"Pa --"

the sound is not small.

Yan Baijing shook his head and looked at a little red on his cheek. His eyes changed.

"You are..."

Yan Hao recovered, his face flushed.

That's stupid.

He laughed awkwardly and shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing."

I was stimulated for a while, and I was reorganizing the three outlooks.

Yan Bai took a deep look, and his eyes flashed a look of unknown meaning.

Yan Hao was even more embarrassed. He wanted to get in.

He bowed his head, brewing a long time of emotion, only to summon up the courage to look up. Seeing Yan Bai writing and painting, he hesitated for a moment and turned his eyes to the corner.

The ghost, known as the sixty-three, was huddled in the corner of the wall and smoked from time to time. It felt as if he was dying.

Oh, No.

He was dead.

Long silence.

Yan Hao faintly felt that he was not breathing well.

He looked left and right, got up and walked out.

Out of the office door, he could not help but take a deep breath, only feel that the smell of the air inhaled seems to be different.

He closed his eyes, the heart of the depression relaxed a lot, pause, look back.

The situation is the same as before I left.

He even felt that the radian of Yan Bai's arms had not changed, and he felt a sigh in his heart.


Yan Bai rearranged and combined again and drew several patterns, which did not attract anything.

He took a breath and looked at the twisted lines on the paper. He lifted his hand and dropped it on the table.

The sound of "Dong" made Liu San shiver again.

"Come in."

Six or three for a long time, just shaking the head, look over.

The small eyes in the gap are twinkling.

"What is it?"

"Keep your soul. When I find out that you have no violations, I will send you to reincarnation. "

Six three one suffocation, the body violently shakes up, such as sieve chaff general.

Yan Baixin suddenly raised it and asked nervously.

"What's the matter?"

Six three Shuo Suo, the first time raised his head, as if all the strength of the whole body to look at him, stammered.

"I You Really Can I really be reincarnated? "

After that, he brushed the floor, lowered his head, curled up, and returned to the "turtle shell".

Yan Bai's heart heaved, speechless looked at him for a while.

"Yes, I can. But only if you're not guilty. "

For a long time.

He heard a weak, muffled answer.

"I'm too timid to do anything."

Yan Bai did not respond, but threw the soul star in front of him.

Liu San's ears moved gently, turned to the ground, turned into a blue smoke, floating into the stars.

Yan Bai bent down to pick up the soul star, put it into the bottle and got up.

"What are you doing here?"

When he went out, he saw Yan Hao standing at the door, blocking the door like a door god.

Yan Hao looks back and looks at Yan Bai. Unconsciously, his eyes float towards the inside.

The ghost in the corner is gone.

He gave a slight pause, thinking that the tears he had dropped before had failed. He took a breath of relief and shook his head.

"Nothing. I just can't remember what to do."

Yan Bai looked at him in a vague way.

"Why don't you go to the scene with me again?"

Yan Hao was stunned and nodded.

"Well, I'll get the car keys."


"Will there be anything else in this way?"

Yan Hao got out of the car, his nose moved unconsciously, and the smell of coke in the air was irritating.

Behind him, Yan Bai looked up at the sky which was obviously darker than other places, and shook his head gently.

"If you look carefully, there will always be something."

Yan Hao was stunned and recovered. Yan Bai had gone far away.

He ran after him.

They frowned in front of the medicine field.

Yan Hao looked around for a moment, and asked some uncertain questions.

"Do you have any specific goals? The roots of herbs, or what's next? "

Words fall, he waited for a while, suddenly felt the air around him surging, an invisible force pushed him.

He swayed and almost fell. He crouched down in a hurry, clasped his hands on the edge of the medicine field. After a lot of hard work, he was able to stabilize himself. Looking up at Yan Bai, he just wanted to ask him what was wrong with him, when he saw a silver chain in his palm, he was surprised again.He opened his mouth wide and gaped for a long time.

Yan Bai touched one end of the chain and said softly, "let it out."

The lock soul chain rubbed against his palm, turned around and untied the small cage coiled around his tail.

A black, chubby meat worm, "PATA" fell on the ground.

It seems to be a fall pain, crazy twist the body, rolling on the ground for a few circles, and then stop, head not live toward the earth.

It's just that there seems to be something hard on the surface of the soil that blocks its movement.

It planed for a long time, and didn't throw away any soil.

If No. 2 is there, it will be found that this is the insect she has worked hard to raise.

Yan Bai turns his wrist, and the chain narrows and turns into a bracelet on his wrist.

He went to the black worm, took a short stick from the side and poked it.

