Chapter 434 Flynn Manor

Chapter 434 Flynn Manor

Upstodatee from n(0)/ve/lbIn/.(co/m

A black horse-drawn carriage speedily moved across the cobblestoned streets of the Uptown Quarter. Inside, Adam and Alvertos sat across from one another, but none said a word.

The raven-haired youth didn't like Alvertos one bit. The latter gave him a very unfriendly vibe. Moreover, the old man had been disrespectful to him on several occasions. Adam didn't feel the need to be on good terms with him.

He glanced outside the window, gazing at the beautiful scenery of the posh district he was now in.

After entering through the city's west gate, it took them about thirty minutes before they finally arrived at their destination.

Amidst the narrow alleys and towering spires, a luxurious three-story manor slowly came into view, its dark silhouette etched against the evening sky bathed in blue and orange.

Adam immediately realized that this opulent manor belonged to the Flynn Family when he saw their family crest displayed proudly on thier large entrance gates.

The youth could see an expansive courtyard just beyond the large iron gates. Verdant plants and flowers could be seen growing within.

The carriage soon stopped before the towering gates. Without speaking a word, Alvertos opened the door and hopped down. Then, he gestured for Adam to follow him.

Rank 1 Magi were guarding the gates to this large manor, catching Adam by slight surprise. He thought to himself, Hiring Mana Foundation Magi as security guards... How rich!

After seeing that it was the loyal retainer of the family, the magi respectfully opened the gates and bowed toward Alvertos, making way for him.

As he and Adam stepped into the courtyard, the sweet and intoxicating smell of blooming flowers gently assaulted their nostrils, mixed with the faint aroma of old stones and damp earth.

Reaching the grand entrance of the manor, Adam saw that there were even more Rank 1 Magi guarding this place.

There must be dozens of Mana Foundation Magi constantly patrolling this compound. Is this the might and influence of the Patriarch, a Mana Vortex Magus? How fascinating...

The doors were opened by the guards, revealing the dimly lit interior of the manor. Velvet drapes, tall arched windows, a grand marble staircase, crystal chandeliers, Adam glanced at everything with curious eyes.

"I see." Adam nodded while stroking his chin. He turned his head and looked back at Brigham Flynn. A few moments later, he asked, "When did these symptoms start to show?"

Elysande thought for a moment before replying, "Close to two months now."

"Hmm, and ever since then it's been deteriorating?"

"Yes," said Elysande. She paused for a moment before adding, "Well, now it's slightly better thanks to all the potions, but only slightly."

"Got it." Adam nodded. Then he rolled up his sleeves up to his elbow and stated, "Alright, I'm going to perform diagnosis now. But before that, I need you to tell me everything that might be related to his injury, and I mean everything."

Elysande hesitated for a few moments before finally agreeing, "I understand."

As Adam was taking out all the tools and equipment he might require and placing them on the bedside table, he suddenly said, "I don't want anyone else to be in the room other than you."

Alvertos's expression instantly darkened. Even Elysande was slightly taken aback, but she soon replied, "If you're worried about Alvertos listening in on—"

However, she was cut off by Adam. He turned around and glanced at her, flatly stating, "My Lady, your dog leaves."

"You..." Alvertos menacingly stared at the youth.

However, before he could speak another word, Elysande waved at him. "Please, do as he says."

The old man was slightly taken aback but complied nonetheless. "As you wish, my lady."

Before leaving, he cast a deep glance at Adam, causing the latter to coldly chuckle and further taunt him, "Go on, dog."

Alvertos paused in his footsteps, but a moment later, he briskly walked out of the room.

After the doors to the rooms were shut, Adam glanced at Elysande and spoke in an extremely solemn manner, "Now, tell me everything you know."