
"The patient suffered from multiple organ damage, and the ribs and leg bones were broken to varying degrees. Although the operation is successful, we should pay close attention to his condition. It will also take a long time to recover. "

Yan Hao calmly nodded, said thanks to the doctor and turned to ask ah Yi.

"Are you going to stay in the hospital?"

Ayi couldn't help nodding.

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she suddenly stopped, looked up, and looked at Yan Hao praying.

Yan Hao was a little uneasy because of her urgent eyes. He dodged for a while.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you help me find someone?"

Jiang Heng is like this now. She is a little flustered.

Yan Hao's brain turned. Suddenly, it occurred to him that Jiang Heng had said that there was another person they had come with.

He nodded.

"Do you have a phone?"

Ah Yi was stunned and shook his head.


Ah Yi's big eyes flickered and looked at the people in front of him.

Yan Hao's heart sank and he had a bad feeling in his head.

In his slightly expectant eyes, Ayi bit his lips and shook his head in silence.

Yan Hao was stunned and his nerve "Deng" was cut off.

"Miss, you don't know anything. How can I find someone for you?"

A Yidun, some aggrieved shriveled mouth.

"They didn't tell me. He must have

Her face anxiously pointed to the direction of Jiang Heng's hospital bed.

She knew very well that the ID cards given to them by the two people in the cabin were fake. But, all the time, she didn't want to ask more questions, she always called a pseudonym.

Yan Hao has a headache. He stares at a Yi slightly impatiently and looks in the direction of Jiang Heng. His feet pace back and forth in the same place.

"His mobile phone was destroyed in the fire. Can you think of any other information?"

Ah Yi was stunned and turned to see Jiang Heng. He seemed to be thinking. After a long time, he suddenly called out "ah".

"I remember the hotel we stayed in. Is that all right? "

Yan Hao's eyes brightened with surprise.


Ah Yi tells Yan Hao the name of the hotel he remembers by chance.

According to the room number, Yan haorang checked the information of the occupant and found the information of Yan Bai.

But the registered mobile phone number is Jiang Heng.

He had to use Yan Bai's name to find the system.

Who thinks, Yan Bai's information is S-level, he has no right to view.

Look silly.

A Yi has been staring at his face, see the look is not quite right, the heart also can't help but lift up, carefully close, quietly asked.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Hao took a deep breath in silence and handed her the mobile phone to see for herself.

Ah Yi hesitated to take it and looked at the screen.

She could understand all the words on it, but she didn't understand what it meant.

"This What do you mean

Yan Hao raised eyebrows unexpectedly and stared at her for a few seconds. Seeing that the puzzled look on her face didn't look like a writer, he opened his mouth and explained the situation.

A Yi can't help being anxious.

"How can we find people?"

Yan Hao shakes his head.

Ah Yi froze. The whole person was in a panic. He held Yan Hao's arm tightly with both hands. He was in a state of no control. He was almost ready to jump.

Yan Hao raised his hand and gently patted her on the shoulder.

"We now have only two options."


Ah Yi didn't control the volume well. He called out with a little cry.

Yan Hao had to clap her twice again. He quickly comforted him and said, "one is to wait for Jiang Heng to wake up, the other is to wait for Yan Bai to contact."

Two completely unfamiliar names, let a Yi Leng for a moment, a "who are they", almost blurted out.

She reacted for a moment, only to know that this is the two people's real names, tightly pursed the corners of her lips, eyes in the water vapor sparkling.

"Is there no other way?"

Yan Hao shakes his head and soothes him in a soft voice. He looks at the comatose man on the doctor's bed and asks with a little hesitation.

"Will you wait here for him to wake up?"

Ayi grabs his hand and unconsciously tightens, his face is full of tangled look.

Yan Hao was slightly painful, his face twisted quietly, and he raised his hand and patted her hand.

"That, comrade, it hurts a little."

A Yi stayed for a second, suddenly back to his mind, brush the ground to draw back his hand, and his face turned red.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Confused mind, face flustered.

Yan Hao waved his hand in a hurry, saying that he was OK and told her not to be too thoughtful.

"Do you think it over?"Ah Yi bowed his head, half closed his eyes, covered his tumbling emotion, opened his mouth and said weakly, "I'll be with you."

The sound is as fine as the sound of a mosquito.

Yan Hao recognized a little before he understood what she said. He felt a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Well, let's go back to the bureau first. I have made an agreement with the doctors and nurses here. If there is any situation, I will be informed as soon as possible. "

"Thank you" said a "thank you".

Yan Hao takes people away.

Along the way, he found that Ayi always lowered his head, and his whole body was haunted by the breath of uneasiness, as if he was afraid of something.