"Take me to what you like."

Black insect fat body, like electric shock general, convulsion crazy swing.

Yan poked mercilessly again.

The stick is sharp, it has never left its fat body.

Yan Hao looked at it and felt like there was something beating him. He couldn't help shaking himself.

How cruel!

For a moment, he even thought this guy was thin!

He silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, bit by bit moved behind Yan Bai, whispered.

"Is it all right?"

Yan Bai gently "um" a voice, as a response, the hand moved or did not stop.

Finally, the big black bug couldn't stand it. He twitched, turned his head, and ran away in another direction.

Then Yan Bai stopped and stood up and walked behind it.

The way he strolls around the court gives Yan Hao a momentary illusion.

They are now in some beautiful park.

It's just

In a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by a sheet of scorched black.

He could not help but shudder, shake his head, quietly follow.

The more you go, the more desolate the surrounding environment becomes, and the land under your feet seems to change a little.

Yan Hao can obviously feel a slight collapse under his feet.

After a while, the change became more obvious.

He followed Yan Bai for a period of time. When he felt that he could not stand, Yan Bai stopped.

He quietly breathed a sigh of relief, touched it, and pressed close to Yan Bai's side.

The big black bug twisted its body, smashed its head at a place, and then backed away.

Yan Bai walked over, squatted down and touched the place.

It's soft, wet and greasy. It's a little nauseous.

He twisted his sword eyebrows, and a trace of disgust flashed through his eyes. He took out the stick that had not been thrown away.

Yan Hao has a partial head.

Who would have thought that as soon as he got close to it, he saw a pile of insects crawling out of the hole that Yan Bai poked out.

It's dense and dark. It makes the scalp numb.

He could not help but "Yi" a, shivering necks, jump back.

"What is all this?"

When he finished, he saw that the big black bug was crazy. He rushed over, opened his mouth, blocked the hole, and sucked the insect out of his mouth.

The one who just climbed out was trampled to death by Yan Bai's feet.

He felt a shiver and a chill in his heart.

Especially when he saw Yan Bai lift his foot, the mucus from the bottom of his foot was churning in his stomach. He almost couldn't help spitting it out.

He didn't dare to take a deep breath for fear of smelling something strange. Leaning to the beginning, not breathing, legs shaking rope.

A long silence.

He faintly heard a "burp" sound, neck a stem, some rigid turn around, midway "Ga" stop.

"Are you ready?"

Yan Bai looked at the big black bug with a long body turning over on the ground. If it had long claws, it would probably touch its own stomach.

"Well, no more."

"What were those just now?"

"Poisonous insects."

The big black bug's rank is higher. As soon as the pressure is broken, it frightens those who are not good at running out.

In this run, the big black bug was just finished.

This meal can be more abundant than the previous No. 2 using human body as food.


Yan Hao thought that those insects had been eaten by the big black worm. So, what should they do with what they were looking for?

"Do we have anything else to look for?"

Instead of answering, Yan Bai got up and walked a few steps south from the hole, as if counting the steps.

He was stunned for a moment. He saw that the big black insect followed Yan Bai's steps and slowly twisted his body to climb over.Yan Bai stops.

The big black bug came over, turned around him and hit him with his head again.

The familiar scene gives Yan Hao a picture in his mind. He is excited and has goose bumps all over his body. He quickly turns away from the scene and doesn't look at it.

Yan Bai started to make a move and took off the cover. There was a code lock below.

Yan Bai looks at the big black bug.

The big black bug twisted over and poked six numbers on it with his head. After the sound of "drop", Wei Qu Baba retreated.

If it can speak, it will certainly be unable to help humming, saying that Yan Bai bullied people.

Yan Bai reached for the handle and turned around.

Yan Bai looked over his head.

There is a vertical ladder hanging on the edge.

He called Yan Hao and turned to climb down.

The big black bug was spinning around the door and didn't want to go down.

Yan Bai climbed two steps, then came up again, picked it with a stick, and carried the insect down the hole.

Yan Hao just saw it, and he couldn't help worrying.

"It won't fall to death, will it?"

Yan Bai chuckled.

"Don't worry. It's much bigger than you."

Yan Hao was choked by a word can not stop, secretly smack his mouth, quietly follow his pace, turn over the well.

It was dark under the hole.

When Yan Hao's feet fell to the ground, he felt unreal. He looked around and unconsciously raised his hand to shake in front of his eyes. He could not see anything.

I really can't see my fingers.

His heart shrinks and he can't help calling Yan Bai.

After a second, he saw a light coming. I couldn't help but squint away.

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