As soon as Jiang Heng entered the Xiaobai building, a heat wave came and nearly overturned him.

He tilted his head, raised his hand to cover his face, narrowed his eyes slightly, quickened his pace under his feet, thought for a moment, and ran to the place where the fire was most prosperous.

The third floor.

He had just stepped out of the stairs, scraping and scraping, which made him feel like he was going to burn.

He held his breath and rushed in.

He took a glance upstairs and found that there was only one office on the third floor.

He touched the doorknob and suddenly took a breath of cold.

He pursed his lips and hardly hesitated. He lifted his foot and kicked the door.

There was a big bang and the door didn't move.

He frowned and kicked again.

After a few bangs, the door opened.

Jiang Heng gave another kick, and the door "Dong" hit the wall and was tottering.

He covered his head in wet clothes and ran in.

You can see the computer on your desk at a glance.

Jiang hengchong went over and squatted down to see that the main engine was well protected by the iron protective shell, and it was not burned to a point.

He quickly action, with his hands to endure the hot, Sheng Sheng will shell to break open.

Holding up the mainframe, he saw the file cabinet on the side again. The documents listed in it were burned more than half.

He resisted the impulse that he wanted, turned around and rushed downstairs with the host.


"Boom -"

a huge explosion, accompanied by a violent heat wave, overturned Yan Hao outside the door.

He fell to the ground and, instinctively, rolled out a few more laps to avoid some large flying stones.

When he came back to his mind, he was completely confused.

Jiang Heng is still in it!

He got up in a hurry.

Just now, I hit my leg, and I feel a little shaky.

He staggered toward the small white building, but the body just moved, the building "bang" once again exploded.

Subconsciously, he covered his head and threw himself on the ground. Then he felt some stones falling on his body. His mind was in a mess, with only one thought left.

"It's over!"

The movement behind him calmed down a little, so he quickly turned over to get up and tried to rush to Xiaobai building again.

However, the colleague came with the fire engine and saw his action. He screamed and rushed to hold the man firmly.

"Don't be impulsive, boss. The fire is too big. Come on, put out the fire

For a moment, the alarm bell of the fire engine, the scream of colleagues, and the small explosion noise from time to time in the building were in a chaotic mess.

Yan Hao seems to be deaf. He can't hear a trace of movement when he looks at the busy people coming and going.

Looking at pulling his colleagues' mouth open and close, a blank brain.

"Someone, someone!"

He froze for two seconds and roared.

Colleagues looked at his dirty face for a moment crazy expression, startled to hold people tighter.

"Boss, don't be impulsive! The firemen said there was a second explosion inside, it would hurt people! "

With that, he tried his best to pull people back.

But Yan Hao's struggle was so strong that he could hardly hold people.

Can't, he had to call colleagues, forced to drag people.

Yan Hao is crazy.

He looked at the more and more far away from his own small white building, struggling more powerful.

"There are still people in it!"

A heartrending roar is like the last whine of a beast before it is dying.

Colleagues heart sharp tremble, embrace his hand not to tremble, almost loosen.

They took a deep breath and quickly pressed him down.

"Boss, we can't save someone. The fire is too big and there is a possibility of explosion! We can't help it! "

Yan Hao turned a deaf ear, he struggled desperately, even if there was only one in ten thousand hope, he would try.

He still remembers the look in his eyes that Jiang Heng left before he left.


Yan Hao's whole heart clenched into a ball. In the struggle, the blue veins on his neck burst out.

Colleagues see uncontrollable, silent look at one eye, nodded, directly raised his hand, a hand to cut in his neck.

Yan Hao's movement was stifled, his eyes turned over and he fainted.

Two people Zheng for a second, involuntarily raised eyes to look at one eye.

Eyes floating in the similar uneasiness, but also can not help but quietly relieved.

The two of them held their hearts together and lifted Yan Hao to a relatively safe position.

Midway, encountered some panic Ayi, they will give her care.


"Hiss -"

when Yan Hao wakes up, the sharp pain coming from his neck makes him take a breath of cool air and cover it with his hand.A breath.

Yan Hao wakes up, brushes the floor and sits up.

"Jiang Heng!"


A little thin female voice exclaimed, let him not by a Leng, slant head to see.

After seeing the people around him, his eyes could not help but feel cold. He said "it's you" a little impatiently. He stood up and hurried to find someone.

Ayi came back to himself and looked at his movements. He couldn't help calling him in a low voice.

Yan Hao's body shape slightly a meal, perfunctorily asked.

"What's the matter?"

