Chapter 14: Battle in the Philippine Sea - Silence (5)

Name:Godzilla Earth: Origin Author:
Chapter 14: Battle in the Philippine Sea - Silence (5)

Dont let your guard down. It may not be dead yet. Deploy unmanned vessels to lay proximity mines in its path! We must block its last escape route.

In the command room furthest away, the people, despite their excitement from the continuous barrage, maintained their basic judgment.

They hadnt gone crazy to the point of thinking that the giant monster was dead just because they carried out a saturation attack.

Godzilla can now be said to be temporarily stunned, unable to react quickly and unable to control its body. Once it regains its senses, it will definitely choose to dive into deep water to avoid attacks on the surface.

Therefore, to block its possibility of diving, they need to approach Godzilla with unmanned submarines within the range of its underwater breath and, at the risk of losing the submarines, deploy a sufficient number of naval mines to prevent Godzilla from diving. This way, it can only endure the attacks in shallow waters.

If they cannot deploy naval mines, they would have to resort to suicide attacks to deter Godzilla and keep it in shallow waters.

The unmanned submarines quickly dive to the deepest depths, reaching the vicinity of Godzilla. Then they release all the naval mines they are carrying, creating a large minefield beneath Godzilla.

With nearly a thousand powerful mines, more destructive than missiles, blocking Godzillas path to dive, victory is assured. Godzilla has now become a captive of humankind.

Its over

In the command center, people observe every move of Godzilla. After confirming that Godzilla showed no signs of further movement after being subjected to saturation attacks for 14 seconds, most of the people here finally breathe a sigh of relief.

They start chatting.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Phew, we finally won I wonder what happened to Wangcai.

Lets go for a drink, Commander. We should celebrate this victory in style!

Were getting the budget!

Godzilla remains silent and stops advancing.

This immediately lightens the atmosphere on the ship, and everyone starts chatting and joking. Even some young generals, who are here to gain experience, are pulling the commander Huangs leg.

Huang, when we go back, my daughter will turn one year old. Can you come over? I want you to draw lots for her and I hope shell draw yours.

Lets not rush, lets talk about it after we get back.

Thank you so much. With you drawing the lots, my daughter will definitely be blessed in the future!

Commander, after this mission, would you be interested in attending my brothers wedding? He has admired you for a long time!

Ill see which day it is when we go back. The battle isnt over yet

Huang, my father wants to talk to you about something after we return

The destroyers, frigates, and submarines start to withdraw. Everyone assumes that Godzilla is already dead. After all, there has been no response for more than ten minutes. If it were still alive, it wouldnt be behaving like this.

As the fleet retreats, the underwater area where Godzillas body is located is no longer disturbed by the sonar from the shockwaves. The sonar of the unmanned submarines can now detect detailed information about Godzilla.

The extent of the damage to Godzillas body underwater the damage

The observers receive detailed information about Godzillas body after the shockwaves from the unmanned submarines no longer interfere. They want to see the extent of damage that humanitys most powerful conventional firepower has inflicted on the monster. However, the moment they see the data, everyone freezes in shock.

How is this possible

Surface deformation, 1.3% How is it possible it only suffered minor damage from such intense bombardment?

If it only suffered minor damage, why is its temperature like this?

According to the new model, after enduring a full 10 minutes of saturation attacks, Godzillas surface only suffered a minor 1.3% damage.

Its almost as if its completely unharmed!

People are left dumbfounded by this result and fall into a state of despair.

If it remains unharmed like this, what methods do we have to harm it? We cant defeat it at all.

Thats what most people think, but some individuals, like the data observers, consider something else.

Since its unharmed and its reactor is unlikely to be fundamentally affected or out of control, why is Godzillas body temperature rising?

The waters around Godzilla are evaporating How is this possible its temperature is still increasing! Didnt its reactor suffer no damage?

In the end, why did this creature stop moving? Didnt it receive any injuries?

The surface temperature exceeds 600, no! 700 degrees its still rising. How is this possible how is it possible What is Godzilla doing? Whats happening inside its body? Any material should have melted at this temperature, so why is its reactor still functioning?

Godzilla, what are you doing?!

The observers shout in disbelief, their faces filled with incredulity.

And at this moment, Commander Huang finally realizes the source of that dissonance.

No wonder he couldnt find the source of it in their fleets operations. After all, it wasnt about them at all. They hadnt done anything wrong

It was Godzilla who had done something wrong.

Notify the entire army to evacuate from Godzilla as quickly as possible!

Its attack is coming!