Chapter 26: Tearing Apart Submarines

Name:Godzilla Earth: Origin Author:
Chapter 26: Tearing Apart Submarines

The flames of nuclear fusion erupted from its mouth.

The ignited nuclear fuel surged out under the magnetic field created by Godzilla.

In an instant, they illuminated the entire Mariana Trench, completely lighting up the pitch-black ocean that had never seen a glimmer of light for millions of years.

The flames of fusion progressed and expanded. As they expanded, they pushed forward, engulfing the countless sea mines above Godzilla.

The sea mines were devoured by the plasma bubble hundreds of meters in diameter, instantly igniting upon entering it due to the extremely high temperature, causing explosions within the bubble.

The pitch-black depths of the deep sea were continuously illuminated by the ion spheres, as Godzilla ceased its breath, but the ion spheres continued to expand.

Occasionally, they would shrink and then expand again, shrink and then expand.


With several consecutive contractions and expansions, the plasma sphere hundreds of meters in diameter exploded, sucking in the surrounding seawater.

Countless sea mines were drawn together with the seawater, gathering in the trench.

Subsequently, Godzilla unleashed its atomic breath once again, obliterating the multitude of sea mines that had been sucked into the depths of the sea floor.

With tremendous explosions and another scorching bubble, the threat above Godzilla was completely eliminated.

Swinging its body, Godzilla confidently floated in the high-temperature seawater.

Eighty-nine percent of the sea mines have lost their response, suspected to be destroyed by Godzilla

The fleet, positioned 30 nautical miles away from Godzilla, maintained a surveillance perimeter. All personnel at different levels watched the data on their panels, ready to report any fluctuations immediately.

Commander Chester sat in the center of the command room, observing Godzilla emerging from the deep sea, and issued orders:

Send the nuclear submarines and unmanned submersibles to intercept it. Dont stay too far away and lure it into using its breath.


The main fleet, aware of Godzillas awakening, began the interception operation 30 nautical miles away.

In the depths of the ocean, hundreds of unmanned submersibles and nuclear submarines approached Godzilla, who was ascending to the surface. Their mission was to provoke Godzilla into using its breath as much as possible in the deep sea.

Godzillas overall energy was limited, which meant its breath was also limited. By depleting its energy in the sea, its destructive power would be significantly reduced on land.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

This was the mission of the navy, considered the most dangerous branch, to exhaust Godzillas breath as much as possible before it reached the shore.

From a distance, Godzilla, rapidly ascending from the deep sea, detected the unwelcome visitors approaching. It abandoned the idea of reaching the ocean surface and instead approached the nuclear submarine formation head-on, seeking a direct confrontation.

The nuclear submarines, together with the unmanned submersibles, launched heavy torpedoes, forming a dense firepower network in front of Godzilla.

A massive water column several hundred meters high rose from the sea, and at the top of the column, one could faintly see the wreckage of the unmanned submersibles through the seawater.

The first team of unmanned submersibles was completely annihilated.

After wiping out the entire first team of submersibles, Godzilla advanced towards the main submarine fleet.

Godzillas speed Godzillas speed has reached 100, no, 150 knots! Its heading towards the nuclear submarine group!

In the distant command center, everyone stared in disbelief at Godzillas performance, which far exceeded its previous speed.

Their original plan was to use the kite strategy, luring Godzilla into attacking with unmanned submersibles in shallow waters.

But now, Godzillas speed had far surpassed that of the submarines.

How can we kite this?

Chester, the overall fleet commander, couldnt help but recall Professor Andres words upon witnessing the situation.

Infinite evolution

Whats the distance between the main submarine fleet and Godzilla?!

Its currently 7, 6 nautical miles!

Have them all disperse and let the unmanned submersibles surround Godzilla to attract its attention! If necessary, abandon the submarines and escape using the escape pods!

Abandon the submarines?

Yes, and have the fleet move away and disperse from Godzilla, the farther, the better.

Abandoning the unmanned submersibles to ensure the safety of the nuclear submarines.

That was the decision made by Commander Chester, just like any responsible commander would doit was the best choice at the moment.

However, they were unaware that Godzilla was not buying into this plan.

Completely ignoring the harassment from the unmanned submersibles, Godzilla stirred the ocean with unimaginable speed.

It submerged into deeper waters, rapidly approaching a nuclear-powered submarine that was firing torpedoes beside it.

Then, it grabbed the hull of the nuclear-powered submarine with its two hands, its claws piercing through several tens of centimeters of steel plates.

With a powerful tug, Godzilla tore the over 100-meter-long nuclear submarine into two halves.


As the torpedoes exploded, the nuclear submarine vanished entirely into the depths of the sea.