Chapter 186

So now the bankrupt Greece is a good example. Don't spend too much time on it.

Of course, if your cooking and dishes are used as a way of making a living, such as the chef Lin Xiaoqing, it is not in this case.

"The pancake is too troublesome. Change it," said Lin Xiaoqing. "I have a better idea. I remember the lotus root slice I ate when I was a child. What's the taste of it?"

She remembered that the dish was made by mother Lin,

the ingredients used seemed to be glutinous rice, which was put in it

So she asked her to take off the head of the lotus root, cut the tail into a cover, pour the glutinous rice into the lotus root hole, cover it, and fix it with a toothpick.

Then she brought her most afraid of equipment, pressure cooker! This thing came from her heart to her heart. In her last life, she tried to use the pressure cooker to make soup, but she forgot to watch the fire, so she kept burning, so she went to work and forgot about it. What happened?

It was quite earth shaking. She was scolded by the landlord, and then she lost a lot of money to redecorate the house. The most embarrassing thing was that she was swept out of the house. When she was walking in the neighborhood with her luggage, the neighbors gave her all kinds of sanitary eyes Because the pressure cooker she has been burning is no doubt like a bomb. It will explode naturally.

Fortunately, she was not injured at that time, but this psychological shadow has been lingering around her two lives, and she has been afraid to face the pressure cooker, which is regarded by her as the most lethal weapon.

However, this time, with Xuexue behind her to help, she also played twelve points of spirit, which gave her the strongest confidence. After all, if something happened, Xuexue's icy strength could freeze the pressure cooker. What's more terrible?

So she put the lotus root into a pressure cooker and added water Yes, it's the water of the river. Of course, others don't know about it. Then it's better to cover the lotus root. Then she waved her hands around and around again. Then she put in pieces of sugar and rock sugar to taste, and added red yeast rice to color.

What's the ending? Lin Xiaoqing jumps up and down, turns over three somersaults and then covers it. He cooks it for two or three hours and takes it out. Only in this way can lotus root slices be soft. Can he do nothing with time?

Then you underestimate her and the many inhuman guys around her. With the help of magic, it's OK in the blink of an eye. So she cut the lotus root into thin slices and drizzled with chocolate candy to make it.

"Wow, it's really delicious," Xuexue said, looking at the lotus root slices on the plate. "I'll remember this dish. You can cook it for me later." She naturally won't try to eat the dish in front of her. She doesn't want to forget who she is.

"Ha ha, is it delicious? I'm so greedy of you, but this dish is very common. It's no big deal. As long as I remember today's process, I can make it again. "

So far, she has made three dishes, and the number of Tianting construction team is really large, so it's not enough to eat. She has to continue to cook, so what's the next dish?

It's a very difficult problem for her. If you think about it, there are so many ingredients in front of you that you can basically find what you want. As a cook, what do you want to do? It's so hard to choose.

Think about it, she began to make lazy again, in front of swept chicken legs and wings and so on, came up with an idea.

Now I'm a child's mother, and it's not as easy as when I was a thousand students. Naturally, the focus of attention will shift to my family. In the past, hiking with friends and classmates, barbecue and other things will not be so easy to happen again. After all, even if you want to burn now, others may not have time to accompany you.

Other people have their work and life, and she also has her own busy, this barbecue is of course all kinds of interesting ah, think about it feel sorry.

In order to commemorate the youth in the distance, let's make chicken wings! So she found out 50 chicken wings from the ingredients, including a few large pieces of ginger, a bunch of green onions, and small onions. Anyway, it's not harmful to put too much of them, but it tastes better.

And the second step? That is I saw Lin Xiaoqing holding a pork knife, eyes closed, and then recited to the knife: "the darkest dusk, the darkest earth, give me the power of the tribe, madesia!" With that, she scratched the surface of the chicken wings twice. It's not for fun, but there's a gateway inside. It's mainly for the convenience of savoring when marinating. What's the matter? Can you know without telling me?

Then, put a packet of sugar, a ladle of salt, a bottle of soy sauce, a bottle of raw soy sauce, half a bottle of oyster sauce, a bottle of cooking wine and black pepper into the chicken wings. It depends on how much you like to add. It doesn't matter if you shake your hand and throw the whole packet down. Anyway, it's not for you to eat it yourself. After that, you can just throw ginger, scallion and onion.

