"Data recovered."

The person of the technical section said for a while, but looked at Yan Hao, and wanted to stop.

Seeing that he was suddenly silent, Yan Hao turned his head and looked up.

"What's the problem?"

The colleague sighed helplessly and nodded.

"I think it's a mess."

Yan Hao can't help but think of the fire in Yunding.

Everything was destroyed.

He felt that the main computer was left behind because there was no value in it.

his face was slightly heavy and he nodded.

"You're going to have a backup print. I'll make a phone call. "


Yan Bai received a phone call in the hospital, and Jiang hengcai left to find Yan Hao.

Yan Hao was worried, but he didn't dare to call to urge him.

The computer was saved by Jiang Heng, but he didn't find out anything.

Now, Yan Bai happens to be in Jiang Heng.

He was afraid that he would make Yan Bai angry because he said too much, and his life would not be too easy.

Obviously, he was only exposed to a short period of time, but his intuition of criminal investigation for many years reminded him that Yan Bai was not easy to provoke.

"Show me the data first."

After hearing Yan Hao's report, Yan Bai frowned slightly, but there was no unexpected look on his face.

It's like an intuition. He can probably understand the man's style.

Cut off the roots, leaving no possibility in the world.

He looked at the exported data, and the more he looked at it, the deeper he became. Inexplicable sense of familiarity with this a bit uneasy.

He took a pen from the desk and drew it on the data.

Yan Hao is on the side, looking at his movements, full of doubts.

Yan Bai's lines on the paper, to him, are like ghost symbols.

For a long time.

Yan Bai stops and slowly puts down his pen.

Yan Hao carefully looked at his expression. His expression was as cold as ink, and his heart was cold.

"What's the matter?"

He hesitated and asked in a low voice.

Yan Bai did not answer.

Gradually, Yan Hao felt that the temperature around him was much lower, and he felt a chill.

He raised his hand nervously, touched his arm, opened his mouth and took a breath.

The light fog suddenly dispersed.

He was in a daze.

It's really cooling down.

He didn't feel strange. He murmured in his heart and raised his hand to touch his arm.

He couldn't see. In front of his breath, there was a devil with a blue face and green eyes.

If Yan Bai didn't protect him in front of him, he would have been strangled by evil spirits.

Evil ghost eyes, green and red, the more bright color, the more hostile.

Yan Bai never thought that he played a "Lianliankan" and drew a devil.

Behind the scenes, the means are really "high"!

He was calm and slapped the devil in the face.

Is bared teeth grinning, drips the saliva evil spirit, directly by his slap to muddle, the small eye suddenly widens.

I wanted to stare at Yan Bai fiercely. Unexpectedly, the eye socket son opens too big, the eyeball "Gulu" of take off frame and out, "pa Ji" once, fell on the ground.

Yan Bai breathed heavily. He could not help but look down. His big eyes blinked. He couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Ghost also Leng, bend down to want to pick up their own eyes.

However, Yan Bai didn't understand his action. Seeing his movement, he was in a state of mind. He suddenly raised his foot and kicked him hard.

The evil ghost "pa" once, was kicked to fly again, "Ba Ji" once pasted on the wall.

Yan Bai looked down at his feet, a little confused.

All of a sudden, I heard a cry of grievance.

He couldn't help turning his eyes.

From the wall, like a rag, the devil slipped down slowly and curled up after landing.

Then, he hugged his head and cried.

Yan Bai was stunned again, a little unable to respond,


Is that too weak?

This is the devil!?

He had deep doubts about his judgment just now.

He stopped at his feet, or slowly walked past, looked down from above, considered for a while, and asked.

"Are you all right?"

The sound falls, the ghost cries, "wow" is bigger.

Yan Bai's forehead Temple jumps, and the corners of his mouth draw unconsciously.

"Well, don't cry. You have something to say."

Ghost ignored him, crying that called a grievance, tear.

It's true that those who hear it cry and those who hear it are sad.

It's just

He met Yan Bai."I said, shut up, don't cry!"

Evil Ghost: "Gaji --"

the body is stiff and choking the neck.

