"Our ideas have to change." Looking at the senior executives, Gao Leng said, "we have always wanted to promote culture and give them the quintessence of our ancestors, but our culture is broad and profound. Will such a positioning be difficult to achieve in itself?"

After hearing this, the executives were stunned.

"Clouds against rain, snow against wind, evening light against clear sky, laihong against quyan, resident birds against singing insects, three foot sword and six Jun bow, Lingbei against Jiangdong, these are the most common couplets of our culture. It's very simple to explain them to an imperial. But you have to explain it to a foreigner. How does he understand it? " Gao Leng asked again.

Gaoleng people don't seem to understand what gaoleng means.

"For example, our landscape painting, in addition to painting, has inscriptions on it. The literati have two strokes, and a wonderful sentence can make the painting more precious. But foreigners don't understand it. It's hard for them to understand our words, not to mention the charm. "

Gao Leng is fully aware that he has made a mistake in this direction. He always wants to use his ancestors' good things to promote them. It's meaningless to promote antiques. There are so many antiques, and they will be gone when they are sold out. There are so many intangible cultures in the Empire, it's a pity not to promote them.

It's a pity.

But the problem is that although the Empire has begun to rise, the culture is too thick. The United States has only two hundred years of history. You ask him to understand why the Empire people drink hot water, why the Empire girls can't drink cold water during their physiological period, and why they are in confinement. They can't understand that their girls still drink ice water during their physiological period, and after giving birth to their children, they hop all over the world.

Just talking about health preservation, Asian women's skin is really the best. By the age of 40 or 50, most people's skin is smooth even though they have some wrinkles. If you look at the Americans of this age group, can you still see the skin?

Their short history of 200 years is not enough to understand the 5000 year experience of our great empire.

It is better for culture to develop in Europe first. After all, Europe has a longer history. After all, imperial culture is the only one in human history that has been handed down from ancient times to the present. It can be said that what the ancient sages looked like is the same with us now. Although there are some differences, our souls are interlinked.

After the reform and opening up, we can also understand why the monarch is the monarch and the minister is the minister in the same way as the Millennium sages.

"It's hard for them to understand. Don't say it's right. If it's a little harder, it won't work."

"Antiques are easy to sell. They know they are good things. It's really difficult to promote new works with culture as the carrier. They have to pay for the new fans. In addition to being good, they have to understand our culture. With respect, this It's too hard! "

Executives nodded.

"we always want to give them the best and the best, but they ignore one thing. They don't understand."

Gao Leng looked at these executives and said.

"That's what we want to promote culture. You say, if we don't bring out good things, how can they pay for it? We've got something good out of here. I don't understand! " A senior executive is a little younger, and he is very angry.

"We didn't take what best represents our culture." Gao Leng stretched out a finger: "words, our words."


Executives look puzzled.

Words? Can those foreigners understand?

"Mr. Gao, this Su fan is hard to understand, but it's a good thing. They are more likely to accept it. You said to promote Chinese characters..."

"Yes, compared with fans, fans are better promoted. Although they don't know the landscape paintings, they always think antiques are better, but compared with fans Hype, hype... "

On hearing that Gao Leng's general direction was to be changed into words, the executives were very surprised and immediately put forward their objection.

"No, fans are still promoted, but we must add some easy to understand contents. This is just like the slogans put forward by Mao Zedong to the broad masses of farmers during our war period, which are easy to understand one by one. To treat these foreigners, we have to do the same. We have to simplify them, make them face-to-face, put it simply, be stupid." Gao Leng said slowly.

The promotion of foreigners as idiots is quite a point of view, which executives have never seen.

Isn't the promotion of culture all about bringing out the best?

Gao lengding's direction seems to be quite different from that of the general environment.

"When we set up the Imperial Culture Museum, we put our fans, silk, bottles and cans, intangible cultural heritage and other things on it. Except for very few items, the price is very high, others are on the upper middle route." Gao Leng pondered for a while: "for example, the fan sets the price of an LV bag, and so on."