At the scene of the fire, smoke and dust swayed in the air with the breeze..

He was in the hospital and took care of the guide's affairs. When his family members came, he saw that the sky turned dark and thought about it. He drove straight to Yunding to make peace with Jiang Heng.

Who wants to

He took a deep breath, held his mind and lifted his foot in for a turn.

Before all, are burned clean.

There are also small buildings that people have to pay attention to.

There was still a pool of wet blood on the ground.

From the surrounding traces, this position once hit a person.

He felt uneasy that the smell of blood smelled familiar.

Yan Bai suddenly thought of Jiang Heng.

Looking at the collapse of the small building, it was caused by the explosion, and the smell of gas floating around made him guess that the explosion was caused by gas.

He had a guess about the scene.

Jiang Heng rushes to the small building to find clues. Unfortunately, he encounters an explosion and has no time to escape. He is affected and crushed in the ruins of the small building.

The criminal police who came with him rescued him.


Maybe it wasn't him.

Yan Bai comforted himself in the bottom of his heart for a while and called the contact person to check whether there was Jiang Heng's admission record recently.

He drove, turned around and went to the Bureau of criminal investigation.

On the way, Yan Bai gets the information of Jiang Heng's injury and admission. He looks a little frozen and thinks about it. He still goes on his journey and goes to the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

When he arrived, he went straight to the criminal investigation team.

Yan Hao was stunned when he heard that someone was visiting. He couldn't help but look at the sky outside the window.

All over the sky, red startling.

Yan Hao's heart suddenly speeds up a few times, giving birth to some inexplicable emotions.

He got up and went downstairs.

Tilt your head, peep over the stairs.

Yan Bai's cold breath is particularly striking in the crowd.

Yan Hao's heart thumped and slowed down.

As soon as Yan Hao stepped down the last step, he turned his eyes without warning.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yan Hao's heart brush to the throat, inexplicably feel nervous and stop.

Yan Bai nodded to him.

Yan Hao took a deep breath in silence, stabilized his mind and walked toward him.


Yan Bai nodded.

"I'm Yan Bai."

Yan Hao quietly relaxed, and a feeling of truth flashed through his heart, and he gave a polite smile.

"Jiang Heng is in hospital. I'll take you to have a look."

Yan Bai raised his hand and stopped him slightly.

"I know about him. I'm here to learn about Yunding, and is Ayi with you? "

Yan Hao's footstep is stunned, Leng nods and points to the upstairs.

"Ayi is in the office. Come with me. "

Yan Bai leaned slightly to show him the way.

Yan Hao turns around and walks first. He can't help but look back at Yan Bai several times.

The person behind him looks handsome and tender. He doesn't look like a jingcha. But the whole body cold and sharp breath, containing a can not be ignored pressure, let people not from the heart of fear.

At first, a light look in his eyes made Yan Hao's heart catch up and pay more respect.

When ah Yi saw Yan Bai, he jumped up and rushed to him like a cannon ball and grabbed his arm.

"You are here at last. He had an accident. I I... "

Without saying a word, he couldn't help crying.

Everyone in the house was startled.

Yan Hao hurried forward, took her shoulder and gently comforted her.

A Yi grabs Yan Bai's hand and cries and chirps for a long time. Then he is calmed down a little.

"I'm sleepy."

All the people were stunned.

Yan Bai stopped for a moment and took out his hand without hesitation.

Yan Hao turned his head in a daze and looked out of the window at the sky. He was puzzled when it was

and he was sleepy?

The next moment.

He only heard Yan Bai say a very cold word."Is the needle still there? If you're sleepy, you'll stick it. "

Yan Hao shivered and hesitated to speak.

"Isn't that good? If you're sleepy, let her sleep. It's nothing. "

Yan Bai turns his eyes and sees that Ayi's eyes are wide open. The water vapor is floating in his eyes and he is looking forward to looking at himself.

"I don't care if I fall asleep."

Yan Bai glanced at her like a smile and said to Yan Hao.

"What did you find at the scene? What's more, how did Jiang Heng get hurt? "

Yan Hao only noticed that he looked at Ayi, but also warned himself that he felt a chill in his back and tightened his nerves. He immediately opened his mouth and reported the situation in his hand quickly.

Yan Baimei's eyes were dark. She could not bear to brush her eyes and sighed slightly.

"Has the computer decrypted?"

"All the data has been deleted, but the motherboard has not been damaged, and the technical department is recovering the data."

"What about the other evidence?"

"Most of the roots of some herbs have been sent to the laboratory for testing."

Yan Bai's eyes were shallow and his voice was light. He was a little bit longer.

"That is to say, you have no evidence now."

Yan Hao's face turned pale. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to nod his head.


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