Chapter 3376

Name:Golden Greenery Author:Zhuo Setong
Zidane wanted to cry, and he wanted to throw himself into a warm and plump arms and have a good cry. In fact, he had tears in his eyes now, but they didn't come out.

It's too hard for Real Madrid to win. Zidane vowed that today is the most difficult game in his coaching career. There is absolutely no one. He can't even remember whether he had such a difficult 90 minutes in those years.

In fact, real didn't win. They just drew 2-2 with Bayern Munich at home. But with a 2-1 win at Allianz six days ago, Real Madrid made it to the Champions League final for the third year in a row with an aggregate score of 4-3.

The match has not yet been decided because the second leg between Manchester City and Roma will not be decided until tomorrow.

Zidane is so hard!

He took office at the beginning of 2016 and is now in charge of Real Madrid's third season. In this process, there is a Champions League, a league champion, a World Club Cup, a European Super League, and a Spanish Super Cup. Coupled with the great cause of three Champions League finals, Qizu is absolutely a success.

In the same period, rivals Barcelona have two league titles, three consecutive titles of the king's cup and a Spanish Super Cup. They are not qualified to show off in front of Real Madrid.

But this season, unless we win the Champions League in the end, Real Madrid will be very ugly, because Barcelona have won the domestic double.

Two days ago, Zhuoyang said that "Barcelona are 14 points ahead of Real Madrid to win the championship ahead of time". In fact, he was wrong. Barcelona are 18 points ahead of Real Madrid. Atletico Madrid have 14 points. Real Madrid are only third in the table. They have nothing to do with the champion for a long time. Even Valencia, who is fourth, has only 4 points.

Barcelona beat Sevilla 5-0 in the final of the king's Cup last week.

The only thing Real Madrid can do better than Barcelona this season is in the Champions League.

Today's game, Benzema may opened twice, let Real Madrid in the second half of the opening will be 2-1 over the score, but after that was Bayern pressed in the Bernabeu.

The 63rd minute, J Luo pulls the score to 2:2 even, after this competition Real Madrid can only defend desperately, completely lives in the life and the death edge.

For many years, Real Madrid have never played such an embarrassing game at home. Bayern shot 23:8, shot 10:3, the ball control rate of Bayern 60%: 40%, finally rely on Navas constantly save God to keep the draw, maybe there is metaphysics.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, Zidane is not a fluke, but sincerely feel unworthy for Bayern.

Zidane is not a man with well-developed lacrimal glands, but after the midfield whistle, he wants to cry very much, which is the fear of perfectionists.

Perhaps tears at the moment also contain anger and grievance.

Qizu has sprouted the idea of going, but he is still hesitating. After all, apart from Real Madrid, he has no interest in coaching other teams.

The team's record is reasonable, but there is a problem in the love relationship between Qizu and Foye, because they have obvious differences on Real Madrid's future team building ideas.

Real Madrid is today's top club, and this number one is not brought by Zidane, Zhuoyang or anyone else. It's the credit of Florentino's painstaking efforts over the years.

Both commercial and competitive achievements have always been the central idea of laofoye. Pursuing or cultivating the first star is the first step to achieve this strategy. From Ronaldo to Zidane, to Kaka and Zhuoyang, it is the implementation of this idea.

But now the problem also lies in Zhuo Yang. He firmly occupies the position of the first person, and there is no sign of falling. In addition to re operating him back to Real Madrid, otherwise Real Madrid can no longer have the "first man".

I can't come back. I have to wait for him to abdicate.

C Luo's commercial value is unknown, but he is half a year older than Zhuoyang. The other five of the six swordsmen are also older than Zhuoyang. Ibrahim is a coffin.

Messi can't come to Real Madrid, Zhuoyang can't come, besides, he is not young.

Real Madrid need to create a character who can shake the flag in football after Zhuo Yang's fall from the peak from now on. None of the above people have this congenital condition.

Zhuo Yang is 33 years old. To be more relaxed, he can still be popular for another three years. Three years later, his successor should be between 21 and 30 years old, no matter how old or young.

Therefore, Neymar, Azar, mbape and grizman are the most promising successors, and Buddha asked Qizu to choose one from the middle.

Zidane said: I don't choose anyone. Ronaldo is OK.

Qizu thinks that three years later, the variables are too big. Maybe Zhuoyang will be hot three years later? So Real Madrid should go step by step, keep an eye on their feet and walk steadily until Zhuoyang is a veteran.

At that time, Real Madrid said "first man strategy".

At present, Real Madrid should still rely on Ronaldo, whether competitive or commercial, because at this stage there is no better choice than him.

Buddha said: Yes, bell.

Qi Zu: what are you talking about? If you trade bell for Azar, I'll set a monument for you, but now you have to force Ronaldo to reduce his salary, renew his contract and reduce his position in the team. I don't think it's appropriate. Uncle Fu, I'll tell you, c Luo tie must be the only one who can make Zhuo Yang go. This young man has strength, not to mention Messi, not even Zhuoyang.

Buddha: Qizu, calm down.

Qizu: I can't calm down. If I want to calm down, I won't take my head against Materazzi.

Mr. Buddha

Maybe it's because of the collapse of contract renewal. Ronaldo's poor performance in the two rounds of the semi-final seems to be back to the wave shooting king a few years ago. Ronaldo, who didn't score, seems to be verifying foyeh's view on him.

Ronaldo's contract with Real Madrid is still one year away. He hopes that the annual salary in the new contract can reach 40 million yuan, surpassing Messi and becoming the first person to work under Zhuoyang. However, foyeh only offered 25 million yuan after adding it.

For a star of Ronaldo's level, if he doesn't increase his salary, he will reduce his price. Everyone is in the circle, and some inside information is very well-informed. It is said that Messi and Neymar will get a salary increase this summer, and they are all 30 million + level, and Messi may even reach 38 million.

Look at me, look at you? The president has reason to be dissatisfied.

If the contract renewal negotiations finally break down, it means that Real Madrid is very likely to sell Ronaldo this summer, otherwise they can only watch his free transfer next year, and the loss will be great.

Ronaldo doesn't want to go. For him, Real Madrid is the best platform for business or competition.

Zidane doesn't want to go. Real Madrid are his home.

But they may have to go, because they are not willing to aggrieve their own people.

But foyeh is also a warlord. Whenever there is a conflict between feelings and interests, in his eyes, Real Madrid will always be the first, and there is no room for any discussion.

If Qizu and c Luo want to make laofoye yield, they have to find something that can make him change his mind. Maybe a Champions League trophy can add weight to stay in Real Madrid, but also can let the old Wang eight change.

In the end, he and Zhuo Yang will die to decide their fate. Qizu and Ronaldo can't help but be in a trance: that dog has never left Real Madrid.

Although the hope is slim, Qi and Luo still pray that the Romans can reverse the miracle of Barcelona at home, never let Zhuoyang enter the Kiev Olympic Stadium at the end of May.

"Lo, if you leave Real Madrid, will you go back to Manchester United?"

C Luo was scared. He felt that Qizu was confused again. The goods are in Manchester City. Do you want me to go to Manchester United?

"Zu, if you leave Real Madrid, do you plan to go to the Premier League?"

Qizu's apple muscle suddenly trembled and immediately responded. He just asked a stupid question.

"I don't go to the Premier League, even if I go back to France to raise pigs in the mountains The heifer goes back on the track - it's driving the train... "