Yan Bai's ear is quiet, and he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And on the other side.

Yan Hao was dazzled and disorganized.

What is this doing?

Are you crazy?

What's in the air?

Am I hallucinating?

He was a rousing spirit to return to his mind, "Wuwu" shook his head and called Yan Bai carefully.

Yan Bai looked back, his eyes were cold, and his eyebrows were light.

Ask "what's the matter?" in silent eyes.

Yan Hao's throat tightened and he quickly waved his hand and gave a dry smile.

"It's OK. It's OK. That is That Who were you talking to just now

Yan Bai pointed to his bag.

"There's a bottle of eye drops in it. It's brown. I took it myself."

Yan Hao can't keep up with his rhythm.

Why eye drops.

Full of doubts, stunned. But the hand seems to have their own consciousness, and when they react to it, they have found out the eyedrops the other side said.

He observed the bottle unconsciously.

Unlike ordinary eye drops, this one feels like glass. There's no label on it, no production date.

No matter how you look at it, it's like three no products.

He could not help hesitating.

Do you really want to drop it into your eyes?

Hesitating between, his hand restlessly opened the lid, dropped a drop in the hand, smell, almost no taste.

He hesitated to raise his eyes and peeked at Yan Bai.

It was just a figure of his back, but he felt a lot of emotions inexplicably. His heart was smothered, and his hands reacted faster than his brain. When he regained consciousness, he had already dropped into his eyes.

A chill.

He blinked, adjusted, turned his head and looked around, feeling nothing changed.


Under the wall in front of him, a mass of dark things attracted his attention.

Curled up, the clothes looked a little dirty.

He wondered.

Why, when did this person come in?

Lost tramp?

He could not help but take a step in that direction. He suddenly stopped and his body was excited.


He didn't see anyone come in!

What is that!?

Yan Bai just talked to him!?

Brain "buzz" of a disordered, eyes can not live to rotate, left and right to see.

After Yan Bai finished speaking, he didn't care about Yan Hao.

He looked at the huddled guy with a headache.

No matter what he asked, the guy didn't respond. Just listen to his voice, shiver, like a frightened rabbit.

Yan Bai wants to be tough, but he is afraid that the other party will be scared by himself and even his soul will be scattered.

He felt the temple jerk straight, raised his hand to rub, but sighed a sigh and softened his voice.

"Who are you?"

The devil shivered again.

Yan Bai took a deep breath, pressed his heart and waited patiently for his response.

For a long time, when he was about to burst out, he put out his hand shaking the rope and pointed to him behind him.

Yan Bai followed his action, turned his head and saw the eyeball that he had just dropped on the ground, and immediately understood his meaning.

Yan Bai rubbed his face with some impatience. He turned and walked to him, picked up his eyes and handed them to him.

"Here, take it."

Yan Hao has been looking at him in a daze, following his actions, seeing the eyeball, he was shocked and called out.

"What are you holding?"

Slightly some sharp voice, noisy Yan Bai not from thick eyebrow a wrinkle, but ignore.

Yan Hao's legs were a little flabby. He trembled and touched the edge of the table. He grabbed a chair and sat down. He did not lose face.

Yan Bai ignored him.

The devil reached for his hand, scratched his eyes, brushed the floor, and buried his head in his knees.

Yan Bai watched his arm move for a moment and then stopped.

I think I pressed my eyes.

"Well, would you like to say it now?"

It took about five seconds.

The devil's head slowly and rigidly turned a little.

Yan Bai seemed to hear the "click" sound of bone rotation. Then he saw a gap between his head and arm, and a little bit of eyes could be seen.

"I'm @ & & @"

Yan Bai:

"Speak up!"Yan Baizhong couldn't bear it any more and gave a deep voice.

The evil ghost trembled and buried himself.

Yan Bai's eyes were jumping and his temples were aching.

Is this tortoise?

He couldn't help but crack his mouth. He took a deep breath, suppressed his tumultuous emotion, pulled the corners of his mouth and tried his best to smile.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hit you. You come out and we'll have a good talk

When the devil heard the word "Da", he trembled again.