Ah Yi's body trembled, some afraid, timidly said: "are you looking for Jiang Heng?"

Yan Hao's heart thumped, his eyes turned heavy, and his side eyes looked at him nervously.

"Where is he?"

"To the hospital. Your colleagues went with you. The rest of the people are cleaning up the scene. They let me look at you. "


Yan Hao's eyebrows twitch uncontrollably.

"Is he OK?"

A stiff mouth, think of Jiang Heng was rescued, face can not help floating thick sadness, shake his head.

"Not good."

When the explosion happened, the building collapsed.

Jiang Heng was on the second floor at that time.

When they found him, he was in front of the window on the second floor.

He should have tried to escape from the window when the explosion happened. But the explosion happened so fast that he didn't have time to run out.

The whole back was blasted and the falling stones hit his organs.

When pulled out of the ruins, the whole person is like a rag doll.

However, what is more astonishing is that the computer host he held out was only damaged by surgery, and there was no other damage.

Jiang Heng used his body No, it should be said that he protected the host with his life.

"Your colleagues have brought the mainframe back for inspection. The rest, I don't know

Ayi wanted to go to the hospital with Jiang Heng, but before he could catch up, the car drove away.

There's no way. She can only stay here and wait.

She wants to contact Yan Bai, but she doesn't have any communication tools.

After hearing this, Yan Hao's face sank. The more uneasy he felt in his heart, he prayed secretly.

I hope everything is well with Jiang Heng.

He took a deep breath, collected his mind, and turned his eyes to observe the situation around him.

The fire was put out and the scene was blackened.

He had the opportunity to visit the base with his family.

At that time, a large area of herbal medicine in the base, even the sky green, looks like after exposure to the grassland. The air is fresh, and it seems that it can soothe people's heart, making people feel very relaxed.

But now, beyond the scorching black, the pungent smell is full of people's five senses.

Yan Hao moved his nose uncomfortably and turned to search.

The party, together with the support of the fire brigade, did not leave until it was completely dark.

However, because no useful clues were found, everyone's mood was not very high.

"What are you talking about?"

Yan Hao's face was white and green, his mouth was tight and he nodded heavily.

"By the time we got there, the base was on fire. The fire department will not report the accident until tomorrow. "

"I'm not going to report until tomorrow!? Do you know what Yunding base means to Cloud City!? It burned down! It needs to be held accountable. Do you want to talk about it? Can you take the responsibility? "


"You what you!? Don't you know the seriousness of the situation? When the fire broke out, didn't you know the first time to report? There's nothing left to burn. What do you tell me? "

Yan Hao's mouth moved and he wanted to refute it. However, the angry people in front of him did not give him a chance.

"Walk around and find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible."


Yan Hao tightened his body, raised his hand to salute, turned and walked away quickly.

As soon as he went out, a figure came back to him.

He turned pale and backed away.

However, behind the door, he resisted it, and subconsciously raised his hand to block it.


Ah Yi was hit and didn't hold back a cry.

Hearing a little familiar voice, Yan Hao thought for a while.

"Why you? What are you doing here? "

A Yi rubbed his heart and pouted.

"I want them to help me and take me to the hospital where Jiang Heng went. But they all ignored me. You said, "I can't leave without your command."

Yan Hao nods.

He did.

Before Jiang Heng left, he deliberately explained to Yan Hao that he could see people.

He has broken one of his words. He can't make any more mistakes.Yan Hao nods.

"Well, you'll take care of it and I'll take you."

"Can't I go first?"

Ah Yi is a little anxious.

Jiang Heng and Yan Bai are not there. She looks at the flow of people. She is more and more uneasy and has some fear.

She was afraid.

For a few moments, she couldn't even sink and wanted to go back to the cabin.

But the current situation, is her heart and mind to ask for, she does not want to go back.

But Yan Hao shook his head without hesitation.


The man glared at her coldly.

For a moment, it was like an ice cone piercing her heart.

A Yi can't help but shiver, the timidity in the eyes is more thick, dare not say more, nodded obediently.

Yan Hao murmured and walked towards the office.

"Well, what's new?"

The team members picked up all the evidence they could gather at the scene.

This will be analyzed one by one.

"We took the roots of some herbs that were not burned and sent them to be tested. The fire destroyed many clues on the scene. There's no news from the fire department. "

Yan Hao nodded with an ugly face.

"You go ahead and find out as soon as possible. It's waiting up there. "

My colleague nodded with grave eyes.

Yan Hao patted him on the shoulder.


Then he turned around and left with Ayi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!