Chapter 553: tombstone!

"The initial world is directly under the control of our human temple... However, the five or five giant forces, as well as some of our top human forces and the Protoss, can send some qualified geniuses or powerhouses to the initial world Comprehend 108 chaotic monuments."

Roja, the envoy of the temple, flew forward with Chu Zhou and others, and introduced the situation of the initial world to Chu Zhou and others.

"So it is."

Chu Zhou, and a group of people suddenly realized.

"Here we are!" Roja said, landing on the ground.

Chu Zhou and others followed and descended.

In front, several ancient pagodas are leaning.

The tower is already covered with a thick layer of dust.

Around several leaning towers, several other short towers fell on the ground, and some wrecks were piled up under the towers.

Moreover, the remains of those ancient pagodas were piled up into tombs.

There is also a tombstone in front of each grave.

A breath of vastness and desolation of the years came rushing towards us.

They looked around and found that there were stone towers in other places, some brand new and some old.

"Why are there such stone towers here? Could it be that the ascetics here are all living in these stone towers? Why do some stone towers fall down? Why are the remains of those ancient towers piled up in graves?"

Chu Zhou and the others had doubts one after another in their hearts.

"Perhaps you have guessed it."

Roja walked in front without looking back, and said lightly, "These stone towers are the residences of ascetics."

"Those stone towers that are still standing mean that the owner of the stone tower is still alive."

"The fallen stone tower means that the owner of the stone tower is dead. The remains of the stone tower are their cemetery."

Chu Zhou and the others were shocked when they heard the words and glanced at the tombs piled up with the remains of stone towers.

According to what Roja said, every ascetic here is a superpower among human beings.

So many superpowers have fallen here?

Roja seemed to know what Chu Zhou and the others were thinking.

He said calmly: "Most of the people who give up everything outside and come here to be ascetics have actually reached their limit."

"If they are content with the status quo and there are no accidents, they can reach the end of the universe in this era."

"It's a pity. Most of them are also arrogant people, unwilling to accept the status quo, and want to make great achievements and break through the limit."

"Easier said than done?"

"Moreover, if the potential is insufficient, if you still hit a higher realm, you will be backlashed by the laws and regulations. It is easy to say that a life of nine deaths is light, and it can almost be said that ten deaths have no life."

"But there are still many people who take risks and try to break through the limit for that glimmer of hope... This is the origin of these tombs."

Chu Zhou and the others couldn't help being startled when they heard this.

They fell into silence.

They can get to this day, which one has not experienced the experience of overcoming obstacles and taking risks?


I understand those seniors who risk their lives and risk their lives.

Compare your heart with your heart.

When one day, they have reached their limit and cannot go any further, will they be willing?

Will any of them risk their lives?

Must have.

This is the unquestionable answer.

"In any case, the courage of these predecessors is worthy of admiration."

Speaking with emotion, Chu Zhou walked to a tomb made of the remains of an ancient pagoda, wiped off the dust on the tombstone with both hands, and then bowed down.

To show my admiration for the brave and diligent courage of my ancestors.

Roya has been watching Chu Zhou's actions, and in his indifferent eyes, a trace of complicated and difficult emotions flashed.

He naturally knew that Chu Zhou was the number one pride of mankind in this era.

He is also the youngest prince in the history of mankind and even the universe.

But he doesn't really care much about these things.

He has experienced an incomparably long time on this holy cliff in the North Sea, and he has seen countless geniuses and superpowers, like a crucian carp crossing a river.

He has become numb to genius.

Moreover, he is also one of the ascetics here, maybe one day, he will be buried here, just like many of his former companions here.

Therefore, after seeing Chu Zhou, he didn't react with excitement.

The heart is like still water.

But seeing Chu Zhou wiping the tombstone and saluting respectfully at this moment, his calm state of mind could not help but ripple.

"This generation's first pride of mankind seems to be a little different."

Roja thought so in his heart.

At this time, Chu Zhou noticed that there were some small characters and many patterns on the tombstone he had wiped just now.

Those patterns look more and more mysterious, as if they contain some kind of mystery.

"Hahaha, a descendant of my clan, this Santa, the tombstone is inscribed on the tombstone of the unique space science "Hand in the Universe" that I painstakingly created all my life... Well, to be precise, it is a fragment."

