Chapter 427 Awkward

427 Awkward

In the Ulier Continent, there were no traditional religions. The absence of divine influence had shaped cultures and societies in unique ways.

The mortals relied on their own strengths. If they did have to pray to an entity, it would always be Mother Nature. Even still, some people prayed to the spirits of their ancestors.

Whereas magi, they studied the arcane arts in the pursuit of the truth.

Yet, in the shadows of this godless land, a new cult had emerged in the slums of Ravenfell, filling a spiritual void that many didn't realize existed.

It can't be the Cult of Bones, could it? Adam thought to himself in alarm. No, this is very unlikely. An organization on the radar of the Brotherhood wouldn't be so foolish to give themselves away so easily.

He glanced at Rowan, who was enjoying the food with great relish, and asked, "What's this religion that you wrote about?"

Rowan first swallowed the food in his mouth before politely replying, "I believe this is a cult, my lord. They call themselves the Children of the Red God."

Adam's eyes narrowed. "The Red God?"

"That's right, my lord." Rowan solemnly nodded. "Although I believe this cult is not that acclaimed, it is still quite renowned in the slums. I have been approached by its followers a few times, but I know better than to trust a charlatan."

"Oh?" Adam was amused. "How do you know it's a charlatan and not a legit magus?"

"It's a gut feeling," replied Rowan. "Their leader is a former beggar named Khali. He claims to have had a vision of an ancient entity called the Red God, promising salvation and prosperity to his followers."

"Salvation and prosperity, huh?" Adam's lips curled up into a smirk. "Sounds like something one would say to rope in the desperate and the downtrodden in the slums."

"You are right, my lord." Rowan nodded. "I believe the leader of this cult is a swindler."

"How so? Does he ask his followers for money they don't have?" Adam chuckled.

"He doesn't, but his followers donate to him nonetheless." There was a trace of pity in Rowan's voice.

"Hmm, I see..." Adam nodded his head.

I too believe this to be a hoax, but this is the first lead I've found on a cult. It doesn't hurt to dig into it, I suppose. I should also inform Daneli...

The pair then continued to eat at their meal where Adam discussed the other things Rowan had heard in the last week.

"This week's stipend," Adam smiled faintly. "Oh, there's also a little something I made for your wife."

"My wife?" Rowan was puzzled. He looked inside the pouch and the first thing that greeted his vision was a crystal vial containing a bright crimson liquid.

He fished out the vial and glanced at it curiously. "My lord, this is..."

"It's a magical potion. I made sure to make it far less potent for your wife's consumption. This will ensure your wife recovers from whatever disease that's been bothering her," said Adam as he took yet another swig from his gourd.

Hearing his words, Rowan's hands trembled. He glanced at Adam with tearful eyes and stuttered, "T-This will cure... Carla?"

"Sure will."

Pearls of tears streamed down Rowan's eyes as he carefully placed the vial back inside the pouch. Then he dropped to the ground and kowtowed. "My lord, thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Oi, oi, don't make it so weird. There's no need to behave like this." Adam retreated a step as he glanced at the man continuously smashing his head on the ground.

"My Lord, wuuu... you have my loyalty till the day I die, wuuu..." Rowan cried out loud, his face covered in tears and snot.

"Stop making a scene, you bastard!" Adam yelled at the man in frustration. "Get on your feet or I'll leave."

"Yes, wuuu..." Rowan stood back up and wiped his eyes. Yet the tears fell down regardless.

Seeing the man sob incessantly, Adam sighed as he came forth and patted his shoulder. "You've been through a lot, huh? Well, continue to work hard and I promise to reward you fairly."

"I will, my lord, I will!" Rowan clenched his fists and replied resolutely.

"Alright then." Adam turned around and strutted away, casually taking out another gourd of wine and drinking from it.

"There's some extra money in the pouch. Should be enough for you to move to a decent apartment in Slate. See you in a week, Rowan!

"Don't slack off. Kahaha!"

Rowan first glanced at the contents inside the pouch and saw that there were indeed a few gold coins inside. This was much more than he had imagined!

His shoulders trembled as even more tears streamed down his face. He then glanced at Adam's departing back and softly whispered.

"Thank you..."