Chapter 426 Information

426 Information

Rowan's expression turned serious when it was time for business. "Right away, my lord." He removed the satchel and took out a few pieces of paper from within.

"In the last week, I have put down anything and everything peculiar that I have encountered in Corvid in these notes."

He respectfully handed the papers with both hands to Adam. "I have also written down the dates for your convenience."

Adam grabbed the papers with a raised eyebrow, "You wrote them down?"

"Yes, my lord." Rowan nodded anxiously. He put away his hands and kept them hidden underneath the table. Then, he began to fidget with his fingers, hoping that his findings were to Adam's liking.

Adam glanced at the paper and saw that the notes were written in fluent Acaros. Moreover, the handwriting was also pretty neat and beautiful to look at.

As I thought, the youth thought to himself. It seems Rowan has quite the story to tell...

He then started reading the points with rapt attention.

'The gang, Black Blades, brutally enforce control over Bosky neighborhood...'

'Serpent Bearers specialize in smuggling and have influence over the docks...'

'Red Fists, a new gang, challenging the Black Blades for territory...'

Seeing the last point of entry, Adam's eyebrows furrowed. He raised his head and glanced at Rowan, speaking in a hushed tone, "There's a new gang in the neighborhood?"

"That is right, my lord," replied Rowan solemnly, his eyes flashing with hints of fear and panic. "The Red Fists were just another small-time gang before. But since a few months ago, their actions have gotten quite... bold."

"How so?" Adam asked curiously.

"Well, they've taken control of a large majority of shops, inns, and taverns in the Bosky neighborhood." Rowan paused for a moment before voicing out his opinion, "Word on the street is, the Red Fists are under new management."

Adam's eyes narrowed. "And by new management, are you saying it is currently being led by a magus?"

Rowan was silent for a few moments before nervously nodding. "These are just rumors, my lord. I, uh, I'm not entirely sure."

Hearing Adam speak such praises, the server was delighted. She started putting the food plates on the table one by one as she introduced them.

"Two chees loaves, two pumpkin cupcakes iced with orange sprinkles, two frosted sugar cookies, one large lemon chiffon cake with strawberry glaze, two cherry walnut pies, two Linlin's spiced apple cider, and finally two coconut creme cookies!"

After placing all the food on the table, the server smiled brightly, "Enjoy your food~"

Glancing at all the colorful food on the table, Rowan felt like he was already going into a sugar coma. He suddenly thought of his kids and faintly smiled, They would love it...

He glanced at Adam and awkwardly said, "My lord, I... I'm not feeling all that hungry. If it's alright by you, may I pack a little food and take it back home and eat?"

Adam smiled warmly, "It's alright, Rowan. Eat as much as you want. I'll order some food for your kids and wife."

"...Was it that obvious?" Rowan lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it." Adam waved his hand as he began sipping on the apple cider and reading the intel notes.

Having received the youth's word, Rowan felt deeply grateful. With tearful eyes, he grabbed the fork and knife on the table and started to gracefully eat his share.

Seeing the man use cutlery with such familiarity, Adam smirked. Old habits die hard, huh?

He then shifted his attention back to the notes and read each point with a solemn expression.

If these gangs are about to have a full-scale turf war, I must move Rowan and his family to a safer neighborhood.

Hmm, these gangs must have paid off a few city officials, or even some of the wealthy merchants to look the other side when they engage with each other.

But these little gangs are not my concern...

He continued to read the rest of the notes. A lot of them were rumors about smuggling operations that Rowan had overheard in the last week.

Finally, at the end of the last page, something finally caught Adam's interest, causing his eyes to narrow.

What's this about a new religion?!

Could this be... a cult?