Then cover it with plastic wrap and marinate it for about two hours, but you know what's going on now. You have to use magic to speed up the next step, so the fourth step comes.

Preheat the oven. The oven from Tianting is really special. It's a big brand. It's not the kind of thing that costs more than 200 yuan and has to be mailed. So the key point is to adjust it to 190 ℃ and preheat it for about 10 minutes.Next, Lin Xiaoqing put her hands together and yelled madesia at the sky. Then she put the chicken wings on a tin bottomed baking pan. Then bake in the oven for ten minutes.

She stopped dancing, threw the pork knife into the air like a juggler, and then kicked it directly into the ice. Now we can't use this knife for the time being, because after baking, take out the chicken wings, brush a layer of oil on the surface, and then sprinkle some chili powder according to your own taste. Then put it in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.

do you think it's knife washing? That's not what she meant at all. After all, the water from the river should penetrate more into the dishes, but there is no water for roast chicken wings, so she must change her skills to cope with the current situation. The more water she uses, the better it will be.

So what kind of food uses a lot of water? You'd say soup. Yes, it is.

as for the soup, she has no idea at all for a while. What the saying goes is simple, and it can be learned. After all, the essence of soup is the water boiled out of ingredients. The simplest is to throw any ingredients into the pot, add water and stew.

If you want to pay attention to it, it can also be very complicated. First of all, you should consider the ratio of various ingredients. For example, in this herbal chicken soup, you have to use black chicken and herbal medicine, never use other beef and pork to spoil the taste, and you can't add any messy vegetables to it. That's death.

The knowledge of soup making is mysterious. Although Lin Xiaoqing has been studying what's good for his health since Song Beichuan got sick, it's not as good as an aunt who has been in charge of the kitchen for ten years.

But there is one thing that aunts and aunts are not enough for her to see, that is, boundless creativity, persistent innovation and death of dishes. She dares to be second, and no one dares to be first.

"Heaven and earth, nine days of durian to meet!" This is a joke of course, but it's not her nonsense to use durian to make soup. It really works.

Durian has a high nutritional value. If you eat it regularly, it can make your body strong, strengthen the spleen, replenish qi and body. It is a nourishing and beneficial fruit. In Thailand, it is often used as a tonic for patients and postpartum women.

Durian can activate blood circulation and disperse cold, relieve menstrual pain, improve stomach cold and promote body temperature rise. It is an ideal good product for people with cold constitution. Cooking soup with durian shell and bone has always been a traditional folk recipe.

It's also good to make soup with durian meat. It not only increases the sweet taste of the soup, but also increases the freshness of the soup. The most important thing is that it also moisturizes the skin and nourishes the face. It's an absolute good product for autumn and winter nourishment.

It's a rare place for you to join the Tanghe as a woman?

So Lin Xiaoqing brought chicken wings root and durian meat. Durian here is the kind of cooked durian. It stinks in some people's eyes, but it smells delicious in more people's eyes. She washed and blanched the chicken wing roots, and then ate half of the durian herself. Then she put the remaining durian meat, chicken wing roots and washed and seeded red dates into the pot.

"Xuexue, do you want to eat durian?" "If you don't like it, I'll hate you!" she asked without looking back

Snow girl curled her mouth, "I can't stand that smell. You go away quickly, it stinks!"

Lin Xiaoqing tut a, and then deliberately jump to her side, a hug her, "ha ha, if this is stinky, we will stink you!"

At this time, it's natural to boil the pot with a big fire. With the blessing of the magic, the first stage can be completed in less than 10 minutes. At this time, the second step is to pour the whole pot into the electric stew pot. The key point is which step is next. It takes two hours to collect the soup. Finally, it must be stewed in a big fire.

When you open the lid, you don't need to add any refined salt. The sweet taste alone is enough to make people cry. This taste, however, should be in heaven, should not be forced to stay in the human world, eh You said that you were in the hell. Naturally, I ignored it. ,

"Hey, how does it taste..." Snow girl smell, incredible way: "very good ah, I can't believe you can make such an amazing soup, what's this called?"

"What kind of soup?" Lin Xiaoqing pointed out and thought for a long time before he said, "of course, there is no name, but I can name it" flying under the sky and respecting myself, durian is the best to eat soup! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!