Chapter 552: The initial universe, Beihai Holy Cliff!

In a valley hundreds of millions of miles away from the Holy City of Emperor Xi, there is a huge white stone square.

In the center of the square, there is a huge six-pointed star altar.


A triangular black gold spaceship appeared over the square like a phantom.

"This is a prince-class spaceship."

In the square, many people were startled when they saw the black gold spaceship faintly exuding prince-level coercion.

"Which prince is this?"

A group of people stared at the spaceship with burning eyes.

A tall, handsome young man in black clothes quickly got out of the black gold spaceship.

"It's Master Chu Zhou!"

Many people exclaimed in low voices.

Chu Zhou is the new prince of Mirror Universe Company, and the company held a grand celebration for him not long ago.

He has long been known to everyone in the mirror universe company.UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

Like King Beicang back then, he was regarded as an idol by many younger generations of Mirror Universe Company.

"Is this the space-time square that entered the initial universe?"

Chu Zhou looked down, and the square and the altar of the six-pointed star came into his eyes immediately.

He also saw many people standing near the six-pointed star altar, as if waiting.

108 chaotic monuments, in the initial universe.

Space-time square, you can open the universe channel and go to the original universe.

This is why he came to Space-Time Plaza today.

With a thought, he put away the spaceship "Black God" newly configured by the company.

Then his figure moved, and with a swish, he appeared near the altar of the six-pointed star.

"Master Chu Zhou!"

People around him saluted Chu Zhou one after another.

Chu Zhou noticed that when many people looked at him, there was a hint of admiration in their eyes.

"It seems... I also have a lot of fans."

Chu Zhou laughed dumbfoundedly, and greeted everyone politely.

"Master Chu Zhou, is this your first trip to the original universe?"

Venerable Jiuyu stepped forward and asked.

He is the guardian of Space-Time Square.

Therefore, he knew that Chu Zhou had never been to Space-Time Plaza.

"Yeah! First time here."

Chu Zhou smiled and said, "I used to be busy with other things, so I didn't have time to comprehend the Chaos Monument. Now that I'm free for a while, it's time to comprehend the Chaos Monument."

Venerable Jiuyu saw Chu Zhou talking casually, and thought that Master Chu Zhou was quite easy to talk to.

Unlike some princes, they are more or less arrogant. Even if they look friendly on the surface, they are a little uncomfortable to communicate with.

"The Stele of Chaos is the treasure of our entire humanity, and it is indeed worth studying."

Venerable Jiuyu said with a smile, "Moreover, the initial universe where the Chaos Monument is located is also a sacred place for comprehending laws and rules. If you have the opportunity to go there, you must not miss it."

"Master Chu Zhou, it is indeed a pity that you have not entered the initial universe, nor have you comprehended the Chaos Monument during the period of the World Lord."

"Otherwise, it will definitely be easier when you become a Venerable."

When Chu Zhou heard the words, his heart couldn't help but move.

108 chaotic monuments, in the original universe, he already knew this.

But he doesn't know much about the original universe.

"Jiuyu, can you talk about the initial universe?" he asked.

Many people around who also came to Space-Time Plaza for the first time also pricked up their ears.

If someone else asked about the news of the original universe, Venerable Jiuyu might not bother to answer.

But the person who asked the question was Chu Zhou, so he was happy to answer.

"Master Chu Zhou, the initial universe is the new universe in the period of 'the beginning of the universe'..."

"...In this period, the new universe is constantly being perfected and formed, and the original operating rules of the universe will be revealed. It is the best time to comprehend the laws and rules."

"In comparison, the original universe we live in is an extremely perfect universe. The laws and rules of the universe are not revealed at all. The difficulty of comprehending the laws and rules is many times greater."


Venerable Jiuyu succinctly stated some characteristics of the initial universe.

Chu Zhou listened carefully, and couldn't help but look forward to entering the initial universe.

Every time the universe channel is opened, it consumes a huge amount of energy.

Therefore, in order to avoid waste, each time there are 1,000 people, the universe channel will be opened.

time flies.

People keep coming to Space-Time Plaza.

One month later, Venerable Jiuyu saw that there were a thousand people in Time Square, so he waved his hand, and a spaceship shaped like a blue whale appeared above the square.

The blue whale-shaped spaceship was swimming slowly in the void, and there were bursts of crisp and deep calls.