Imperial Culture Museum sounds like a very high-end Museum. It can really make a brand, but the price is a little low.

"Those intangible cultural heritages are just full of appearances in the early stage. The first product we beat out is not this, but words. We sell words." Gao Leng smiles confidently and taps his fingers on the table.

Executives look at each other.Intangible cultural heritage has become a fist product and an auxiliary product. That's OK. Selling words? How to sell words?

"Tattoo." Gao Leng rolled up his sleeve and pointed to: "tattoo on tattoo."

Executives were stunned.

I've never heard of promoting culture from tattoo

"You mean Stab the words on your body? " One executive thought he had heard wrong and asked cautiously.

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded: "many people in Europe like tattoos. This market is very big. From high-end people to ordinary people, many of them leave tattoos on their bodies. They also have some Chinese characters, but most of them are very ugly. I'm optimistic that the Chinese characters of several football stars are really ugly."

"You mean, in our imperial Cultural Center Arrange tattoos? " One executive obviously couldn't believe it.

"Yes, our Imperial Culture Museum doesn't need to be very big. It's just as big as two facades. Each big city will have five or six. Our media will continue to publicize them. First, they publicize the Chinese character tattoos of some celebrities, make jokes, and then tell them that there are experts who study Chinese characters in Imperial Culture Museum. Naturally, the price is higher than that of the small tattoo Museum, but it's also expensive It can't be too expensive. We'll introduce something at a low price so that young people who don't have much money can come and play. "

Tattoo is very popular overseas. In recent years, it has also become popular to tattoo a few Chinese characters on the body. However, most of the tattoo halls they went to didn't understand imperial culture, so they chose good-looking characters casually. Some of them even tattooed "I am stupid" on the body, because they thought the "stupid" character was very good-looking.

It's just, isn't this route too low-end?

"In addition, we need to change our Su fan. We need to change some cheap ones. We need to make some of them write without painting landscapes. We need to make sure that the tattoos are painted with the same words."

Executives, you look at me, I look at you.

"It's too rustic, isn't it?" An art director immediately objected: "there's a word on the fan, it's This This is a waste of our culture

"If you paint a landscape painting on the fan, people can't understand your culture. Our goal is to let them experience it first, and be willing to carve Chinese characters on their bodies to form a trend. When they think of Chinese character embroidery, they think that our imperial Pavilion is the most authentic. If we reach this level, we will be half successful."

As soon as Gao Leng's voice dropped, the senior executives did not dare to speak. They knew that once Mr. Gao had made up his mind, he would definitely do it.

"How can we promote it with them? How to write the manuscript? Our Chinese characters are the only ideographic characters that are still in use, and the only characters that come down in one continuous line and never die off. "

"Stop it." Gao Leng immediately interrupted the executive: "the previous sentence 'transliteration still in use' is a continuous line of words. It was a few years ago, highlighting the sense of mystery."

Mystery is foreigners' first feeling of Empire.

A country with thousands of years of history, without understanding culture, feels mysterious.

"Well If it comes down in one continuous line, is it too thin? " The executive in charge of promotion didn't understand: "our Chinese characters are the best at present. Among the six major working languages of the United Nations, the same content report is definitely the thinnest in Chinese. Because we use monosyllabic Chinese characters to express a meaning. For example, if we recite the multiplication table, we can get one by one, and one by two we can get two. Then in English, we have to have one time one equals to one, one time two equals to two

If you want foreigners to tattoo in Chinese, you have to attract them.

Speaking of words, there are too many points that Chinese can speak.

Since the Qin Dynasty, books have been written in the same way, so we can read the books of the ancients and have a direct dialogue with the ancient sages thousands of years ago without much hindrance. But English is different. It's very difficult for English people to read Shakespeare's poems 400 years ago.

This is related to the stability and inheritance of our writing.

This is the highlight of the text.

"No, it can't be promoted. It's too difficult." Gao Leng shook his head and rejected.