Courage is about the size of a needle.

Scold, scold can't, hit, also can't hit.

Yan Bai can't, can only bear to coax for a while.

Finally, the evil ghost was talked about a little, and got up the courage to climb out of the "turtle shell".

"Do you really stop beating me?"

A murmuring inquiry.

Yan Bai nodded firmly, afraid of swearing.

He was sweating and his back was wet.

As the breeze passed by, I couldn't help but feel cold, and there were some chestnuts on my back.

The evil ghost peeked at him for a while. It seemed that it was not too dangerous, so he moved his body and turned his face towards Yan Bai. His body was still curled up into a lump.

Seeing this, Yan Bai quietly breathed a sigh of relief, pulled over a chair and sat down, leaning lazily against the back of the chair.

"Who are you?"

"I don't know. They're all called six or three. "

Six three?

Is there another one or six or two ahead?

Yan Bai asked.

Evil ghost body small amplitude shake for a while, here and there ultra-low voice said that he did not know.

Yan Bai side, from the table will draw their own paper, bent down in front of him.

"Do you know this?"

The evil spirit reached out, carefully grabbed it, and then brush the ground to hide.

After a while, he drew back, carefully put the paper back, nodded.

"Well. My calling sign. "

Yan Bai raises eyebrows.

He has seen the amulets calling for Sanqing, Shangshen and Guiwang.

Evil spirits and soldiers are called under the Yin banner.

But the evil ghost in front of me, unexpectedly someone specially designed the talisman. Is

too idle have an ulterior motive?

Yan Bai didn't understand.

What's more, do you want a special talisman?

The evil spirit shrunk his head and didn't see Yan Bai's cold eyes. He was sensitive and felt a little cold. He could not help but shrink his neck again. He wanted to curl up and hide himself.

Yan Bai picked up the paper and looked at it for a while. He took up his pen and prepared to change the number to draw.

It's protruding. I got a stab in the arm.

He subconsciously turned his eyes and saw Yan Hao staring at himself.

"You That He... "

The hand trembles trembles to point to oneself, again pointed to the ghost in the corner, stammered for half a day, unable to say a complete word.

Yan Bai seemed to notice that there was another person in the room. He gave a calm "Oh".

"Introduce him. His name is Liu San."

Yan Hao looks white. Breathe deeply, try to calm yourself down and open your mouth trembling.

"What is he?"

In fact, his mind has been circling a word.


But he didn't want to admit it and couldn't believe it.

Yan Bai picked his eyebrows and feet and said calmly, "a ghost."

Yan Hao's voice was tight, as if he had been choked. His breath was frozen, his eyes widened, and he turned left and right. He couldn't make a sound for a long time.

Yan Bai didn't care. Seeing that he didn't respond, he lowered his head and studied the data on the paper.

Yan Hao felt that his brain had been beaten around and was reorganizing.

His head kept turning between Yan Bai and the corner of the wall, and his eyes almost fell out.

It took him a long time to calm himself down a little, and gave a low cough.

"Officer Yan, you're not joking with me, are you?"

Hard to say a word, their own feelings have the answer.

Yan Baitou also did not lift back a sentence.

"What do you think?"

Yan Hao was silent.

A moment later, he asked.

"What you just let me drop is not cow tears, is it?"


Yan Bai nodded perfunctorily.

Yan Hao's heart was full of tears.

Come on, qihuo.

He silently raised his hand to wipe the tears that did not exist on his face, and secretly started to fight and nodded.

"And what is his condition?"

Yan Bai stopped for a moment, put down his pen and raised the paper in his hand."I just tried to use my own familiar method to connect the data and draw a talisman, and he came."

Yan Bai thinks, this evil ghost should be a fake and inferior product, cowardly to death. It's not much. It's like this.

After listening to his explanation, Yan Hao nodded clearly.

Face expressionless, heart set off the waves, silent roar.

What the hell!?

Is there a ghost in this world!?

Can't you be awake?

Hallucination, hallucination!

He didn't control it and slapped himself.

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