On his body, there are also incomparably complicated cosmic secret lines emerging.

A group of people could not help but feel terror when they felt the aura emanating from the blue whale-shaped spaceship.

Facing the blue whale, their bodies instinctively surrendered.



"Even with the naked eye, you can see it."

"Therefore, in the original universe, it is much easier to understand the laws and rules than in our original universe."

"Of course, the laws and rules of the original universe are still being derived, and they are incomplete, not as perfect as the laws and rules of the original universe."

Chu Zhou and others listened to the words of Venerable Jiuyu, while trying their best to comprehend the rules and lines of rules.

The lines of laws and rules intertwined vertically and horizontally are displayed in front of them very intuitively:

How various laws are combined with each other, how the universe is formed, how the rules work...

Those who are qualified to enter the initial universe are all geniuses.

They know very well how beneficial it would be to be able to witness and understand this process of forming the universe.

Therefore, everyone stared at the initial universe, and raced against time to comprehend it, not wanting to waste a second.

Venerable Jiuyu didn't find it strange when he saw everyone's reaction.

He has seen such a scene too many times.

have long been used to it.

"Everyone, we are going to enter the initial universe."

Venerable Jiuyu said.

With a swish, the Blue Whale flicked its tail, passed through a group of lines of laws and lines of rules, and rushed into the initial universe.

After the Blue Whale entered the initial universe, Chu Zhou and others, through the transparent hull, still saw the endless lines of laws and rules.


Except for the line of law.

They also saw huge chaotic airflows, many scattered planets, and some island-like continents.

Obviously, this initial universe is being formed, and it is still far from becoming a real universe.

The Blue Whale, like a big whale, nimbly shuttles quickly between clusters of chaotic air currents and scattered planets and islands.

A moment later, a continent came into view of Chu Zhou and others.

The Blue Whale quickly rushed into the mainland and rushed towards the end of the mainland.

Soon, Chu Zhou and the others saw a vast cliff and a boundless sea.

"Here we are, this is our destination - Beihai Holy Cliff."

As Venerable Jiuyu said, the Blue Whale stopped for a moment.


In the Blue Whale, 1,000 people looked down curiously, and vaguely saw many ancient pagodas and huge monuments.

"Everyone, I can only send you here."

"Wait a minute, there will be a special temple envoy to welcome you."

"I wish you all good luck in the Beihai Holy Cliff in advance."

After Venerable Jiuyu finished speaking, the hatch in the belly of the Blue Whale opened.

Under the signal of Venerable Jiuyu, everyone flew out of the hatch one by one.


Everyone just left the Blue Whale, when the Blue Whale flicked its tail, it turned around and turned into an afterimage, flying back the same way.

"This primordial universe feels special."

"feel comfortable."

"Yes, very comfortable."

A group of people are suspended in mid-air, and they all feel very comfortable.

"Boss, the aura in this initial universe is different from that of the original universe. The original power is much stronger."

Beibei sniffed, showing an intoxicated look.

"This is normal. Everything in the initial universe is still evolving, and not much original power has been consumed. Of course, the original power here is much richer than that in the original universe."

Chu Zhou said with a smile, and also held back a deep breath.

Immediately, he felt that a substantial source of power flowed into his body along the air, nourishing his body.

In the distance, a white streamer flew over.

"Everyone, I am Roja, the envoy of Beihai Shengya."

A man in white robe appeared in front of Chu Zhou and others.

This person's white robe is very loose, and covers even the head, only revealing one face.

"Before I take you to the location of the 108 Chaos Steles, let me tell you some rules."

"This sacred cliff of the North Sea is a sacred place for us humans."

"You are here, absolutely no fighting can happen. Even if you meet enemies from the outside world here, you can't fight."

"Offenders, die!"

The envoy named Roja glanced sharply at everyone.

Everyone was stunned.

"One more thing. Among the holy cliffs of the North Sea, there are still many ascetics living in seclusion."

"Every one of the ascetics here is super strong in the outside world. Some were once the protagonists of an era."

"When you are here to comprehend the Chaos Monument, it is best not to rush around, so as not to disturb them."

"Once I disturb them, I can only send you back to the original universe in advance."

Roja said again.

Chu Zhou was startled when he heard the words.

There are still many superpowers living in seclusion here?

Some people were once the protagonists of an era?

Suddenly, he felt that this initial universe was not simple, very not simple.