"Then..." A senior executive pondered it for a while and said, "let's start from our history. Our Chinese characters are the most reasonable. They are abstracted from all things, but they do not lose their image and beauty. This is the artistic conception and aesthetic feeling that other phonetic characters cannot reflect."

"Beauty should stand out, but what you said is too difficult for them to abstract from all things without losing their image." Gao Leng shook his head.

How to push?

These are the biggest characteristics of Chinese characters.

"Totem." Gao Leng said: "start with totem."


What does this have to do with Chinese characters?

"In the past, Cangjie wrote books, but tianyusu and guiyekui were just like this. Type this sentence out. They can't understand it. It's OK. You can introduce it to them. It's mysterious and mythical enough for them." Gao Leng said.

In the past, Cangjie wrote books, but the rain and the ghosts cried at night. It's said that the day Chinese characters were created, it moved the sky, and there was a millet rain, that is, a grain rain. The demons and monsters were scared to shiver."Mystery?" Executives can tell that what Chinese characters have a long history, what Chinese characters express sound and meaning, they don't push, they push mystery.

"Evil spirit, evil spirit, these four words are used to describe our Chinese characters as a kind of totem. What do you mean? Do you want to be safe? Stick the old totem on your body! Evil spirits, demons and monsters are the fierce ghosts in the myth of the imperial people. They have to be stabbed, especially the adults who have given birth to children. Stab one to ensure safety. "

When Gao Leng finished, everyone was stunned.

This is quite different from the promotion of the advantages of Chinese, with mysterious and even superstitious effect, but also a stab to ensure safety

"Our media push a few words every issue, such as' benevolence '. People who love peace, especially those who love charity, have to carve' benevolence '. They have to carve one! Why? You don't have to explain to him that Confucius said, "benevolent people love others, but people don't understand." Gao Leng looked at the words director and asked.

"Well If it's not so publicized, how can it be publicized? We have a lot of poems about the word "Ren". Many of them are beautiful. If we don't write them... " A lot of poems came out of the director's mind.

"If you write, people don't understand. You have to treat foreigners as fools." Gao Leng patted the table a little depressed: "you just tell him, Ren, next to a single person, which means different people in the world. What do you mean by this two people? Why are the two bars not the same length? It means that people are different from each other in their lives. The two add up to the fact that people with different identities are treated differently. "

The executives understood.

Gao Zong's cultural promotion has been reduced to the level of primary school students.

Peace loving people need tattoos. Listen to this word of benevolence, you have to tattoo one. As for the poetry behind the word "Ren", people can't understand it anyway.

If you don't talk about the profound culture of five thousand years, you can talk about the mystery of five thousand years. This text is just like a totem. One word represents different totems, mystery. Each word is a story, and the tattoo represents that you have a story.

"The most important thing is to report first, criticize those people who have made a fool of themselves, especially public figures, laugh at them, and then tell everyone that if you want to carve a real aesthetic, storytelling, mysterious and Oriental character totem, you have to go to the imperial culture museum."

Gao Leng finished, but the executives didn't look very well.

Obviously, I haven't seen this way. It's a little too

To speak well, it's too grounded. To speak poorly, it's too rustic. When people come overseas to promote culture, they all play advanced, but starlight group starts to play from the tattoos. Even if they play, this Chinese has to explain

It's a pity that those beautiful poems are lost.

Especially fans. It's good to buy a fan with a tattoo, but there's a word written on the fan What is this called

People come here to stab the character Ren and buy a fan with the character Ren. Such a good Su fan should draw a beautiful picture, just one word on top

Neither fish nor fowl, we can't see the profundity of our culture at all.

"To hell with the depth! Those people don't understand! " Gao Leng slapped the table heavily: "your ideas have to change. In terms of culture, we have to treat them as fools, and give them the simplest, the most intuitive, the most complicated, people don't understand!"

It's too low-end.

Although the executives dare not refute, they have some doubts in their hearts. Can such a wild road go to the high end in the future?

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