"Messenger Roja, you are right, it is not important to be rich but not precise, I understand."

Chu Zhou said thanks, but summoned a clone, and let the clone stay here to comprehend the 'universe in the palm'.

Roja: "..."

other people:"..."

Is this how you understand?

"I have dozens of clones. I should have a little more energy than the average person."

Chu Zhou laughed.

Roja and everyone twitched.

At this time, they remembered that Chu Zhou had dozens of avatars, and most of them were venerable avatars.

Each avatar has an independent personality and thinking ability.

Isn't this just a little more energy?

Roja and a group of people stopped talking and walked forward with their heads buried.

Chu Zhou left five avatars to comprehend the tombstones, and did not keep any more.

Roja is right, the 108 Chaos Steles are the most important.

He must arrange most of the avatars to comprehend the Chaos Monument.

Passing one ancient pagoda and tomb after another, Chu Zhou and others soon came to a huge open space.

108 chaotic monuments as towering as mountains came into their eyes.

The monuments of chaos all look like giants with the power to open up the sky, exuding a terrifying aura of suppressing time and space through the ages.

Facing the 108 huge monuments, Chu Zhou and others felt like ants looking up at the mountains.

"Are these the 108 Chaos Monuments?"

They are a little lost.

After a while, they came back to their senses.

Soon, they discovered that there were many figures sitting cross-legged around the 108 chaotic monuments.

Some figures, even if you take a look at them, there is a sense of terror that the sky will collapse.

Some figures have only one world master.

"Remember, not only you geniuses and experts from the outside world, but also many ascetics are here to comprehend the Chaos Monument."

"As long as those people you can't see through at all, there is a high probability that they are ascetics."

"When you study the Chaos Stele, you'd better be quiet, especially don't disturb those ascetics, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Roja glanced sharply at Chu Zhou and the others, and warned.

Chu Zhou and others nodded silently.

"That's it, you can comprehend the Chaos Monument by yourself. When your time is up, I will arrange for someone to send you back to the original universe."

Roja said, then turned and left.

"108 Chaos Monuments, 108 Roads to the Overlord... This is one of the most precious treasures of our mankind!"

"Yes! This opportunity is hard-won, and I must learn more mysteries from the Chaos Tablet."

"Don't waste time, act quickly."

After Roja left, the group of people who came in with Chu Zhou couldn't help but walked towards the chaotic monuments, ready to choose the chaotic monuments they wanted to study.

"Boss, let's hurry up too." Beibei urged in a low voice, with an eager look on his face.

For some reason, although Beibei is not a human being, both Venerable Jiuyu and Roja, after seeing Beibei, acquiesced to Beibei's existence.

Did not stop Beibei from following Chu Zhou into the initial universe.

Nor did it stop Beibei from following Chu Zhou to comprehend the Chaos Monument.

Chu Zhou saw that Venerable Jiuyu and Roja both acquiesced in the existence of Beibei, and he himself pretended to be confused and didn't mention it.

"Okay, let's see which Chaos Monument is suitable for enlightenment."

Chu Zhou smiled dumbly, and casually walked over to a Chaos Stele.

"Huh? Rama is here too."

Suddenly, Chu Zhou saw a familiar figure under a chaotic stele.

It was Rama.

However, he did not greet Rama, but walked quickly to the Chaos Monument, and looked up at the words and patterns on the Chaos Monument.

"Crimson Sky Chaos Monument!"

A piece of information emerged in Chu Zhou's mind.

He immediately knew that the Chaos Monument in front of him was left by a cosmic overlord named 'Red Sky Lord'.

'Lord of the Scarlet Sky' majored in the law of termination.

Therefore, this Chaos Stele contains the practice method of the "Lord of Scarlet Sky" on the Law of Ending.

"The final rule, it seems that it doesn't suit me very well!"

"Don't be in a hurry, let's see the other Chaos Monuments."

Thinking in his heart, Chu Zhou walked towards another Chaos Monument.

"Chu Zhou, are you here too?"

Rama, who was comprehending the 'Monument of Chaos in the Scarlet Sky', suddenly opened his eyes and looked deeply at Chu Zhou's back.