.

"Cough -- cough -- what's the matter?"

A Yi's heart leaped, reached out and stroked his back, helping people to comply.

"Are you all right? Well, is that ok? "

She side eyes, carefully looked at the base.

Jiang Heng raised his hand to cover his mouth, pressed and shook his head to show that he was OK.

As for the base, he doesn't know.

"Are you all right? I'm going to go in, and I'm still... "

"I'll follow you!"

Ah Yi interrupts loudly.

Although she was a little afraid of fire, she was safer to stay with her than to stay alone.

Jiang Heng did not say much, smell speech also just nodded, turned around and left, made a wink at her, motioned her to follow.

Ayi nodded, like a chicken pecking rice, bumping to keep up with his steps.

Jiang Hengyi stepped into the gate of the base and was startled by the fire in front of him.

Burning a prairie fire, the unbridled flying, as if to destroy everything.

The fire, smoke and dust all over the sky, blinded people's eyes, let people breathe.

Jiang Heng covered his mouth and nose, but told a Yi to "pay attention to safety", then raised his feet and rushed into the fire fighting team.

However, if the fire is too big, their behavior is just a drop in the bucket.

Jiang Heng followed him for a while, becoming more and more uneasy.

He had a hunch that after the fire was put out, there would be no more useful clues.

He looked around a little anxiously. A small white building about an office building suddenly attracted his attention.

Jiang Heng thought about it a little, picked up a bucket of water and poured it down. He threw the water on his head slightly, then turned and rushed to Xiaobai building.

Yan Hao was startled at the sight of his action, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed him.

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Heng calm face, pointing to the direction of Xiaobai building.

Yan Hao turned his head and looked at the fire in Xiaobai building. He felt uneasy and pulled his hand.

"There's too much fire, too dangerous!"

Jiang Heng turned his wrist and broke away.

"If you cook it again, there will be nothing left."

Without waiting for Yan Hao to react, he turned and ran away at full speed.

Yan Hao is stunned for a second. His body reacts faster than his brain, but he doesn't return to his mind. He stabs and catches up with him."If the fire enters, it is likely that it will not come out! You haven't assessed the construction quality of Xiaobai building. Don't mess around

Jiang Heng dodged his action nimbly, the speed did not reduce a cent.

"You can't go back, or there's nothing left."

After two cases with Yan Bai, he fully understood a truth.

Change comes later.

The small white building not far away is his only clue.

Yan Hao took aim at the determination in his eyes and was stunned slightly. He could not help but utter a sigh of "ouch". However, he did not stop at his feet. He quickly followed him and ran to the Xiaobai building.

Jiang Heng stopped at the door and reached out to stop him.

"You wait here. I'll go in myself."

Yan Hao shook his head and refused.

"No, you are too dangerous by yourself. There's still a bit of care for them. "

Jiang Heng shakes his head.

"You wait for me below. It's not right. I jump out and you can pick me up."

Yan Hao stares at Jiang Heng's physique and swallows.

"Are you kidding me

Let's take this one and add another gravitational acceleration.

He felt that he would not be crushed to death or disabled.

Jiang Heng smiles.

"If something happens to me, take care of my colleagues. We must keep a firm eye on her and make no mistake. "

Jiang Heng said that, without waiting for him to answer, he took a deep look at him and turned to rush into the small white building in the sea of fire.


Yan Hao stretched out his hand in a hurry, his face agitated.

"I didn't promise to take care of my own people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!