Chapter 27: Repeated Breath Attacks

Name:Godzilla Earth: Origin Author:
Chapter 27: Repeated Breath Attacks

Amidst the explosion of the nuclear submarine, Godzilla let go of the wreckage and accelerated toward the positions of other submarines.

Similarly, Godzilla ignored the unmanned submersibles along the way and withstood their firepower, destroying the remaining few nuclear submarines.

Only after that did it turn its attention to the unmanned submersibles and launch an attack.

Underwater explosions occurred one after another, and within just a few minutes, both submarine fleets in the two oceans were annihilated by Godzilla.

Although no one had hoped that the submarine fleet could inflict significant damage on Godzilla, the fact that they were wiped out in such a short time

It was too swift.

As they watched Godzillas actions, the majority of the people in the command center fell into a strange silence.

It recognizes us, recognizes the presence of human submarines.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

It possesses memory, thoughts, and its intelligence might be no less than ours.

Not only in sheer power but perhaps even in intelligence, humans might not be able to overcome this colossal beast.

Since humans are unable to overcome Godzilla in various aspects, what can they rely on? Quantity? Then why arent ants the dominant species on Earth?

As they contemplated this, a sense of despair began to spread, until Commander Chester shouted at them:

What are you fools standing around for? Quickly check how many escape pods have been deployed! So what if its intelligent? Its still our enemy. Do you think it will spare us if we dont fight back?

One! Two! Three! Move!

Number one! Tell me how many escape pods have surfaced from the depths of the sea?

Yes, Mr. Chester. A total of 78 escape pods have surfaced, but its likely that 70% of the people have perished in the sea

Send their locations to headquarters for handling. Number four, tell me the extent of the fleets dispersion.

Yes, sir. Our fleet is currently an average distance of 34 nautical miles away from Godzilla The ships at all levels are steadily moving away from Godzilla.

The command center became lively once again, which relieved Chester a bit.

If these young recruits couldnt muster their fighting spirit in such a situation, their navy would truly be finished.

But Godzillas threat still loomed before them. If one command went wrong, it wouldnt only be their navy that would be done for.

Godzilla, what are you exactly?

However, its accompanying high temperatures easily incinerated the humans on board the transport planes.

The just-taken-off transport planes were enveloped by the high temperatures, temperatures that could not melt steel but could scorch human bodies.

Transport planes, devoid of pilots and passengers, fell from the sky one after another, plunging into the sea.

In the distance, the command center, witnessing all of this, fell into silence for the second time.

It saw through this plan.

Mr. Chester Should we continue? the messenger asked Chester after a period of silence, and Chester, straightening his military cap, issued his command:

Continue, this time let the people disembark 20 nautical miles away.

The second disembarkation was normal. Godzilla did not unleash its breath when they left, but it was the same.

It also did not unleash its breath on the unmanned vessels, even though they had entered its regular range.

Godzilla was well aware of what mattered most to humans.

As for the ships, with industrial robots, people didnt need to worry about their consumption.

What truly mattered was humans themselves.

Ships could be rebuilt, but people familiar with the navy took a long time to regenerate.

Godzilla roamed freely in the sea, only unleashing its breath to annihilate the entire swarm of drones when they were most dense.

Let the people disembark 17 nautical miles away.

A new command indeed brought about Godzillas strike, just like the first time.

The warship remained, but the soldiers on board were completely wiped out.

In front, Godzillas figure undoubtedly became a demon in the eyes of humans.

However, Godzilla, as a monster, didnt care at all about the thoughts of humans.

Moving forward, the fleet probed Godzillas attack range while advancing alongside it.

From high above, they looked like a group of little things guarding their king. However, their king seemed unfriendly towards them.

They were the same in return.

The monster and the fleet moved forward together. After 15 hours, the far eastern land once again appeared before Godzillas eyes.

Godzilla made its third landing!