Chapter 435 Diagnosis

Chapter 435 Diagnosis

Adam sat before Elysande and asked her a series of questions.

"Can you describe the symptoms your father exhibited before losing consciousness?

"Do you know if he ate, drank, or touched anything unusual in the past few months?

"Was your father in a particular place or around any specific object when the symptoms started to show?"

Elysande truthfully answered every question to the best of her knowledge. As the eldest daughter of the family, she would spend the most time with Brigham compared to the rest of her siblings.

Thus, she was also the person who was most aware of what the Patriarch did or how he spent his time.

"Hmm..." Adam stroked his chin, deep in thought. "So nothing unusual, huh? He would spend most of his time at home practicing mindfulness and rarely go out to handle business?"

"Correct." Elysande nodded. "I believe my father hasn't left the city in the last few years. He spends most of his time practicing mindfulness, while our family business is handled mostly by me and my siblings."

A brief period of silence ensued as Adam tried to get a clear picture of what might have led to Brigham's current state. And for that, he needed to ask more questions.

"Has your father come in contact with magical artifacts, potions, or other strange items before falling ill?

"Has he ever mentioned to you about sensing any unusual magical auras or energies?

"What potions has your father taken since the symptoms began? Also, how is his food and water intake?

"Finally, is there anything else you can think of that might be related to your father's condition?"

Once again, Elysande answered all of Adam's questions in great detail. This allowed the latter to form some deductions. However, this made him all the more confused.

From the looks of it, it seems unlikely that Lord Flynn has been attacked by an outsider since he hasn't had any major conflicts with other Magi in the past...

Then how did he get ill? Could it be that he's just getting old? No, but he's around 400 years old and clearly hasn't reached the end of his lifespan as a Rank 3 Magus.

But Adam's following words reignited that fire within Elysande. "I can remove the toxins though. Then you can wait for Lord Dawson to arrive and fully restore his health."

Elysande's eyes widened in disbelief. "B-But didn't you just say..."

"I said I can't cure him, but that doesn't mean I can't remove the poison from his system," said Adam casually. "Although I won't be able to brew potions to achieve this effect, I can, however, use a type of ritual magic."

"Ritual magic?" Elysande's eyes narrowed. Whenever she heard about this type of magic, she was involuntarily reminded of the vile and evil practices carried out by Dark Magi.

"Don't worry, it's nothing diabolical." Adam waved his hand and assured her. "The ritual draws power from nature and other materials that I'll be using."

Elysande paused for a few moments before steeling her resolve. "Alright, we'll do as you say. What do you need?"

"Nothing. I have everything I require," Adam stated. Although he seemed kindhearted on the surface, he was already devising an expensive receipt in his mind.

The following moment, he weaved a series of hand gestures and pointed his palm in front of him. Following that, a bright magic circle lit up, and then, a direct portal to the Spirit World was formed.

A few seconds later, Yavia agilely flew out of the portal. She looked around the large room curiously before her gaze finally landed on the raven-haired youth.

"Adam~!" She cheerfully flew toward him and greeted him with a brilliant smile.

"You seem to be in a good mood today," Adam chuckled. "Could it be that you missed me?"

"Hmph!" Yavia crossed her arms and pouted in a cute manner. "You think too highly of yourself."

A smile returned to her rosy face as she continued, "Anyways, someone wanted to tag along with me today."

Adam's eyebrows involuntarily creased together. "Someone wanted to what?"

The next moment, another wood spirit flew out of the portal before it closed.

This person greatly resembled Yavia. She first looked around the room with a aloof and indifferent expression. Finally, when her gaze landed on Adam, her lips curled up into a faint smile.

When Adam saw who this person was, his eyes widened in shock.
